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Title: The Distribution of the Unemployment Burden: Do the Last Hired Leave First?
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Frank, Robert H.
Freeman, Richard T.
The Distribution of the Unemployment Burden: Do the Last Hired Leave First?
Review of Economics and Statistics 60,3 (August 1978): 380-391.
Cohort(s): Mature Women, Older Men, Young Men, Young Women
Publisher: MIT Press
Keyword(s): Gender Differences; Quits; Retirement/Retirement Planning; Unemployment; Unemployment Duration; Unemployment Rate; Unemployment, Youth

Relative contributions of unemployment frequency and unemployment duration to the distribution of total hours of unemployment across individuals within each of several important labor force groups were examined. National Longitudinal Survey data for the 1966-1971 period were employed. These data contain detailed personal and employment-related information for large cohorts of young males and females (aged 14 to 24 in 1966), mid-career women (aged 30 to 44 in 1966), and older males (aged 45 to 59 in 1966). Despite the fact that they had shorter periods of unemployment, young men and women tended to have much higher unemployment rates than adults. The frequency of unemployment periods was four to five times higher for youth cohorts. In cohorts for both older men and women, the incidence of increased unemployment fell heavily on those individuals with low personal unemployment rates. For the young women's group, the opposite pattern emerged. The study's principal contribution is that it allows variations in individual unemployment experience to be linked explicitly to individual variations in the length and frequency of unemployment periods. [AgeLine]
Bibliography Citation
Frank, Robert H. and Richard T. Freeman. "The Distribution of the Unemployment Burden: Do the Last Hired Leave First?" Review of Economics and Statistics 60,3 (August 1978): 380-391.