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Title: Factors Associated With Self-sufficiency of Young Adults
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Marlowe, Julia
Wang, Jing
Factors Associated With Self-sufficiency of Young Adults
Family Economics and Resource Management Biennial (1997): 75-78
Cohort(s): NLSY79
Publisher: Family Economics and Resource Management (FERM)
Keyword(s): Family Background and Culture; High School Completion/Graduates; High School Dropouts; High School Students; Human Capital; Income; School Completion; Welfare

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

High school drop out rates are a matter of considerable concern. The results from research presented in this paper indicate that the concern is well founded, because the most consistent variable associated with self-sufficiency is completion of high school. A national longitudinal sample of young adults was used to investigate human capital investments, family background and personal characteristic associated with income and receipt of public assistance at age 27.
Bibliography Citation
Marlowe, Julia and Jing Wang. "Factors Associated With Self-sufficiency of Young Adults." Family Economics and Resource Management Biennial (1997): 75-78.