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Author: Hearn, Gesine
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. |
Boller, Kimberly Bridges, Lisa Evans, V. Jeffery Hearn, Gesine |
Options for NICHD Funding of the NLSY Child Assessment Presented: San Francisco, CA, Population Association of America Meetings, April 1995 Cohort(s): NLS General Publisher: Population Association of America Keyword(s): Adolescent Fertility; Child Care; Child Health; Cognitive Development; Family Characteristics; Fertility; Life Course; Mothers, Health; Parents, Single; Social Emotional Development Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher. Since 1982, NICHD has supported the collection of fertility and maternal/child health information in each round of the NLSY's data collection. Beginning in 1986 the NICHD substantially increased its commitment to the NLSY by providing funding for biennial assessments of the physical, cognitive, and social development of children born to the women of the NLSY cohort. By doing so, NICHD has pioneered a new type of cohort, longitudinal study which combines demographic information on the life course of youth with developmental psychology. NICHD support of the NLSY has resulted in a wealth of data used by researchers to examine topics such as adolescent fertility, child care utilization, and the effects on child development of parent and family characteristics such as maternal work, divorce and single-parent households. In addition, the NLSY has become a rich source of basic data regarding children and families within the United States. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of possible options for future commitments to the NLSY, and the impact that changes in current commitments would have on the scientific utility of the data. The paper proceeds in five sections. |
Bibliography Citation
Boller, Kimberly, Lisa Bridges, V. Jeffery Evans and Gesine Hearn. "Options for NICHD Funding of the NLSY Child Assessment." Presented: San Francisco, CA, Population Association of America Meetings, April 1995. |