Questionnaire Public Report11/29/2012 12:44:31 PM
Cohort:NLSY79 Young Adults
Round:YAdult Round 16
Instrument :YAdult7994
  1. Income and Assets

Q15-0A []Section: Income and Assets

([[marital status code ]]=7) | ([[Flag indicating presence/absence of partner in household]]=1)

COMMENT: check if partner in HH

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-0C)

Default Next:Q15-0B

Q15-0B []Section: Income and Assets

([[marital status code ]]=1) | ([[Flag indicating presence/absence of spouse in household]]=1)

COMMENT: check if spouse in HH


Default Next:Q15-0C
Lead-In:Q15-0A [Default]

Q15-0C []Section: Income and Assets

([[marital status code ]]=1) | ([[marital status code ]]=7) | ([[Flag indicating presence/absence of spouse in household]]=1) | ([[Flag indicating presence/absence of partner in household]]=1)

COMMENT: check if spouse in HH or partner


Default Next:Q15-0DA
Lead-In:Q15-0A [1:1], Q15-0B [Default]

Q15-0DA []Section: Income and Assets

([[is spouse or partner in household]]=0)

COMMENT: check if N0 spouse or partner IN HH

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-1A)

Default Next:Q15-1A
Lead-In:Q15-0C [Default]

Q15-1A []Section: Income and Assets

*******************SECTION 15 INCOME AND ASSETS****************************

We now have some questions about your income, assets, and household
spending. We appreciate that our questions are difficult to answer and
sometimes seem intrusive ...

Default Next:Q15-1B
Lead-In:Q15-0DA [1:1], Q15-0DA [Default]

Q15-1B []Section: Income and Assets

... However, the spending and saving patterns of Americans are of national
importance, and your answers to these questions provide us with the most
reliable figures on your generation's spending and saving habits. As with
other questions in this survey, we want to reassure you that the
information you provide to us is kept confidential.

Default Next:Q15-2
Lead-In:Q15-1A [Default]

Q15-2 [Y03090.00]Section: Income and Assets

Now I would like to ask you some questions about your income in 1993.

During 1993, did you receive any income from service in the military?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15-3)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-5
Lead-In:Q15-1B [Default]

Q15-3 [Y03091.00]Section: Income and Assets

And how much total income did you receive during 1993 from the military before taxes and other deductions? Please INCLUDE money received from special pays, allowances, and bonuses.

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-4
Lead-In:Q15-2 [1:1]

Q15-4 []Section: Income and Assets

Not counting any money you received from your military service ...

Default Next:Q15-5
Lead-In:Q15-3 [Default]

Q15-5 [Y03092.00]Section: Income and Assets

During 1993, how much did you receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all (other) jobs, before deductions for taxes or anything else?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-6
Lead-In:Q15-2 [Default], Q15-4 [Default]

Q15-6 [Y03093.00]Section: Income and Assets

(Excluding any income you already have mentioned) During 1993, did you receive any money in income ...

from your own farm?

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-7
Lead-In:Q15-5 [Default]

Q15-7 [Y03094.00]Section: Income and Assets

(Excluding any income you already have mentioned) during 1993, did you receive any money in income from ...

your own non-farm business, partnership, or professional practice?

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-8
Lead-In:Q15-6 [Default]

Q15-8 [Y03095.00]Section: Income and Assets

([Q15-6]=1) | ([Q15-7]=1)


 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-9)

Default Next:Q15U-3
Lead-In:Q15-7 [Default]

Q15-9 [Y03096.00]Section: Income and Assets

How much did you receive AFTER EXPENSES?


Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-3
Lead-In:Q15-8 [1:1]

Q15U-3 [Y03097.00]Section: Income and Assets

Did you receive any money from unemployment compensation in any month in 1993 or 1994?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15U-5.1)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-10
Lead-In:Q15-8 [Default], Q15-9 [Default]

Q15U-5.1 [Y03098.01]Section: Income and Assets

When did you first receive unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15U-6B.1
Lead-In:Q15U-3 [1:1]

Q15U-6B.1 [Y03099.00]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year respondent began receiving unemployment benefits (1)] until when did you receive unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15U-26E.1
Lead-In:Q15U-5.1 [Default]

Q15U-26E.1 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year started receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(1)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15U-39B.1
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15U-40B.1
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15U-41B.1
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15U-42B.1

Default Next:Q15-10
Lead-In:Q15U-6B.1 [Default]

Q15U-38A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(1)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-38B.1)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.1 [90:90]

Q15U-38B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-39A.1
Lead-In:Q15U-38A.1 [1:1]

Q15U-39A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(1)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-39B.1)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15U-38B.1 [Default]

Q15U-39B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-40A.1
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.1 [91:91], Q15U-39A.1 [1:1]

Q15U-40A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(1)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-40B.1)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15U-39B.1 [Default]

Q15U-40B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-41A.1
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.1 [92:92], Q15U-40A.1 [1:1]

Q15U-41A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(1)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-41B.1)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15U-40B.1 [Default]

Q15U-41B.1 [Y03101.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-42A.1
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.1 [93:93], Q15U-41A.1 [1:1]

Q15U-42A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(1)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-42B.1)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15U-41B.1 [Default]

Q15U-42B.1 [Y03103.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.1 [94:94], Q15U-42A.1 [1:1]

Q15U-44A.1 [Y03104.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year respondent stopped receiving unemployment benefits (1)] when you received unemployment compensation?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15U-5.2)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-10
Lead-In:Q15U-38A.1 [Default], Q15U-39A.1 [Default], Q15U-40A.1 [Default], Q15U-41A.1 [Default], Q15U-42A.1 [Default], Q15U-42B.1 [Default]

Q15U-5.2 []Section: Income and Assets

When was the second time you received unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15U-6B.2
Lead-In:Q15U-44A.1 [1:1]

Q15U-6B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year respondent began receiving unemployment benefits (2)] until when did you receive unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15U-26E.2
Lead-In:Q15U-5.2 [Default]

Q15U-26E.2 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year started receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(2)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15U-39B.2
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15U-40B.2
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15U-41B.2
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15U-42B.2

Default Next:Q15-10
Lead-In:Q15U-6B.2 [Default]

Q15U-38A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(2)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-38B.2)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.2 [90:90]

Q15U-38B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-39A.2
Lead-In:Q15U-38A.2 [1:1]

Q15U-39A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(2)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-39B.2)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15U-38B.2 [Default]

Q15U-39B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-40A.2
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.2 [91:91], Q15U-39A.2 [1:1]

Q15U-40A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(2)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-40B.2)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15U-39B.2 [Default]

Q15U-40B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-41A.2
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.2 [92:92], Q15U-40A.2 [1:1]

Q15U-41A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(2)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-41B.2)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15U-40B.2 [Default]

Q15U-41B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-42A.2
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.2 [93:93], Q15U-41A.2 [1:1]

