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Title: Changes in the Federal Minimum Wage and the Employment of Young Men, 1966-67
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Egge, Karl Albert
Kohen, Andrew I.
Shea, John R.
Zeller, Frederick A.
Changes in the Federal Minimum Wage and the Employment of Young Men, 1966-67
In: Youth Unemployment and Minimum Wages: Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin 1657. Washington, DC: U.S. GPO, 1970
Cohort(s): Young Men
Publisher: U.S. Government Printing Office
Keyword(s): Minimum Wage; Teenagers; Unemployment, Youth

These data permit the "before and after" experience of youth to be related to the wage they were earning before the new minimum became effective. The authors ask whether those youth whose marginal productivity was lower than the newly established minimum had relatively less favorable employment experiences after the minimum wage changes than those whose wages already had been above the minimums. One would expect these low productivity youngsters to be among the first to feel whatever restriction of employment opportunities the minimum wage created. The fact that the authors have been unable to find in their data any general tendency for the foregoing relationship leads to the conclusion that if the minimum wage increases did indeed create unemployment among youth, the effect was not a pronounced one. Even when the analysis was focused on these subgroups of young men who might, on a priori grounds, be expected to be most vulnerable to the impact of the minimum wage, only a small number of such subgroups showed any signs of adversity.
Bibliography Citation
Egge, Karl Albert, Andrew I. Kohen, John R. Shea and Frederick A. Zeller. "Changes in the Federal Minimum Wage and the Employment of Young Men, 1966-67" In: Youth Unemployment and Minimum Wages: Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin 1657. Washington, DC: U.S. GPO, 1970