Questionnaire Public Report11/16/2012 02:25:42 PM
Cohort:National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
Round:Youth Questionnaire 97 (R14)
Instrument :Youth
  1. Tell Us What You Think

YTEL-77 [T62159.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think

Now I have another kind of question. Suppose you are the only income earner in the family, but that your current job is ending. You have to choose between two new jobs. The first job would guarantee your current family income for life. The second job is also guaranteed for life and possibly better paying, but the income is less certain. There is a 50-50 chance that the second job will double your current family income for life and a 50-50 chance that it will cut your current family income by a third for life.

Which job would you take: the first job or the second job?

 1   FIRST JOB   ...(Go To YTEL-79)
 2   SECOND JOB   ...(Go To YTEL-78)

Default Next:YTEL-80

YTEL-78 [T62160.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think

Suppose the chances were 50-50 that the second job would double your current family income and 50-50 that it would cut it in half.

Would you take the first job or the second job?


Default Next:YTEL-80
Lead-In:YTEL-77 [2:2]

YTEL-79 [T62161.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think

Suppose the chances were 50-50 that the second job would double your current family income and 50-50 that it would only cut it by 20 percent.

Would you take the first job or the second job?


Default Next:YTEL-80
Lead-In:YTEL-77 [1:1]

YTEL-80 [T62162.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think

Are you generally a person who is fully prepared to take risks or do you try to avoid taking risks? Rate yourself from 0 to 10, where 0 means "unwilling to take any risks" and 10 means "fully prepared to take risks."

Enter Number: 

Default Next:YTEL-81
Lead-In:YTEL-77 [Default], YTEL-78 [Default], YTEL-79 [Default]

YTEL-81 [T62163.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think

People can behave differently in different situations. How would you rate your willingness to take risks in the following areas? For each situation, rate your willingness from 0 to 10, where 0 means "unwilling to take any risks" and 10 means "fully prepared to take risks."

 - ...While driving?
 - ... In financial matters?
 - ... In your occupation?
 - ...With your health?
 - ... In your faith in other people?
 - ... In your romantic relationships?
 - ... In making major life changes?
 - ... In placing a bet where you have a 50-50 chance of winning $20 and a 50-50 chance of losing $10?
 0   0
 1   1
 2   2
 3   3
 4   4
 5   5
 6   6
 7   7
 8   8
 9   9
 10   10

Default Next:YTEL-IND
Lead-In:YTEL-80 [Default]

YTEL-IND [T62164.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think


Now I will read some statements that may or may not apply to you. On a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 means disagree strongly and 7 means agree strongly, please tell me how much you agree or disagree that each statement describes who you are and how you act.

 - I do not work as hard as the majority of people around me.
 - I do what is required, but rarely anything more.
 - I have high standards and work toward them.
 - I make every effort to do more than what is expected of me.
 1   1 -- Disagree strongly
 2   2 -- Disagree moderately
 3   3 -- Disagree a little
 4   4 -- Neither agree nor disagree
 5   5 -- Agree a little
 6   6 -- Agree moderately
 7   7 -- Agree strongly

Default Next:YTEL-TRAD
Lead-In:YTEL-81 [Default]

YTEL-TRAD [T62165.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think


Again on the same scale, where 1 means disagree strongly and 7 means agree strongly, how much do you agree or disagree that the following statements describe who you are and how you act.

 - I do not intend to follow every little rule that others make up.
 - When I was in school, I used to break rules quite regularly.
 - I support long-established rules and traditions.
 - Even if I knew how to get around the rules without breaking them, I would not do it.
 1   1 -- Disagree strongly
 2   2 -- Disagree moderately
 3   3 -- Disagree a little
 4   4 -- Neither agree nor disagree
 5   5 -- Agree a little
 6   6 -- Agree moderately
 7   7 -- Agree strongly

Default Next:YTEL-61
Lead-In:YTEL-IND [Default]

YTEL-61 []Section: Tell Us What You Think

Those are all of the questions that we have for you this year. As usual we appreciate the time and the attention that you give to the NLSY97.

Default Next:YIR-FEE1
Lead-In:YTEL-TRAD [Default]