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Title: Education, Cognition, Health Knowledge, and Health Behavior
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Mocan, Naci
Altindag, Duha
Education, Cognition, Health Knowledge, and Health Behavior
European Journal of Health Economics 15,3 (April 2014): 265-279.
Cohort(s): NLSY97
Publisher: Springer
Keyword(s): Cognitive Ability; Disability; Education; Health/Health Status/SF-12 Scale

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Using data from NLSY97, we analyze the impact of education on health behavior. Controlling for health knowledge does not influence the impact of education on health behavior, supporting the productive efficiency hypothesis. Accounting for cognitive ability does not significantly alter the relationship between education and health behavior. Similarly, the impact of education on health behavior is the same between those with and without a learning disability, suggesting that cognition is not likely to be a significant factor in explaining the impact of education on health behavior.
Bibliography Citation
Mocan, Naci and Duha Altindag. "Education, Cognition, Health Knowledge, and Health Behavior." European Journal of Health Economics 15,3 (April 2014): 265-279.