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Title: Evaluating School-to-Work Programs Using the New NLSY
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Neumark, David B.
Joyce, Mary
Evaluating School-to-Work Programs Using the New NLSY
Journal of Human Resources 36,4 (Fall 2001): 666-702.
Cohort(s): NLSY97
Publisher: University of Wisconsin Press
Keyword(s): College Enrollment; Employment, Youth; High School; High School Diploma; Labor Force Participation; Schooling; Transition, School to Work; Transitional Programs

The new NLSY offers researchers opportunities to analyze direct evidence on school-to-work programs, using data collected from individuals and schools. This paper focuses on the consequences of school-to-work programs for youth employment and schooling decisions while in high school, and students' subjective assessments of the likelihood of future schooling and work behavior. School-to-work participation does not appear to influence behavior likely associated with future college attendance, although it does appear to increase respondents' subjective probabilities of obtaining a high-school diploma. More in accordance with the traditional view of school-to-work programs, participation increases the perceived likelihood of future labor market activity.
Bibliography Citation
Neumark, David B. and Mary Joyce. "Evaluating School-to-Work Programs Using the New NLSY." Journal of Human Resources 36,4 (Fall 2001): 666-702.