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Title: Aspirations and Expectations of Youth in the United States: Part 1. Education and Fertility
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Crowley, Joan E.
Shapiro, David
Aspirations and Expectations of Youth in the United States: Part 1. Education and Fertility
Youth and Society 13,4 (June 1982): 391-422.
Cohort(s): NLSY79
Publisher: Sage Publications
Keyword(s): Career Patterns; Children; Educational Aspirations/Expectations; Fertility; Occupational Aspirations; Racial Differences; Sex Roles; Socioeconomic Status (SES); Training, Occupational; Vocational Education

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

Data from the first wave of the NLSY are presented and young people's plans for education and for parenthood are examined. All analyses look at variation by race and sex. Half of the youth aspire to complete college, and almost all expect to complete at least high school. Two thirds express a desire for occupational training in addition to regular schooling. Analysis of expected fertility shows a strong preference for a two child family. A multivariate model was developed, using both socialization and human capital perspectives in the specification. Family background is highly significant in explaining plans for both education and fertility. Sex role traditionality was a highly significant predictor of the outcome variables for both men and women. With background factors controlled, black youth aspire to higher levels of education than do whites. Among young women, the expected inverse relationship between expected fertility and expected education was very weak, suggesting that these women do not expect their families to prevent their attainment of their educational goals.
Bibliography Citation
Crowley, Joan E. and David Shapiro. "Aspirations and Expectations of Youth in the United States: Part 1. Education and Fertility." Youth and Society 13,4 (June 1982): 391-422.