Questionnaire Public Report11/30/2012 04:58:09 PM
Cohort:National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979
Round:NLSY79 Round 22
Instrument :Nlsy79 R22 release
  1. Retirement Expectations Part 1

RETIRE_EXP_P1_CHK1 [T02793.10]Section: Retirement Expectations Part 1

{retire_exp_flag1} == 1


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RETIRE_EXP_P1_1 []Section: Retirement Expectations Part 1

Next I have some questions about how likely you think various events might be. When I ask a question, I'd like for you to give me a number from 0 to 100, where "0" means that you think there is absolutely no chance, and "100" means that you think the event is absolutely sure to happen.

Let's try an example.

RETIRE_EXP_P1_2 [T02794.00]Section: Retirement Expectations Part 1

What is the percent chance that your area will have more rain in [name of next month/next month] than is usual for [name of next month/next month]?

"0" means a 0 percent chance of getting more rain. "100" means a 100 percent chance of getting more rain. And you can say any number from 0 to 100.

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RETIRE_EXP_P1_3 [T02795.00]Section: Retirement Expectations Part 1

What is the probability that you will not be working for pay at age 67?

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RETIRE_EXP_P1_4 [T02796.00]Section: Retirement Expectations Part 1

What is the probability that you will not be working for pay at age 65?

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RETIRE_EXP_P1_5 [T02797.00]Section: Retirement Expectations Part 1

What is the probability that you will not be working for pay at age 62?

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