Q15U-42A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(2)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-42B.2)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15U-41B.2 [Default]

Q15U-42B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.2 [94:94], Q15U-42A.2 [1:1]

Q15U-44A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year respondent stopped receiving unemployment benefits (2)] when you received unemployment compensation?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15U-5.3)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-10
Lead-In:Q15U-38A.2 [Default], Q15U-39A.2 [Default], Q15U-40A.2 [Default], Q15U-41A.2 [Default], Q15U-42A.2 [Default], Q15U-42B.2 [Default]

Q15U-5.3 []Section: Income and Assets

When was the third time you received unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15U-6B.3
Lead-In:Q15U-44A.2 [1:1]

Q15U-6B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year respondent began receiving unemployment benefits (3)] until when did you receive unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15U-26E.3
Lead-In:Q15U-5.3 [Default]

Q15U-26E.3 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year started receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(3)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15U-39B.3
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15U-40B.3
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15U-41B.3
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15U-42B.3

Default Next:Q15-10
Lead-In:Q15U-6B.3 [Default]

Q15U-38A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(3)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-38B.3)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.3 [90:90]

Q15U-38B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-39A.3
Lead-In:Q15U-38A.3 [1:1]

Q15U-39A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(3)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-39B.3)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15U-38B.3 [Default]

Q15U-39B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-40A.3
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.3 [91:91], Q15U-39A.3 [1:1]

Q15U-40A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(3)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-40B.3)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15U-39B.3 [Default]

Q15U-40B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-41A.3
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.3 [92:92], Q15U-40A.3 [1:1]

Q15U-41A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(3)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-41B.3)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15U-40B.3 [Default]

Q15U-41B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-42A.3
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.3 [93:93], Q15U-41A.3 [1:1]

Q15U-42A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(3)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-42B.3)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15U-41B.3 [Default]

Q15U-42B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.3 [94:94], Q15U-42A.3 [1:1]

Q15U-44A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year respondent stopped receiving unemployment benefits (3)] when you received unemployment compensation?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15U-5.4)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-10
Lead-In:Q15U-38A.3 [Default], Q15U-39A.3 [Default], Q15U-40A.3 [Default], Q15U-41A.3 [Default], Q15U-42A.3 [Default], Q15U-42B.3 [Default]

Q15U-5.4 []Section: Income and Assets

When was the fourth time you received unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15U-6B.4
Lead-In:Q15U-44A.3 [1:1]

Q15U-6B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year respondent began receiving unemployment benefits (4)] until when did you receive unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15U-26E.4
Lead-In:Q15U-5.4 [Default]

Q15U-26E.4 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year started receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(4)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15U-39B.4
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15U-40B.4
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15U-41B.4
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15U-42B.4

Default Next:Q15-10
Lead-In:Q15U-6B.4 [Default]

Q15U-38A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(4)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-38B.4)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.4 [90:90]

Q15U-38B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-39A.4
Lead-In:Q15U-38A.4 [1:1]

Q15U-39A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(4)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-39B.4)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15U-38B.4 [Default]

Q15U-39B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-40A.4
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.4 [91:91], Q15U-39A.4 [1:1]

Q15U-40A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(4)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-40B.4)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15U-39B.4 [Default]

Q15U-40B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-41A.4
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.4 [92:92], Q15U-40A.4 [1:1]

Q15U-41A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(4)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-41B.4)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15U-40B.4 [Default]

Q15U-41B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-42A.4
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.4 [93:93], Q15U-41A.4 [1:1]

Q15U-42A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(4)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-42B.4)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15U-41B.4 [Default]

Q15U-42B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.4 [94:94], Q15U-42A.4 [1:1]

Q15U-44A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year respondent stopped receiving unemployment benefits (4)] when you received unemployment compensation?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15U-5.5)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-10
Lead-In:Q15U-38A.4 [Default], Q15U-39A.4 [Default], Q15U-40A.4 [Default], Q15U-41A.4 [Default], Q15U-42A.4 [Default], Q15U-42B.4 [Default]

Q15U-5.5 []Section: Income and Assets

When was the fifth time you received unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15U-6B.5
Lead-In:Q15U-44A.4 [1:1]

Q15U-6B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year respondent began receiving unemployment benefits (5)] until when did you receive unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15U-26E.5
Lead-In:Q15U-5.5 [Default]

Q15U-26E.5 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year started receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(5)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15U-39B.5
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15U-40B.5
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15U-41B.5
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15U-42B.5

Default Next:Q15-10
Lead-In:Q15U-6B.5 [Default]

Q15U-38A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(5)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-38B.5)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.5 [90:90]

Q15U-38B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-39A.5
Lead-In:Q15U-38A.5 [1:1]

Q15U-39A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(5)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-39B.5)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15U-38B.5 [Default]

Q15U-39B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-40A.5
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.5 [91:91], Q15U-39A.5 [1:1]

Q15U-40A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(5)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-40B.5)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15U-39B.5 [Default]

Q15U-40B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-41A.5
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.5 [92:92], Q15U-40A.5 [1:1]

Q15U-41A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(5)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-41B.5)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15U-40B.5 [Default]

Q15U-41B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-42A.5
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.5 [93:93], Q15U-41A.5 [1:1]

Q15U-42A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving unemployment benefits (received in December of calendar year before last interview)(5)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if uyearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15U-42B.5)

Default Next:Q15U-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15U-41B.5 [Default]

Q15U-42B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did you receive per WEEK during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15U-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15U-26E.5 [94:94], Q15U-42A.5 [1:1]

Q15U-44A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year respondent stopped receiving unemployment benefits (5)] when you received unemployment compensation?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15-10)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-10
Lead-In:Q15U-38A.5 [Default], Q15U-39A.5 [Default], Q15U-40A.5 [Default], Q15U-41A.5 [Default], Q15U-42A.5 [Default], Q15U-42B.5 [Default]

Q15-10 [Y03105.00]Section: Income and Assets

([[marital status code ]]=1) | ([[marital status code ]]=7) | ([[Flag indicating presence/absence of spouse in household]]=1) | ([[Flag indicating presence/absence of partner in household]]=1)

COMMENT: Is R currently married with a spouse or has a partner

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-15)

Default Next:Q15-32
Lead-In:Q15U-44A.5 [1:1], Q15U-3 [Default], Q15U-26E.1 [Default], Q15U-44A.1 [Default], Q15U-26E.2 [Default], Q15U-44A.2 [Default], Q15U-26E.3 [Default], Q15U-44A.3 [Default], Q15U-26E.4 [Default], Q15U-44A.4 [Default], Q15U-26E.5 [Default], Q15U-44A.5 [Default]

Q15-15 [Y03106.00]Section: Income and Assets

During 1993, did your [spouse/partner] receive any income from service [he/she] performed in the military?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15-16)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-18
Lead-In:Q15-10 [1:1]

Q15-16 [Y03107.00]Section: Income and Assets

And how much total income did your [spouse/partner] receive during 1993 from the military before taxes and other deductions? Please INCLUDE money received from special pays, allowances, and bonuses.

