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Author: Boylan, Khrista
Resulting in 3 citations.
1. Boylan, Khrista
Miller, Jessie L.
Vaillancourt, Tracy
Szatmari, Peter
Confirmatory Factor Structure of Anxiety and Depression: Evidence of Item Variance across Childhood
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 20,4 (December 2011): 194-202.
Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79
Publisher: Wiley Online
Keyword(s): Behavior Problems Index (BPI); Children, Behavioral Development; Depression (see also CESD); Health, Mental/Psychological; Scale Construction

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

The distinctiveness of anxiety and depressive symptoms in children has previously been questioned based on their high degree of comorbidity, shared risk factors, and treatment response. Developing children may show an unstable presentation of anxiety and depressive symptoms that would complicate interpretation of studies of comorbidity. The present study examined the measurement stability of anxiety and depressive symptoms across time and sex using a large epidemiologic sample of children. A nationally representative cohort of 1329 children (624 girls and 705 boys) aged four to seven in 1994 were drawn from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY). Using eight years of prospective data we examined whether a one or two factor structure of anxiety (five items) and depressive (four items) symptoms would be invariant across time and sex. Despite item variability within each factor across time, confirmatory factor analysis revealed distinct factors for anxiety and depression that were stable across time and sex. Results provide support that covariation between anxiety and depression is not likely the result of measurement overlap. However, items indicating factors of anxiety and depression in the NLSY may not be sufficient to permit developmentally-sensitive measurement of these factors. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Bibliography Citation
Boylan, Khrista, Jessie L. Miller, Tracy Vaillancourt and Peter Szatmari. "Confirmatory Factor Structure of Anxiety and Depression: Evidence of Item Variance across Childhood." International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 20,4 (December 2011): 194-202.
2. Boylan, Khrista
Vaillancourt, Tracy
Szatmari, Peter
Linking Oppositional Behaviour Trajectories to the Development of Depressive Symptoms in Childhood
Child Psychiatry and Human Development 43,3 (June 2012): 484-497.
Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79, NLSY79 Young Adult
Publisher: Springer
Keyword(s): Behavior Problems Index (BPI); Behavioral Problems; CESD (Depression Scale); Depression (see also CESD); Motor and Social Development (MSD)

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

Oppositional defiant disorder in childhood is a predictor of later mood disorders. This study assessed whether groups of children can be identified by their course of co-occurring oppositional and depressive symptoms in childhood using group based trajectory modeling. Participants were a cohort of 932 4 or 5 year old offspring of women participating in the National Longitudinal Study of Youth whose symptom trajectories were modeled across ages 4–13 years. Three co-occurring trajectory groups were found: oppositional symptoms only (23%), oppositional symptoms preceding increasing depressive symptoms over time (16%) and absence of any symptoms (61%). Of all children who developed depressive symptoms, all had moderate or high levels of pre-existing oppositional symptoms. Oppositional symptoms typically precede, or co-occur with depressive symptoms in childhood.
Bibliography Citation
Boylan, Khrista, Tracy Vaillancourt and Peter Szatmari. "Linking Oppositional Behaviour Trajectories to the Development of Depressive Symptoms in Childhood ." Child Psychiatry and Human Development 43,3 (June 2012): 484-497.
3. Van Lieshout, Ryan J.
Boylan, Khrista
Increased Depressive Symptoms in Female but Not Male Adolescents Born at Low Birth Weight in the Offspring of a National Cohort
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 55,7 (July 2010): 422-430.
Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79
Publisher: Canadian Psychiatric Association
Keyword(s): Attention/Attention Deficit; Behavior Problems Index (BPI); Birthweight; CESD (Depression Scale); Depression (see also CESD); Digit Span (also see Memory for Digit Span - WISC); Gender Differences; Intergenerational Patterns/Transmission

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

Objectives: To test if being born at low birth weight (LBW; <2500 g) or being small for gestational age (SGA; <10th percentile for gestational age [GA]) are associated with increased levels of depressive symptoms in youth and, if so, when these first emerge, if the relation is sex-specific, and whether this effect is direct or mediated by early life difficulties.

Methods: Associations between LBW, SGA, and depressive symptoms at ages 4 to 7 years and 10 to 14 years were tested in 1230 children born to the female participants of the National Longitudinal Study of Youth using linear regression models adjusting for maternal age, ethnicity, education, weight, depressive symptoms, marital status, and income. We also adjusted for GA, the child's age, and depressive symptoms at ages 4 to 7 years. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and short-term memory at ages 8 to 10 years were also assessed for their putative role in mediating this relation.

Results: LBW and SGA were associated with increased levels of depressive symptoms in adolescent girls only. This persisted despite adjustment for perinatal factors and was not accounted for by putative mediators. In males and females, increased levels of depressive symptoms were associated with elevated maternal pre-pregnancy weight, depression, and single marital status, as well as childhood ADHD and depressive symptoms. Similar results were found for infants born SGA.

Conclusions: Our results support the existence of a female-specific association between LBW, SGA, and adolescent depressive symptoms. Differences in exposures to maternal mediators of stress or developmental factors may underlie these findings.

Bibliography Citation
Van Lieshout, Ryan J. and Khrista Boylan. "Increased Depressive Symptoms in Female but Not Male Adolescents Born at Low Birth Weight in the Offspring of a National Cohort." Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 55,7 (July 2010): 422-430.