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Author: Simmons, Michael Eugene
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Simmons, Michael Eugene |
An Inquiry into the Labor Market Behavior of Black Youth : a Cross-Sectional Analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey Data for 1968 and 1971 Ph.D. Dissertation, Washington State University, 1979 Cohort(s): Young Men Publisher: UMI - University Microfilms, Bell and Howell Information and Learning Keyword(s): Black Youth; Economics of Minorities; Employment; Inner-City; Labor Force Participation; Labor Market Demographics; Labor Supply; Migration Patterns; Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA); Unemployment Rate Throughout the 1960s and early 1970s there has been a continued worsening in the labor market participation of black male youth. Their unemployment rates are examined in this study. Four possible explanations were examined in attempting to determine factors relating to the causes of the continued labor market withdrawal of black youth. The movement of firms from the central city to suburban areas or the "suburbanization of jobs" is viewed as a prime cause of decreased black participation. Attitudinal variables about work and school are tested to determine if their impact on the labor market performance of racial cohorts differs. Increases in school enrollment and the sensitivity of youth to changes in unemployment rates are also viewed as factors affecting the labor market behavior of youth. These four hypotheses were tested using 1970 census data for Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas and National Longitudinal Survey (NLS) data for 1968 and 1971. Findings suggest that the labor market performance of black youth is hindered by residence in the central city. The types of jobs available to inner city blacks appear to be different than those for white youth. Findings indicate that the pathologies associated with black youth participation will continue unless the pervasive pattern of urban residential segregation is eliminated. |
Bibliography Citation
Simmons, Michael Eugene. An Inquiry into the Labor Market Behavior of Black Youth : a Cross-Sectional Analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey Data for 1968 and 1971. Ph.D. Dissertation, Washington State University, 1979. |