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-17
Lead-In:Q15-15 [1:1]

Q15-17 []Section: Income and Assets

Not counting any money your [spouse/partner] received from [his/her] military service ...

Default Next:Q15-18
Lead-In:Q15-16 [Default]

Q15-18 [Y03108.00]Section: Income and Assets

During 1993, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all (other) jobs, before deductions for taxes or anything else?


Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-19
Lead-In:Q15-15 [Default], Q15-17 [Default]

Q15-19 []Section: Income and Assets

[Now, please exclude any income you already have mentioned earned by your [spouse/partner]]. (In addition to the income YOU received from your farm business, partnership, or professional practice,) During 1993, did your [spouse/partner] receive any money in income ...

Default Next:Q15-20
Lead-In:Q15-18 [Default]

Q15-20 [Y03109.00]Section: Income and Assets

... from [his/her] own farm?


 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-21
Lead-In:Q15-19 [Default]

Q15-21 []Section: Income and Assets

[And excluding any income you already have mentioned earned by your [spouse/partner]]. (In addition to the income YOU received from your own business, partnership, or professional practice,) During 1993, did your [spouse/partner] receive any money in income ...

Default Next:Q15-22
Lead-In:Q15-20 [Default]

Q15-22 [Y03110.00]Section: Income and Assets

... from [his/her] own non-farm business, partnership, or professional practice?


 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-23
Lead-In:Q15-21 [Default]

Q15-23 [Y03111.00]Section: Income and Assets

([q15-20]=1) | ([q15-22]=1)

COMMENT: Did R's spouse receive any income from own farm, or non-farm business, partnership or professional practice?

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-24)

Default Next:Q15S-3.1
Lead-In:Q15-22 [Default]

Q15-24 []Section: Income and Assets

How much did [he/she] receive AFTER EXPENSES?


Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-3.1
Lead-In:Q15-23 [1:1]

Q15S-3.1 [Y03112.00]Section: Income and Assets

Did your [spouse/partner] receive any money from unemployment compensation in any month in 1993 or 1994?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15S-5.1)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-32
Lead-In:Q15-23 [Default], Q15-24 [Default]

Q15S-5.1 []Section: Income and Assets

When did your [spouse/partner] first receive unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15S-6B.1
Lead-In:Q15S-3.1 [1:1]

Q15S-6B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving unemployment (1)] until when did your [spouse/partner] receive unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15S-26E.1
Lead-In:Q15S-5.1 [Default]

Q15S-26E.1 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year spouse/partner began receiving unemployment benefits(1)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15S-39B.1
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15S-40B.1
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15S-41B.1
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15S-42B.1

Default Next:Q15-32
Lead-In:Q15S-6B.1 [Default]

Q15S-38A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(1)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-38B.1)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.1 [90:90]

Q15S-38B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-39A.1
Lead-In:Q15S-38A.1 [1:1]

Q15S-39A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(1)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if syearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-39B.1)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15S-38B.1 [Default]

Q15S-39B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-40A.1
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.1 [91:91], Q15S-39A.1 [1:1]

Q15S-40A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(1)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-40B.1)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15S-39B.1 [Default]

Q15S-40B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-41A.1
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.1 [92:92], Q15S-40A.1 [1:1]

Q15S-41A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(1)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-41B.1)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15S-40B.1 [Default]

Q15S-41B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-42A.1
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.1 [93:93], Q15S-41A.1 [1:1]

Q15S-42A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(1)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-42B.1)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15S-41B.1 [Default]

Q15S-42B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.1 [94:94], Q15S-42A.1 [1:1]

Q15S-44A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year stopped receiving unemployment(1)] when your [spouse/partner] received unemployment compensation?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15S-5.2)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-32
Lead-In:Q15S-38A.1 [Default], Q15S-39A.1 [Default], Q15S-40A.1 [Default], Q15S-41A.1 [Default], Q15S-42A.1 [Default], Q15S-42B.1 [Default]

Q15S-5.2 []Section: Income and Assets

When was the second time your [spouse/partner] received unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15S-6B.2
Lead-In:Q15S-44A.1 [1:1]

Q15S-6B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving unemployment (2)] until when did your [spouse/partner] receive unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15S-26E.2
Lead-In:Q15S-5.2 [Default]

Q15S-26E.2 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year spouse/partner began receiving unemployment benefits(2)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15S-39B.2
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15S-40B.2
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15S-41B.2
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15S-42B.2

Default Next:Q15-32
Lead-In:Q15S-6B.2 [Default]

Q15S-38A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(2)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-38B.2)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.2 [90:90]

Q15S-38B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-39A.2
Lead-In:Q15S-38A.2 [1:1]

Q15S-39A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(2)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if syearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-39B.2)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15S-38B.2 [Default]

Q15S-39B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-40A.2
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.2 [91:91], Q15S-39A.2 [1:1]

Q15S-40A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(2)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-40B.2)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15S-39B.2 [Default]

Q15S-40B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-41A.2
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.2 [92:92], Q15S-40A.2 [1:1]

Q15S-41A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(2)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-41B.2)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15S-40B.2 [Default]

Q15S-41B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-42A.2
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.2 [93:93], Q15S-41A.2 [1:1]

Q15S-42A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(2)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-42B.2)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15S-41B.2 [Default]

Q15S-42B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.2 [94:94], Q15S-42A.2 [1:1]

Q15S-44A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year stopped receiving unemployment(2)] when your [spouse/partner] received unemployment compensation?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15S-5.3)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-32
Lead-In:Q15S-38A.2 [Default], Q15S-39A.2 [Default], Q15S-40A.2 [Default], Q15S-41A.2 [Default], Q15S-42A.2 [Default], Q15S-42B.2 [Default]

Q15S-5.3 []Section: Income and Assets

When was the third time your [spouse/partner] received unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15S-6B.3
Lead-In:Q15S-44A.2 [1:1]

Q15S-6B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving unemployment (3)] until when did your [spouse/partner] receive unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15S-26E.3
Lead-In:Q15S-5.3 [Default]

Q15S-26E.3 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year spouse/partner began receiving unemployment benefits(3)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15S-39B.3
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15S-40B.3
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15S-41B.3
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15S-42B.3

Default Next:Q15-32
Lead-In:Q15S-6B.3 [Default]

Q15S-38A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(3)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-38B.3)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.3 [90:90]

Q15S-38B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-39A.3
Lead-In:Q15S-38A.3 [1:1]

Q15S-39A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(3)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if syearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-39B.3)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15S-38B.3 [Default]

Q15S-39B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-40A.3
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.3 [91:91], Q15S-39A.3 [1:1]

