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Author: Osborne, Melissa Anne
Resulting in 2 citations.
1. Bowles, Samuel
Gintis, Herbert
Osborne, Melissa Anne
The Determinants of Earnings: A Behavioral Approach
Journal of Economic Literature 39,4 (December 2001): 1137-1176.
Cohort(s): NLSY79, Older Men, Young Women
Publisher: American Economic Association
Keyword(s): Behavior; Earnings; Human Capital; Skills

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

Enhancing individuals' capacity to succeed in the labor market is a major objective of both families and policy makers, one which in recent years has assumed special urgency with respect to those with low earnings. According to the canonical model, earnings are determined by human capital, which consists of capacities to contribute to production, generically called skills. Individuals possess a vector of these capabilities, "c," and sell these on the labor market at hourly prices "p," with hourly earnings "w = pc." But we know surprisingly little about what skills make up the vector of individual capabilities contributing to higher earnings, and as we will see, some common beliefs about the earnings-generation process receive little support from available data. However, recent developments in labor econometrics and the microeconomics of labor markets provide the basis for a reconsideration of the determinants of individual earnings. We here survey what is known about the determinants of individual earnings and, drawing on a number of recent contributions, propose a behavioral model that is capable of addressing the following puzzles in a parsimonious and non-ad hoc manner.
Bibliography Citation
Bowles, Samuel, Herbert Gintis and Melissa Anne Osborne. "The Determinants of Earnings: A Behavioral Approach." Journal of Economic Literature 39,4 (December 2001): 1137-1176.
2. Osborne, Melissa Anne
Power of Personality: Labor Market Rewards and the Transmission of Earnings
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2000. DAI-A 61/10, p. 4120, Apr 2001
Cohort(s): Mature Women, Older Men, Young Men, Young Women
Publisher: UMI - University Microfilms, Bell and Howell Information and Learning
Keyword(s): Britain, British; Cross-national Analysis; Gender Differences; Human Capital; I.Q.; Intergenerational Patterns/Transmission; Labor Market Outcomes; Modeling; NCDS - National Child Development Study (British); Socioeconomic Status (SES); Wage Determination

This dissertation research examines the influence of personality and behavioral traits on economic success using the National Longitudinal Surveys and the National Child Development Study. The first essay investigates the ability of personality to explain why apparently similar people have varied success in the labor market. Results suggest that personality is a significant determinant of labor market success and offers a unique and valuable contribution to our explanation of labor market outcomes. The second essay designs and estimates a behavioral model of the intergenerational transmission of socioeconomic status. This model allows me to estimate the magnitude of the contribution of personality to the intergenerational transmission of earnings and to elucidate the process by which personality helps to explain social mobility. The final essay investigates how the returns to personality differ according to sex, or position in the occupational hierarchy. The results suggest that while personality traits are important for both men and women, the reward structures are distinct.
Bibliography Citation
Osborne, Melissa Anne. Power of Personality: Labor Market Rewards and the Transmission of Earnings. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2000. DAI-A 61/10, p. 4120, Apr 2001.