Questionnaire Public Report03/06/2017 10:30:14 AM
Cohort:National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979
Round:NLSY79 Round 27
Instrument :R27 Youth Main Field
  1. Child Care

Q10-GENCHECK []Section: Child Care


COMMENT: The respondent is a male

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-2

Q10-2 []Section: Child Care

RECCOUNT([biochild roster])

COMMENT: Is there a child to check

If Answer = 0 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-66
Lead-In:Q10-GENCHECK [Default]

Q10-66 []Section: Child Care

([partner in hh?]==1) || ([spouse in hh?]==1) || ([marital status code]==1) || ([marital status code]==5)

COMMENT: Does R have a spouse or partner listed on the household roster?

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q11-1AAA
Lead-In:Q10-2 [Default]

Q10-67 []Section: Child Care

Now we have a few questions about your current (marriage/relationship).

Would you say that your (relationship/marriage) is...very happy, fairly happy, or not too happy?

 1   Very happy
 2   Fairly happy
 3   Not too happy

Default Next:Q10-68
Lead-In:Q10-66 [1:1]

Q10-68 []Section: Child Care

How often do you and [Spouse/partner's name]... (READ EACH ITEM IN LIST)...almost every day, once or twice a week, once or twice a month, or less than once a month?

 - ...calmly discuss something?
 - ...laugh together?
 - ...tell each other about your day?
 1   Almost Every Day
 2   Once or Twice a Week
 3   Once or Twice a Month
 4   Less Than Once a Month

Default Next:Q10-69
Lead-In:Q10-67 [Default]

Q10-69 []Section: Child Care

How frequently do you and [Spouse/partner's name] have arguments about ...(READ EACH ITEM IN LIST)....often, sometimes, hardly ever, or never?

 - ...chores and responsibilities
 - ...your children
 - ...showing affection to each other
 - ...religion
 - ...leisure or free time
 - ...drinking
 - ...other women
 - ...(his/her) relatives
 - ...your relatives
 1   Often
 2   Sometimes
 3   Hardly Ever
 4   Never

Default Next:Q11-1AAA
Lead-In:Q10-68 [Default]