Q15S-40A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(3)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-40B.3)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15S-39B.3 [Default]

Q15S-40B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-41A.3
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.3 [92:92], Q15S-40A.3 [1:1]

Q15S-41A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(3)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-41B.3)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15S-40B.3 [Default]

Q15S-41B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-42A.3
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.3 [93:93], Q15S-41A.3 [1:1]

Q15S-42A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(3)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-42B.3)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15S-41B.3 [Default]

Q15S-42B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.3 [94:94], Q15S-42A.3 [1:1]

Q15S-44A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year stopped receiving unemployment(3)] when your [spouse/partner] received unemployment compensation?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15S-5.4)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-32
Lead-In:Q15S-38A.3 [Default], Q15S-39A.3 [Default], Q15S-40A.3 [Default], Q15S-41A.3 [Default], Q15S-42A.3 [Default], Q15S-42B.3 [Default]

Q15S-5.4 []Section: Income and Assets

When was the fourth time your [spouse/partner] received unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15S-6B.4
Lead-In:Q15S-44A.3 [1:1]

Q15S-6B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving unemployment (4)] until when did your [spouse/partner] receive unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15S-26E.4
Lead-In:Q15S-5.4 [Default]

Q15S-26E.4 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year spouse/partner began receiving unemployment benefits(4)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15S-39B.4
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15S-40B.4
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15S-41B.4
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15S-42B.4

Default Next:Q15-32
Lead-In:Q15S-6B.4 [Default]

Q15S-38A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(4)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-38B.4)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.4 [90:90]

Q15S-38B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-39A.4
Lead-In:Q15S-38A.4 [1:1]

Q15S-39A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(4)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if syearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-39B.4)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15S-38B.4 [Default]

Q15S-39B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-40A.4
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.4 [91:91], Q15S-39A.4 [1:1]

Q15S-40A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(4)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-40B.4)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15S-39B.4 [Default]

Q15S-40B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-41A.4
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.4 [92:92], Q15S-40A.4 [1:1]

Q15S-41A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(4)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-41B.4)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15S-40B.4 [Default]

Q15S-41B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-42A.4
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.4 [93:93], Q15S-41A.4 [1:1]

Q15S-42A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(4)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-42B.4)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15S-41B.4 [Default]

Q15S-42B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.4 [94:94], Q15S-42A.4 [1:1]

Q15S-44A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year stopped receiving unemployment(4)] when your [spouse/partner] received unemployment compensation?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15S-5.5)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-32
Lead-In:Q15S-38A.4 [Default], Q15S-39A.4 [Default], Q15S-40A.4 [Default], Q15S-41A.4 [Default], Q15S-42A.4 [Default], Q15S-42B.4 [Default]

Q15S-5.5 []Section: Income and Assets

When was the fifth time your [spouse/partner] received unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15S-6B.5
Lead-In:Q15S-44A.4 [1:1]

Q15S-6B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving unemployment (5)] until when did your [spouse/partner] receive unemployment compensation?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15S-26E.5
Lead-In:Q15S-5.5 [Default]

Q15S-26E.5 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year spouse/partner began receiving unemployment benefits(5)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15S-39B.5
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15S-40B.5
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15S-41B.5
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15S-42B.5

Default Next:Q15-32
Lead-In:Q15S-6B.5 [Default]

Q15S-38A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(5)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-38B.5)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.5 [90:90]

Q15S-38B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-39A.5
Lead-In:Q15S-38A.5 [1:1]

Q15S-39A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(5)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if syearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-39B.5)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15S-38B.5 [Default]

Q15S-39B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-40A.5
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.5 [91:91], Q15S-39A.5 [1:1]

Q15S-40A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(5)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-40B.5)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15S-39B.5 [Default]

Q15S-40B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-41A.5
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.5 [92:92], Q15S-40A.5 [1:1]

Q15S-41A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(5)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-41B.5)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15S-40B.5 [Default]

Q15S-41B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-42A.5
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.5 [93:93], Q15S-41A.5 [1:1]

Q15S-42A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year respondent's spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment benefits(5)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if syearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15S-42B.5)

Default Next:Q15S-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15S-41B.5 [Default]

Q15S-42B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive per WEEK during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15S-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15S-26E.5 [94:94], Q15S-42A.5 [1:1]

Q15S-44A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year stopped receiving unemployment(5)] when your [spouse/partner] received unemployment compensation?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15-32)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-32
Lead-In:Q15S-38A.5 [Default], Q15S-39A.5 [Default], Q15S-40A.5 [Default], Q15S-41A.5 [Default], Q15S-42A.5 [Default], Q15S-42B.5 [Default]

Q15-32 [Y03113.00]Section: Income and Assets

([[Total number of biological children listed in BIOCHILD roster]]>=1)

COMMENT: check total kids in household

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33A)

Default Next:Q15-32-A
Lead-In:Q15S-44A.5 [1:1], Q15-10 [Default], Q15S-3.1 [Default], Q15S-26E.1 [Default], Q15S-44A.1 [Default], Q15S-26E.2 [Default], Q15S-44A.2 [Default], Q15S-26E.3 [Default], Q15S-44A.3 [Default], Q15S-26E.4 [Default], Q15S-44A.4 [Default], Q15S-26E.5 [Default], Q15S-44A.5 [Default]

Q15-32-A [Y03114.00]Section: Income and Assets

([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (1)]]=2) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (1)]]=3) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (1)]]=20) |
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (1)]]=21) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (2)]]=2) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (2)]]=3) |
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (2)]]=20) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (2)]]=21) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (3)]]=2) |
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (3)]]=3) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (3)]]=20) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (3)]]=21)

COMMENT: check if there are adopted or step kids in the hhi

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33A)

Default Next:Q15-32-B
Lead-In:Q15-32 [Default]

Q15-32-B []Section: Income and Assets

([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (4)]]=2) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (4)]]=3) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (4)]]=20) |
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (4)]]=21) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (5)]]=2) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (5)]]=3) |
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (5)]]=20) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (5)]]=21) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (6)]]=2) |
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (6)]]=3) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (6)]]=20) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (6)]]=21)

COMMENT: check if there are adopted or step kids in the hhi

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33A)

Default Next:Q15-32-C
Lead-In:Q15-32-A [Default]

Q15-32-C []Section: Income and Assets

([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (7)]]=2) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (7)]]=3) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (7)]]=20) |
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (7)]]=21) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (8)]]=2) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (8)]]=3) |
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (8)]]=20) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (8)]]=21) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (9)]]=2) |
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (9)]]=3) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (9)]]=20) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (9)]]=21)

COMMENT: check if there are adopted or step kids in the hhi

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33A)

Default Next:Q15-32-D
Lead-In:Q15-32-B [Default]

