Questionnaire Public Report11/20/2012 08:16:18 AM
Cohort:National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
Round:Parent Questionnaire
Instrument :PARENT
  1. Child Income

PC10-001 []Section: Child Income

([value for youth's biological children in the household()] = 1) or ([value for youth's non-resident biological children()] = 1)

COMMENT: does this youth have any bio kids?

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To PC10-005)

Default Next:PC10-002

PC10-002 []Section: Child Income

([age of youth()] >= 18)

COMMENT: is this youth 18 or older?

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To PC10-005)

Default Next:PC10-003
Lead-In:PC10-001 [Default]

PC10-003 []Section: Child Income

([grade youth enrolled in()] >= 1) and ([grade youth enrolled in()] <= 12)

COMMENT: is this youth attending primary or secondary school?

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To PC10-004)

Default Next:PC10-005
Lead-In:PC10-002 [Default]

PC10-004 []Section: Child Income

([marital status of youth()] >= 1) and ([marital status of youth()] <= 4)

COMMENT: has this youth ever been married?

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To PC10-005)

Default Next:PC10-026
Lead-In:PC10-003 [1:1]

PC10-005 []Section: Child Income

Now I'd like to ask you about the financial support of [name of youth()].

How much money did you give [name of youth()] during 1996?

Enter Number: 
If Answer >= -2 AND Answer <= -1 Then Go To

Default Next:PC10-015
Lead-In:PC10-001 [1:1], PC10-002 [1:1], PC10-004 [1:1], PC10-003 [Default]

PC10-006 []Section: Child Income


Please look at this card. Which of these categories best describes the amount you gave to [name of youth()]? Please just tell me the letter.

 1   A. $1 - $500
 2   B. $501 - $1,000
 3   C. $1,001 - $2,500
 4   D. $2,501 - $5,000
 5   E. $5,001 - $7,500
 6   F. $7,501 - $10,000
 7   G. More than $10,000

Default Next:PC10-015
Lead-In:PC10-005 [-2:-1]

PC10-015 []Section: Child Income

Did [name of youth()] live with you at any time during 1996?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To PC10-016)
 0   No

Default Next:PC10-024
Lead-In:PC10-005 [Default], PC10-006 [Default]

PC10-016 []Section: Child Income

During the time that [name of youth()] lived with you in 1996, did [he/she youth()] pay you any money in exchange for room and board?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To PC10-017)
 0   No

Default Next:PC10-024
Lead-In:PC10-015 [1:1]

PC10-017 []Section: Child Income

How much did [name of youth()] pay you in exchange for room and board?

Enter Number: 
If Answer >= 1 AND Answer <= 999,999 Then Go To

Default Next:PC10-024
Lead-In:PC10-016 [1:1]

PC10-018 []Section: Child Income

Is that per week, every two weeks, per month, every six months, per year or some other period?

 1   Week
 2   Every two weeks
 3   Month
 4   Every six months
 5   Year
 6   Lump sum; one time payment
 7   Other

Default Next:PC10-024
Lead-In:PC10-017 [1:999,999]

PC10-024 []Section: Child Income

Did [name of youth()] make any (other) regular payments to you during 1996?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To PC10-025)
 0   No

Default Next:PC10-026
Lead-In:PC10-015 [Default], PC10-016 [Default], PC10-017 [Default], PC10-018 [Default]

PC10-025 []Section: Child Income

How much did [name of youth()] pay you in other regular payments?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:PC10-026
Lead-In:PC10-024 [1:1]

PC10-026 []Section: Child Income

Now I would like to ask you a few questions about the income of [name of youth()].

During 1996, did [name of youth()] have any earnings or income from a job, farm, or business or professional partnership? Please include any full time or part time jobs, temporary or seasonal work, such as mowing lawns or babysitting, even for a few days.

 1   Yes   ...(Go To PC10-027)
 0   No

Default Next:PC11-001
Lead-In:PC10-004 [Default], PC10-024 [Default], PC10-025 [Default]

PC10-027 []Section: Child Income

During 1996, how much income did [name of youth()] have?
Please include any full or part time jobs, temporary or seasonal work.

Enter Number: 
If Answer >= -2 AND Answer <= -1 Then Go To

Default Next:PC11-001
Lead-In:PC10-026 [1:1]

PC10-028 []Section: Child Income


Please look at this card. Which of these categories best describes the amount [name of youth()] received? Please just tell me the letter.

 1   A. $1 - $5,000
 2   B. $5,001 - $10,000
 3   C. $10,001 - $25,000
 4   D. $25,001 - $50,000
 5   E. $50,001 - $100,000
 6   F. $100,001 - $250,000
 7   G. More than $250,000

Default Next:PC11-001
Lead-In:PC10-027 [-2:-1]