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Title: Factors Related to the Decisions of Rural Public High School Students to Participate in Vocational Education
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1. |
Elliot, John F. |
Factors Related to the Decisions of Rural Public High School Students to Participate in Vocational Education Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University, 1988 Cohort(s): NLSY79 Publisher: UMI - University Microfilms, Bell and Howell Information and Learning Keyword(s): Rural/Urban Differences; Schooling, Post-secondary; Socioeconomic Status (SES); Test Scores/Test theory/IRT; Vocational Education; Vocational Preparation The purpose of this study was to identify the factors related to the decisions of rural high school students to participate in vocational education. Two national longitudinal data bases, High School and Beyond (HS&B) and the NLSY, provided the bases for the regression analysis. In addition, a face-to-face interview and a questionnaire which replicated questions from the National Longitudinal Surveys were administered to a randomly selected sample of Ohio students who planned to enroll in vocational education courses in their junior year. Rural individuals who completed high proportions of vocational education were more likely to score lower on achievement tests and be from lower SES families than those graduates who completed lower proportions of vocational education. The rural sample in Ohio was white. Students enrolled in vocational education courses at home comprehensive schools felt a sense of belonging. Few people not associated with Joint (Area) Vocational Schools (JVS) spoke highly of them. In addition to the clustering of vocational students in lower SES and ability quartiles, further clustering occurred within vocational education. When compared to home school vocational students, students attending JVS's were significantly lower in ability and SES. Job preparation ranked as the number one reason (58%) why Ohio students enrolled in vocational education courses. Enjoyment of vocational subject matter and the environment in which the vocational education courses were taught ranked second (52%). Other reasons to enroll in vocational education courses are included and renked. |
Bibliography Citation
Elliot, John F. Factors Related to the Decisions of Rural Public High School Students to Participate in Vocational Education. Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University, 1988. |