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Author: Moullin, Sophie
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. |
Moullin, Sophie |
Marriage and Mental Health: Effects by Social and Self-selection Presented: Denver CO, Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2018 Cohort(s): NLSY97 Publisher: Population Association of America Keyword(s): Health, Mental/Psychological; Marriage Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher. Social scientists have long observed that married people tend to have better mental health. Selection into marriage, however, casts doubt of the validity of the effect of marriage. I consider how marriage effects on mental health vary by the observable propensity to marry (social selection), and the expectation to marry (self selection). To speak to the contemporary US adult population, I use the National Longitudinal Study of Youth- 1997. Preliminary analysis shows little short-term effect of ever-marrying (compared to never marrying) on mental health for this cohort, either in terms of variation within the population, or over the life course. However, as marriage rates have declined -- particularly among the more disadvantaged -- this analysis describes who, in terms of their mental health, can afford to be single. |
Bibliography Citation
Moullin, Sophie. "Marriage and Mental Health: Effects by Social and Self-selection." Presented: Denver CO, Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2018. |