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Author: Duffas, Lu Ann
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. |
Maxwell, Nan L. Duffas, Lu Ann |
A Life-Cycle Model of Female Labor Supply Presented: Baltimore, MD, Population Association of America Meetings, 1989 Cohort(s): Mature Women, Young Women Publisher: Population Association of America Keyword(s): Educational Attainment; Fertility; Heterogeneity; Labor Force Participation; Labor Supply; Life Cycle Research; Women Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher. A formal life-cycle model of female labor supply is developed in which a woman alters her human capital decision- making in accordance with expected life-cycle events. Within such a model, observed state dependence in labor force participation results from either heterogeneity in human capital and child service stock or from constraints on woman's decision-making. By identifying the direct relationship between children and human capital accumulation, the authors clarify the role of life-cycle events on permanent wages. By integrating this relationship into a system of choice and a system of all-or-nothing options, the multitude of influences on a woman's lifetime labor force participation decision are more easily untangled. |
Bibliography Citation
Maxwell, Nan L. and Lu Ann Duffas. "A Life-Cycle Model of Female Labor Supply." Presented: Baltimore, MD, Population Association of America Meetings, 1989. |