Q15-32-D []Section: Income and Assets

([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (10)]]=2) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (10)]]=3) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (10)]]=20)
| ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (10)]]=21)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (11)]]=2)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (11)]]=3)|
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (11)]]=20) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (11)]]=21)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (12)]]=2)|
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (12)]]=3) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (12)]]=20) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (12)]]=21)

COMMENT: check if there are adopted or step kids in the hhi

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33A)

Default Next:Q15-32-E
Lead-In:Q15-32-C [Default]

Q15-32-E []Section: Income and Assets

([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (13)]]=2) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (13)]]=3) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (13)]]=20)
| ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (13)]]=21)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (14)]]=2)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (14)]]=3)|
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (14)]]=20) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (14)]]=21)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (15)]]=2)|
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (15)]]=3) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (15)]]=20) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (15)]]=21)

COMMENT: check if there are adopted or step kids in the hhi

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33A)

Default Next:Q15-32-F
Lead-In:Q15-32-D [Default]

Q15-32-F []Section: Income and Assets

([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (16)]]=2) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (16)]]=3) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (16)]]=20)
| ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (16)]]=21)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (17)]]=2)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (17)]]=3)|
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (17)]]=20) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (17)]]=21)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (18)]]=2)|
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (18)]]=3) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (18)]]=20) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (18)]]=21)

COMMENT: check if there are adopted or step kids in the hhi

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33A)

Default Next:Q15-32-G
Lead-In:Q15-32-E [Default]

Q15-32-G []Section: Income and Assets

([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (19)]]=2) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (19)]]=3) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (19)]]=20)
| ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (19)]]=21)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (20)]]=2)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (20)]]=3)|
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (20)]]=20) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (20)]]=21)

COMMENT: check if there are adopted or step kids in the hhi

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33A)

Default Next:Q15-33-A
Lead-In:Q15-32-F [Default]

Q15-33-A [Y03121.00]Section: Income and Assets

([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (1)]]=70) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (1)]]=71) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (1)]]=72)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (1)]]=73) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (2)]]=70) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (2)]]=71)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (2)]]=72) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (2)]]=73) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (3)]]=70)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (3)]]=71) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (3)]]=72) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (3)]]=73)

COMMENT: check if there are adopted or step kids in the hhi

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33A)

Default Next:Q15-33-B
Lead-In:Q15-32-G [Default]

Q15-33-B []Section: Income and Assets

([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (4)]]=70) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (4)]]=71) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (4)]]=72)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (4)]]=73) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (5)]]=70) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (5)]]=71)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (5)]]=72) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (5)]]=73) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (6)]]=70)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (6)]]=71) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (6)]]=72) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (6)]]=73)

COMMENT: check if there are adopted or step kids in the hhi

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33A)

Default Next:Q15-33-C
Lead-In:Q15-33-A [Default]

Q15-33-C []Section: Income and Assets

([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (7)]]=70) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (7)]]=71) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (7)]]=72)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (7)]]=73) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (8)]]=70) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (8)]]=71)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (8)]]=72) | ([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (8)]]=73) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (9)]]=70)|
([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (9)]]=71) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (9)]]=72) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (9)]]=73)

COMMENT: check if there are adopted or step kids in the hhi

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33A)

Default Next:Q15-33-D
Lead-In:Q15-33-B [Default]

Q15-33-D []Section: Income and Assets

([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (10)]]=70)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (10)]]=71) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (10)]]=72)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (10)]]=73)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (11)]]=70)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (11)]]=71)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (11)]]=72)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (11)]]=73)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (12)]]=70)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (12)]]=71)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (12)]]=72)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (12)]]=73)

COMMENT: check if there are adopted or step kids in the hhi

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33A)

Default Next:Q15-33-E
Lead-In:Q15-33-C [Default]

Q15-33-E []Section: Income and Assets

([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (13)]]=70)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (13)]]=71) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (13)]]=72)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (13)]]=73)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (14)]]=70)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (14)]]=71)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (14)]]=72)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (14)]]=73)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (15)]]=70)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (15)]]=71)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (15)]]=72)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (15)]]=73)

COMMENT: check if there are adopted or step kids in the hhi

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33A)

Default Next:Q15-33-F
Lead-In:Q15-33-D [Default]

Q15-33-F []Section: Income and Assets

([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (16)]]=70)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (16)]]=71) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (16)]]=72)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (16)]]=73)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (17)]]=70)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (17)]]=71)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (17)]]=72)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (17)]]=73)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (18)]]=70)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (18)]]=71)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (18)]]=72)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (18)]]=73)

COMMENT: check if there are adopted or step kids in the hhi

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33A)

Default Next:Q15-33-G
Lead-In:Q15-33-E [Default]

Q15-33-G []Section: Income and Assets

([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (19)]]=70)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (19)]]=71) |([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (19)]]=72)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (19)]]=73)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (20)]]=70)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (20)]]=71)
|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (20)]]=72)|([[relationship to YA of household member (code) (20)]]=73)

COMMENT: check if there are adopted or step kids in the hhi

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33A)

Default Next:Q15F-3.1
Lead-In:Q15-33-F [Default]

Q15-33A [Y03128.00]Section: Income and Assets

Are [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] currently legally entitled to receive child support payments through a court order or any other type of legal agreement?

 1   Yes
 0   No   ...(Go To Q15A-3.1)

Default Next:Q15-33BA
Lead-In:Q15-32 [1:1], Q15-32-A [1:1], Q15-32-B [1:1], Q15-32-C [1:1], Q15-32-D [1:1], Q15-32-E [1:1], Q15-32-F [1:1], Q15-32-G [1:1], Q15-33-A [1:1], Q15-33-B [1:1], Q15-33-C [1:1], Q15-33-D [1:1], Q15-33-E [1:1], Q15-33-F [1:1], Q15-33-G [1:1]

Q15-33BA [Y03129.00]Section: Income and Assets

([[marital status code ]]=1) | ([[marital status code ]]=7)

COMMENT: married and spouse or partner is in household.

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33C)

Default Next:Q15-33D
Lead-In:Q15-33A [Default]

Q15-33C [Y03131.00]Section: Income and Assets

Who is legally entitled to receive child support - you, your [spouse/partner] or both of you?

 1   Respondent only   ...(Go To Q15-33D)
 2   Respondent's spouse/partner only   ...(Go To Q15-33KC)
 3   Respondent and spouse/partner   ...(Go To Q15-33D)

Default Next:Q15-33D
Lead-In:Q15-33BA [1:1]

Q15-33D [Y03132.01]Section: Income and Assets

When were your payments first agreed to or awarded?


Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15-33E
Lead-In:Q15-33C [1:1], Q15-33C [3:3], Q15-33BA [Default], Q15-33C [Default]

Q15-33E [Y03133.00]Section: Income and Assets

What amount of child support for your children was agreed to in the agreement or award made in [date child support payments first agreed to or awarded]?


Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-33EA
Lead-In:Q15-33D [Default]

Q15-33EA [Y03134.00]Section: Income and Assets

([IF NECESSARY PROBE:] (Is/Was) that per month, per year, or what?)


 4   Per Week
 1   Per month
 2   Per year

Default Next:Q15-33EB
Lead-In:Q15-33E [Default]

Q15-33EB [Y03135.00]Section: Income and Assets

Since you began receiving child support payments, has there ever been a change in the amount of money that you are SUPPOSED to receive?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15-33F)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-33FB
Lead-In:Q15-33EA [Default]

Q15-33F []Section: Income and Assets

When was the most recent change in your child support agreement or award made?


Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15-33FA
Lead-In:Q15-33EB [1:1]

Q15-33FA []Section: Income and Assets

What amount of child support for your children are you entitled to now?


Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-33FAB
Lead-In:Q15-33F [Default]

Q15-33FAB []Section: Income and Assets

([IF NECESSARY PROBE:] (Is/Was) that per month, per year, or what?)


 4   Per Week
 1   Per month
 2   Per year

Default Next:Q15-33FB
Lead-In:Q15-33FA [Default]

Q15-33FB [Y03136.00]Section: Income and Assets

How did you reach agreement on your most recent child support amount? Did you...(READ CATEGORIES)...?


Default Next:Q15-33FC
Lead-In:Q15-33EB [Default], Q15-33FAB [Default]

Q15-33FC []Section: Income and Assets

In what state was the court order or agreement filed?



Default Next:Q15-33FD
Lead-In:Q15-33FB [Default]

Q15-33FD [Y03137.00]Section: Income and Assets

Were any type of STATE or COUNTY child support guidelines or schedule used to decide on the amount of child support?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-33G
Lead-In:Q15-33FC [Default]

Q15-33G [Y03138.00]Section: Income and Assets

How many of YOUR children are legally entitled to child support under the current court order or agreement?


Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-33H
Lead-In:Q15-33FD [Default]

Q15-33H [Y03139.00]Section: Income and Assets

In total how much in child support were YOU SUPPOSED to receive during 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-33I
Lead-In:Q15-33G [Default]

Q15-33I [Y03140.00]Section: Income and Assets

In total, how much in child support did YOU ACTUALLY receive during 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-33IA
Lead-In:Q15-33H [Default]

Q15-33IA [Y03141.00]Section: Income and Assets

(([[amount child support SUPPOSED to receive during 1993]] >= 0) & ([[amount child support actually received during 1993]] >= 0))

COMMENT: Are both the amount supposed to receive and the amount actually received real numbers (not DK or REFUSALS)?


Default Next:Q15-33J
Lead-In:Q15-33I [Default]

Q15-33J []Section: Income and Assets

([[amount child support SUPPOSED to receive during 1993]] - [[amount child support actually received during 1993]])

COMMENT: Subtract value in q15-33I from q15-33H


Default Next:Q15-33JA
Lead-In:Q15-33IA [Default]

Q15-33JA []Section: Income and Assets

([[amount child support actually received during 1993]] < [[amount child support SUPPOSED to receive during 1993]])

COMMENT: Check if child support RECEIVED (q15-33I) is LESS THAN child support SUPPOSED TO RECEIVE (q15-33H)

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33K)

Default Next:Q15-33KB
Lead-In:Q15-33J [Default]

Q15-33K [Y03144.00]Section: Income and Assets

Just to verify, this means that you received $[amount child support actually received during 1993], which is $[amount of child support supposed to receive minus amount of child support actually received] less in child support than you were supposed to receive during 1993?

(INTERVIEWER: VERIFY AMOUNTS IN q15-33H ([amount child support SUPPOSED to receive during 1993]) AND q15-33I ([amount child support actually received during 1993]) AS NECESSARY <PG-UP> TO CORRECT IF R INDICATES AMOUNT IS INCORRECT)

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-33KC
Lead-In:Q15-33JA [1:1]

Q15-33KA []Section: Income and Assets

Just to verify, this means that you received $[amount child support actually received during 1993], which is $[amount of child support supposed to receive minus amount of child support actually received] more in child support than you were supposed to receive during 1993?

(INTERVIEWER: VERIFY AMOUNTS IN Q15-33H:($[amount child support SUPPOSED to receive during 1993]), Q15-33I:($[amount child support actually received during 1993]) AS NECESSARY <PG-UP> TO CORRECT IF R INDICATES AMOUNT IS INCORRECT.)

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-33KC
Lead-In:Q15-33JA [0:0]

Q15-33KB [Y03145.00]Section: Income and Assets

Just to verify, this means that you received $[amount child support actually received during 1993], which is as much child support as you were supposed to receive during 1993?

(INTERVIEWER: VERIFY AMOUNT IN Q15-33H ($[amount child support SUPPOSED to receive during 1993]) AND Q15-33I ($[amount child support actually received during 1993]) AS NECESSARY <PG-UP> TO CORRECT IF R INDICATES AMOUNT IS INCORRECT.)

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-33KC
Lead-In:Q15-33J [0:0], Q15-33JA [Default]

Q15-33KC [Y03146.00]Section: Income and Assets


COMMENT: Check to see if R's spouse is also legally entitled to child support ([q15-33C]=2 or 3)

If Answer >= 2 AND Answer <= 3 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15A-3.1
Lead-In:Q15-33C [2:2], Q15-33IA [0:0], Q15-33K [Default], Q15-33KA [Default], Q15-33KB [Default]

Q15-33L []Section: Income and Assets

How many of your [spouse/partner]'s children are legally entitled to child support under [his/her] current court order or agreement?


Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-33LA
Lead-In:Q15-33KC [2:3]

Q15-33LA []Section: Income and Assets

In total how much in child support was your [spouse/partner] SUPPOSED to receive during 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-33M
Lead-In:Q15-33L [Default]

Q15-33M []Section: Income and Assets

In total, how much in child support did your [spouse/partner] ACTUALLY receive during 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-33MA
Lead-In:Q15-33LA [Default]

Q15-33MA []Section: Income and Assets

(([[amount of child support spouse/partner supposed to receive in 1993]] >= 0) & ([[amount child support spouse/partner actually received during 1993]] >= 0))

COMMENT: Are both the amount supposed to receive and the amount actually received real numbers (not DK or REFUSALS)?

