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Author: Eggebeen, David J.
Resulting in 7 citations.
1. |
Belsky, Jay Eggebeen, David J. |
Early and Extensive Maternal Employment and Young Children's Socioemotional Development: Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Journal of Marriage and Family 53,4 (November 1991): 1083-1098. Also: Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79, NLSY79 Publisher: National Council on Family Relations Keyword(s): Behavior Problems Index (BPI); Behavioral Problems; Birthweight; Child Care; Child Development; Children, Behavioral Development; General Assessment; Household Composition; Maternal Employment; Pre-natal Care/Exposure; Pre/post Natal Health Care; Temperament Using information pertaining to maternal employment, child care and the socioemotional development of four-to-six-year-old children whose mothers were studied as part of the NLSY, the effects of early and extensive maternal employment/child care were assessed. Families and children were compared as a function of mother's employment across the child's first three years of life. After controlling for differences which existed between families at the time of children's births, it was found that children whose mothers were employed full- time beginning in their first or second year of life (and extensively thereafter) scored more poorly on a composite measure of adjustment (behavior problems + insecurity-compliance) than children whose mothers were not (or only minimally) employed during their first three years. Follow-up analyses revealed that this effect was restricted to the compliance component of the composite adjustment measure, and that children with early and extensive maternal employment/child care experience were significantly more noncompliant than age mates without such early experience. These results are discussed in terms of the current infant day care/early maternal employment controversy. |
Bibliography Citation
Belsky, Jay and David J. Eggebeen. "Early and Extensive Maternal Employment and Young Children's Socioemotional Development: Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth." Journal of Marriage and Family 53,4 (November 1991): 1083-1098.
2. |
Belsky, Jay Eggebeen, David J. |
Early and Extensive Maternal Employment/Child Care and 4-6 Year Olds' Socioemotional Development: Children of the NLSY Working Paper, Department of Individual and Family Studies, Pennsylvania State University, 1990 Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79, NLSY79 Publisher: Penn State University Press Keyword(s): Adolescent Fertility; Behavior Problems Index (BPI); Birthweight; Child Care; Child Development; Children, Behavioral Development; General Assessment; Household Composition; Maternal Employment; Pre-natal Care/Exposure; Pre/post Natal Health Care; Self-Esteem; Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC); Temperament Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher. |
Bibliography Citation
Belsky, Jay and David J. Eggebeen. "Early and Extensive Maternal Employment/Child Care and 4-6 Year Olds' Socioemotional Development: Children of the NLSY." Working Paper, Department of Individual and Family Studies, Pennsylvania State University, 1990. |
3. |
Belsky, Jay Eggebeen, David J. |
Scientific Criticism and the Study of Early and Extensive Maternal Employment Journal of Marriage and Family 53,4 (November 1991): 1107-1110. Also: Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79, NLSY79 Publisher: National Council on Family Relations Keyword(s): Behavior Problems Index (BPI); Birthweight; Child Care; General Assessment; Household Composition; Maternal Employment; Methods/Methodology; Pre-natal Care/Exposure; Pre/post Natal Behavior; Pre/post Natal Health Care; Temperament; Verbal Memory (McCarthy Scale) An exchange on Maternal Employment and Young Children's Adjustment. Belsky and Eggebeen begin their rejoinder to the commentaries on the Belsky and Eggebeen report in this issue with a thought experiment--in fact three thought experiments. They implore the critics to "imagine first that the Belsky and Eggebeen report was not an investigation of the association between early and extensive maternal employment and young children's adjustment, controlling for background factors, but rather a study of the effects of teenage parenthood, child abuse, maternal depression, or poverty--and the results were exactly the same: that children of teenage, depressed, or impoverished parents scored lower on adjustment and were less compliant. Or imagine instead that our investigation was carried out exactly as described, but the results were just the opposite; that is, early and extensive employment was related to higher adjustment and greater cooperation with adults. Or, as a final consideration, imagine that the analyses carried out had been exactly the same as reported, only an index of quality of child care had been available for inclusion in the study; when it was added to the regression model, the statistical effect of early and extensive maternal employment was significantly attenuated, and children who experienced higher-quality care scored higher on adjustment and lower on compliance than those who experienced lower-quality care." After imaging these three scenarios, they pose this simple question: "Would the commentaries to these studies have been different from those concerning the current Belsky and Eggebeen report?" |
Bibliography Citation
Belsky, Jay and David J. Eggebeen. "Scientific Criticism and the Study of Early and Extensive Maternal Employment." Journal of Marriage and Family 53,4 (November 1991): 1107-1110.
4. |
Crockett, Lisa J. Eggebeen, David J. Hawkins, Alan J. |
Fathers Presence and Young Children's Behavioral and Cognitive Adjustment Journal of Family Issues 14,3 (September 1993): 355-377. Also: Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79, NLSY79 Publisher: Sage Publications Keyword(s): Armed Forces Qualifications Test (AFQT); Behavior Problems Index (BPI); Coresidence; Family Structure; Fathers; Fathers, Absence; Fathers, Biological; Hispanics; Maternal Employment; Parents, Single; Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT); Poverty Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher. The present study examined the impact of the biological father on young children's cognitive and behavioral adjustment. Using data from the 1986 Child Supplement of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, the relationship between father's coresidence in the household over the first 3 years of a child's life and children's adjustment was assessed for 1,688 four- to six-year-old children. Two dimensions of father-presence were considered, reflecting the timing of the father's entry into the household and the duration of his presence during the child's first 3 years of life. Within-group analyses of variance indicated significant effects of father-presence for White and Hispanic children and for children born to teenage and older mothers. All of these initial effects disappeared, however, once controls for child characteristics, maternal characteristics, and family resources were introduced in multiple regression models. These findings suggest that the father-effects operated through family characteristics and did not represent unique effects of fathering. |
Bibliography Citation
Crockett, Lisa J., David J. Eggebeen and Alan J. Hawkins. "Fathers Presence and Young Children's Behavioral and Cognitive Adjustment." Journal of Family Issues 14,3 (September 1993): 355-377.
