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Author: Kim, Jong In
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. |
Kim, Jong In |
Job Search Methods: Use and Effectiveness Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University, 1994 Cohort(s): NLSY79 Publisher: UMI - University Microfilms, Bell and Howell Information and Learning Keyword(s): Job Search; Occupational Prestige; Occupational Status; Support Networks; Unemployment Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth cohort (NLSY), this study advances information richness embedded in occupations as an important component in explaining variation in the choice of job search methods by young unemployed job seekers. The study supports the importance of interpersonal relationships (or networkings) in obtaining job information, as pointed out by Granovetter. Employed job seekers engage in job search activities at a less extensive and intensive margin than unemployed job seekers. For the unemployed searchers, their occupational personal contacts are viewed as a valuable source of job information, and they rely on the informal networkings for a potential job search. This study also suggests that job search extensity by employed and unemployed job seekers has significant effects on job search methods, they experience a higher rate of job offers to be received because extensive job search broadens information about job openings. Quality of search is sacrificed by extensity, at least as measured by satisfaction with the job received. This study focuses on young job seekers who are likely to involve different occupations and search behavior from older job seekers. An extension of this study would be to use data that includes older job seekers and to control more accurately for possible unobserved differences between employed and unemployed searchers. |
Bibliography Citation
Kim, Jong In. Job Search Methods: Use and Effectiveness. Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University, 1994. |