 0   CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY   ...(Go To Q15A-3.1)

Default Next:Q15-33N
Lead-In:Q15-33M [Default]

Q15-33N []Section: Income and Assets

([[amount of child support spouse/partner supposed to receive in 1993]] - [[amount child support spouse/partner actually received during 1993]])

COMMENT: Subtract value in q15-33M from q15-33La

 0   CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY   ...(Go To Q15-33S)

Default Next:Q15-33O
Lead-In:Q15-33MA [Default]

Q15-33O []Section: Income and Assets

([[amount child support spouse/partner actually received during 1993]] < [[amount of child support spouse/partner supposed to receive in 1993]])

COMMENT: Check if child support RECEIVED (q15-33M) is LESS THAN child support SUPPOSED TO RECEIVE (q15-33La)

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15-33Q)
 0   CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY   ...(Go To Q15-33R)

Default Next:Q15-33S
Lead-In:Q15-33N [Default]

Q15-33Q []Section: Income and Assets

Just to verify, this means that your [spouse/partner] received $[amount child support spouse/partner actually received during 1993], which is $[amount of child support spouse/partner supposed to receive minus amount of child support spouse/partner actually received] less in child support than [he/she] was supposed to receive during 1993?

(INTERVIEWER: VERIFY AMOUNTS IN Q15-33La:($[amount of child support spouse/partner supposed to receive in 1993]), Q15-33M:($[amount child support spouse/partner actually received during 1993]) AS NECESSARY, AND <PG-UP> TO CORRECT.)

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:Q15A-3.1
Lead-In:Q15-33O [1:1]

Q15-33R []Section: Income and Assets

Just to verify, this means that your [spouse/partner] received $[amount child support spouse/partner actually received during 1993], which is $[amount of child support spouse/partner supposed to receive minus amount of child support spouse/partner actually received] more in child support than [he/she] was supposed to receive during 1993?

(INTERVIEWER: VERIFY AMOUNTS IN Q15-33La:([amount of child support spouse/partner supposed to receive in 1993]), Q15-33M:($[amount child support spouse/partner actually received during 1993]) AS NECESSARY, AND <PG-UP> TO CORRECT.)

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:Q15A-3.1
Lead-In:Q15-33O [0:0]

Q15-33S []Section: Income and Assets

Just to verify, this means that your [spouse/partner] received $[amount child support spouse/partner actually received during 1993], which is as much child support as [he/she] was supposed to receive during 1993?

(INTERVIEWER: VERIFY AMOUNT IN Q15-33La:($[amount of child support spouse/partner supposed to receive in 1993]), Q15-33M:($[amount child support spouse/partner actually received during 1993]) AS NECESSARY, AND <PG-UP> TO CORRECT.)

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:Q15A-3.1
Lead-In:Q15-33N [0:0], Q15-33O [Default]

Q15A-3.1 [Y03147.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] received AFDC in any month since January 1993?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15A-5.1)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15F-3.1
Lead-In:Q15-33A [0:0], Q15-33MA [0:0], Q15-33KC [Default], Q15-33Q [Default], Q15-33R [Default], Q15-33S [Default]

Q15A-5.1 [Y03148.00]Section: Income and Assets

What was the first month [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] first received AFDC?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15A-6B.1
Lead-In:Q15A-3.1 [1:1]

Q15A-6B.1 [Y03149.00]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving afdc(1)] until when did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive AFDC?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15A-26E.1
Lead-In:Q15A-5.1 [Default]

Q15A-26E.1 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year began receiving AFDC(1)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15A-39B.1
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15A-40B.1
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15A-41B.1
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15A-42B.1

Default Next:Q15F-3.1
Lead-In:Q15A-6B.1 [Default]

Q15A-38A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(1)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-38B.1)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.1 [90:90]

Q15A-38B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] recieve per MONTH during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-39A.1
Lead-In:Q15A-38A.1 [1:1]

Q15A-39A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(1)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-39B.1)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15A-38B.1 [Default]

Q15A-39B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] recieve per MONTH during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-40A.1
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.1 [91:91], Q15A-39A.1 [1:1]

Q15A-40A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(1)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-40B.1)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15A-39B.1 [Default]

Q15A-40B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-41A.1
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.1 [92:92], Q15A-40A.1 [1:1]

Q15A-41A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(1)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-41B.1)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15A-40B.1 [Default]

Q15A-41B.1 [Y03151.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-42A.1
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.1 [93:93], Q15A-41A.1 [1:1]

Q15A-42A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(1)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-42B.1)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15A-41B.1 [Default]

Q15A-42B.1 [Y03153.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.1 [94:94], Q15A-42A.1 [1:1]

Q15A-44A.1 [Y03154.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year stopped receiving AFDC(1)] when you received AFDC?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15A-5.2)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15F-3.1
Lead-In:Q15A-38A.1 [Default], Q15A-39A.1 [Default], Q15A-40A.1 [Default], Q15A-41A.1 [Default], Q15A-42A.1 [Default], Q15A-42B.1 [Default]

Q15A-5.2 [Y03155.01]Section: Income and Assets

In what month did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] begin to receive AFDC the second time?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15A-6B.2
Lead-In:Q15A-44A.1 [1:1]

Q15A-6B.2 [Y03156.01]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving afdc(2)] until when did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive AFDC?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15A-26E.2
Lead-In:Q15A-5.2 [Default]

Q15A-26E.2 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year began receiving AFDC(2)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15A-39B.2
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15A-40B.2
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15A-41B.2
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15A-42B.2

Default Next:Q15F-3.1
Lead-In:Q15A-6B.2 [Default]

Q15A-38A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(2)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-38B.2)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.2 [90:90]

Q15A-38B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] recieve per MONTH during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-39A.2
Lead-In:Q15A-38A.2 [1:1]

Q15A-39A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(2)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-39B.2)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15A-38B.2 [Default]

Q15A-39B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] recieve per MONTH during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-40A.2
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.2 [91:91], Q15A-39A.2 [1:1]

Q15A-40A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(2)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-40B.2)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15A-39B.2 [Default]

Q15A-40B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-41A.2
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.2 [92:92], Q15A-40A.2 [1:1]

Q15A-41A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(2)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-41B.2)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15A-40B.2 [Default]

Q15A-41B.2 [Y03158.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-42A.2
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.2 [93:93], Q15A-41A.2 [1:1]

Q15A-42A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(2)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-42B.2)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15A-41B.2 [Default]

Q15A-42B.2 [Y03160.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.2 [94:94], Q15A-42A.2 [1:1]

Q15A-44A.2 [Y03161.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year stopped receiving AFDC(2)] when you received AFDC?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15A-5.3)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15F-3.1
Lead-In:Q15A-38A.2 [Default], Q15A-39A.2 [Default], Q15A-40A.2 [Default], Q15A-41A.2 [Default], Q15A-42A.2 [Default], Q15A-42B.2 [Default]

Q15A-5.3 [Y03162.00]Section: Income and Assets

In what month did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] begin to receive AFDC the third time?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15A-6B.3
Lead-In:Q15A-44A.2 [1:1]

Q15A-6B.3 [Y03163.01]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving afdc(3)] until when did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive AFDC?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15A-26E.3
Lead-In:Q15A-5.3 [Default]

Q15A-26E.3 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year began receiving AFDC(3)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15A-39B.3
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15A-40B.3
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15A-41B.3
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15A-42B.3