5. |
Dew, Jeffrey Eggebeen, David J. |
Beyond the Wage Premium: Fatherhood and Asset Accumulation Research in Human Development 7,2 (April-June 2010): 140-158. Also: Cohort(s): NLSY79 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group Keyword(s): Assets; Fathers, Influence; Marital Status; Racial Differences Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher. This study examines the association between becoming a father and men's asset accumulation trajectories. It is the first study to include nonmarried fathers in addition to married fathers. We used data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1979 cohort (the 1979 and 1985-2000 wave) and multilevel modeling techniques to examine the research questions. Findings revealed that the association between fatherhood and men's total asset accumulation depended on marriage. Upon becoming fathers, married men increased their rates of asset accumulation. By way of contrast, unmarried men who became fathers had a decline in their rate of asset accumulation, on average. Race also moderated the association between fatherhood and asset accumulation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |
Bibliography Citation
Dew, Jeffrey and David J. Eggebeen. "Beyond the Wage Premium: Fatherhood and Asset Accumulation." Research in Human Development 7,2 (April-June 2010): 140-158.
6. |
Eggebeen, David J. Crockett, Lisa J. Hawkins, Alan J. |
Patterns of Adult Male Coresidence Among Young Children of Adolescent Mothers Family Planning Perspectives 22,5 (September-October 1990): 219-223. Also: Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79, NLSY79 Publisher: Alan Guttmacher Institute Keyword(s): Adolescent Fertility; Age at Birth; Childhood Residence; Children; Children, Well-Being; Family Structure; Fathers; Fathers, Absence; General Assessment; Household Composition; Household Structure; Mothers, Adolescent; Mothers, Race; Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT); Racial Differences Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher. This paper examines the extent to which a sample of young children resided during their first three years of life in a household in which an adult male was present. Data from the NLSY on children ages 3 to 6 in 1986 who were born to adolescent mothers were utilized. Four measures of exposure to the adult male were developed: (1) duration of coresidence (the number of interview years in which a male was present in the child's household); (2) timing of coresidence (when in relationship to the child's birth the male entered the household); (3) stability of the living arrangement (the number of times a primary male moved into or out of the child's household); and (4) the relationship of the adult male to the child. Differences by race and mother's age at birth were analyzed. It was found that: (1) well over three-quarters of the white children (81%) but less than half (45%) of the black children lived with an adult male during the full time period studied; (2) children of older mothers, those who were ages 20 or older at the child's birth, were more likely to be born into a household where an adult male was present; (3) 79% of children born to older white mothers experienced a stable living arrangement, i.e., no movement of the male in or out of the household, in their first three years compared to 45% of children born to the youngest white mothers; and (4) almost 60% of the black children studied experienced at least one transition in their first three years of life and almost a third (32%) experienced two or more. Plans for future research on the impact of these patterns on the child's well-being are discussed. |
Bibliography Citation
Eggebeen, David J., Lisa J. Crockett and Alan J. Hawkins. "Patterns of Adult Male Coresidence Among Young Children of Adolescent Mothers." Family Planning Perspectives 22,5 (September-October 1990): 219-223.
7. |
Hawkins, Alan J. Eggebeen, David J. |
Are Fathers Fungible? Patterns of Co-Resident Adult Men in Maritally Disrupted Families and Children's Well-Being Journal of Marriage and Family 53,4 (November 1991): 958-972. Also: Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79, NLSY79 Publisher: National Council on Family Relations Keyword(s): Behavior Problems Index (BPI); Childhood Residence; Children; Children, Academic Development; Children, Behavioral Development; Children, Well-Being; Family Structure; Fathers; Fathers, Absence; Fathers, Biological; Fathers, Influence; General Assessment; Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT); Racial Differences; Temperament; Verbal Memory (McCarthy Scale) This study addresses the relationship of biological and social fathers to young children's well-being. The authors outline three general positions in this debate: biological fathers are important to their young children's well-being and are hard to replace; fathers are important, but social fathers can effectively replace biological fathers; and fathers are peripheral to young children's lives and do not significantly impact children's well-being. To address this question, children who had differing experiences with co-resident adult men are compared using a sample of 865 four-to-six-year-old children from the Children of the NLSY. Children in five longitudinal patterns of experiences with co-resident adult men in maritally disrupted families were identified (No Male, Grandfather, Stepfather, Reunited Father, and Chaotic) and compared to children in intact families. Thirty-one percent of the disrupted children were in the No Male pattern, but more than two-thirds were in one of the other disrupted patterns. Hierarchical regression models found no differences in verbal-intellectual functioning between children in intact families and children in any of the disrupted patterns. For the measure of psychosocial dysfunctioning, only children in the Grandfather pattern were significantly different from children in the Intact pattern. Further analyses revealed that it was white children in this three-generation living arrangement who experienced problems. This study lends some support to the position that fathers, both biological and social, are peripheral to young children's intellectual and psychosocial functioning. |
Bibliography Citation
Hawkins, Alan J. and David J. Eggebeen. "Are Fathers Fungible? Patterns of Co-Resident Adult Men in Maritally Disrupted Families and Children's Well-Being." Journal of Marriage and Family 53,4 (November 1991): 958-972.