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Title: Ethnic Density and Obesity: Evidence from Fixed-effects Models
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Moloney, Katherine L.
South, Scott J.
Ethnic Density and Obesity: Evidence from Fixed-effects Models
Health and Place 31 (January 2015): 199-207.
Cohort(s): NLSY79
Publisher: Elsevier
Keyword(s): Body Mass Index (BMI); Data Linkage (also see Record Linkage); Ethnic Differences; Gender Differences; Geocoded Data; Height; Height, Height-Weight Ratios; Modeling, Fixed Effects; Obesity; Racial Differences; Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA); Weight

We use data from the 1980 to 2004 waves of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1979 Cohort to examine the association between the ethnic density of metropolitan areas and obesity among U.S. blacks and Latinos. Although minority groups' obesity rates tend to be higher in metropolitan areas containing many co-ethnics, controlling for other areal characteristics and unobserved time-constant confounders via fixed-effects models dramatically alters this association. In the fixed-effects models, higher levels of co-ethnic density are inversely associated with black males' obesity risk and unrelated to the obesity risk of black females, Latinas, and Latino males. For most groups, marrying and having children increases the risk of obesity.
Bibliography Citation
Moloney, Katherine L. and Scott J. South. "Ethnic Density and Obesity: Evidence from Fixed-effects Models." Health and Place 31 (January 2015): 199-207.