Default Next:Q15F-3.1
Lead-In:Q15A-6B.3 [Default]

Q15A-38A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(3)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-38B.3)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.3 [90:90]

Q15A-38B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] recieve per MONTH during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-39A.3
Lead-In:Q15A-38A.3 [1:1]

Q15A-39A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(3)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-39B.3)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15A-38B.3 [Default]

Q15A-39B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] recieve per MONTH during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-40A.3
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.3 [91:91], Q15A-39A.3 [1:1]

Q15A-40A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(3)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-40B.3)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15A-39B.3 [Default]

Q15A-40B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-41A.3
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.3 [92:92], Q15A-40A.3 [1:1]

Q15A-41A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(3)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-41B.3)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15A-40B.3 [Default]

Q15A-41B.3 [Y03165.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-42A.3
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.3 [93:93], Q15A-41A.3 [1:1]

Q15A-42A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(3)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-42B.3)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15A-41B.3 [Default]

Q15A-42B.3 [Y03167.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.3 [94:94], Q15A-42A.3 [1:1]

Q15A-44A.3 [Y03168.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year stopped receiving AFDC(3)] when you received AFDC?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15A-5.4)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15F-3.1
Lead-In:Q15A-38A.3 [Default], Q15A-39A.3 [Default], Q15A-40A.3 [Default], Q15A-41A.3 [Default], Q15A-42A.3 [Default], Q15A-42B.3 [Default]

Q15A-5.4 [Y03169.00]Section: Income and Assets

In what month did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] begin to receive AFDC the fourth time?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15A-6B.4
Lead-In:Q15A-44A.3 [1:1]

Q15A-6B.4 [Y03170.00]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving afdc(4)] until when did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive AFDC?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15A-26E.4
Lead-In:Q15A-5.4 [Default]

Q15A-26E.4 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year began receiving AFDC(4)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15A-39B.4
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15A-40B.4
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15A-41B.4
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15A-42B.4

Default Next:Q15F-3.1
Lead-In:Q15A-6B.4 [Default]

Q15A-38A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(4)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-38B.4)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.4 [90:90]

Q15A-38B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] recieve per MONTH during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-39A.4
Lead-In:Q15A-38A.4 [1:1]

Q15A-39A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(4)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-39B.4)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15A-38B.4 [Default]

Q15A-39B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] recieve per MONTH during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-40A.4
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.4 [91:91], Q15A-39A.4 [1:1]

Q15A-40A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(4)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-40B.4)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15A-39B.4 [Default]

Q15A-40B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-41A.4
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.4 [92:92], Q15A-40A.4 [1:1]

Q15A-41A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(4)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-41B.4)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15A-40B.4 [Default]

Q15A-41B.4 [Y03172.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-42A.4
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.4 [93:93], Q15A-41A.4 [1:1]

Q15A-42A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(4)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-42B.4)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15A-41B.4 [Default]

Q15A-42B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.4 [94:94], Q15A-42A.4 [1:1]

Q15A-44A.4 [Y03173.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year stopped receiving AFDC(4)] when you received AFDC?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15A-5.5)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15F-3.1
Lead-In:Q15A-38A.4 [Default], Q15A-39A.4 [Default], Q15A-40A.4 [Default], Q15A-41A.4 [Default], Q15A-42A.4 [Default], Q15A-42B.4 [Default]

Q15A-5.5 [Y03174.01]Section: Income and Assets

In what month did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] begin to receive AFDC the the fifth time?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15A-6B.5
Lead-In:Q15A-44A.4 [1:1]

Q15A-6B.5 [Y03175.01]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving afdc(5)] until when did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive AFDC?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15A-26E.5
Lead-In:Q15A-5.5 [Default]

Q15A-26E.5 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year began receiving AFDC(5)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15A-39B.5
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15A-40B.5
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15A-41B.5
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15A-42B.5

Default Next:Q15F-3.1
Lead-In:Q15A-6B.5 [Default]

Q15A-38A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(5)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-38B.5)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.5 [90:90]

Q15A-38B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] recieve per MONTH during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-39A.5
Lead-In:Q15A-38A.5 [1:1]

Q15A-39A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(5)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-39B.5)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15A-38B.5 [Default]

Q15A-39B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] recieve per MONTH during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-40A.5
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.5 [91:91], Q15A-39A.5 [1:1]

Q15A-40A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(5)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-40B.5)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15A-39B.5 [Default]

Q15A-40B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-41A.5
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.5 [92:92], Q15A-40A.5 [1:1]

Q15A-41A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(5)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-41B.5)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15A-40B.5 [Default]

Q15A-41B.5 [Y03177.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-42A.5
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.5 [93:93], Q15A-41A.5 [1:1]

Q15A-42A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving AFDC(5)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if ayearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15A-42B.5)

Default Next:Q15A-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15A-41B.5 [Default]

Q15A-42B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15A-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15A-26E.5 [94:94], Q15A-42A.5 [1:1]

Q15A-44A.5 [Y03178.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year stopped receiving AFDC(5)] when you received AFDC?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15F-3.1)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15F-3.1
Lead-In:Q15A-38A.5 [Default], Q15A-39A.5 [Default], Q15A-40A.5 [Default], Q15A-41A.5 [Default], Q15A-42A.5 [Default], Q15A-42B.5 [Default]

Q15F-3.1 [Y03179.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] received government food stamps in any month since 1993?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15F-5.1)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15W-3.1
Lead-In:Q15A-44A.5 [1:1], Q15-33-G [Default], Q15A-3.1 [Default], Q15A-26E.1 [Default], Q15A-44A.1 [Default], Q15A-26E.2 [Default], Q15A-44A.2 [Default], Q15A-26E.3 [Default], Q15A-44A.3 [Default], Q15A-26E.4 [Default], Q15A-44A.4 [Default], Q15A-26E.5 [Default], Q15A-44A.5 [Default]

Q15F-5.1 [Y03180.01]Section: Income and Assets

When was the first month [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] first received government food stamps?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15F-6B.1
Lead-In:Q15F-3.1 [1:1]

Q15F-6B.1 [Y03181.01]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving food stamps(1)] until when did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive government food stamps?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15F-26E.1
Lead-In:Q15F-5.1 [Default]

Q15F-26E.1 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year began receiving food stamps(1)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15F-39B.1
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15F-40B.1
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15F-41B.1
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15F-42B.1

Default Next:Q15F-38A.1
Lead-In:Q15F-6B.1 [Default]

Q15F-38A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(1)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-38B.1)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.1 [90:90], Q15F-26E.1 [Default]

Q15F-38B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-39A.1
Lead-In:Q15F-38A.1 [1:1]

Q15F-39A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(1)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-39B.1)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15F-38B.1 [Default]

Q15F-39B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-40A.1
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.1 [91:91], Q15F-39A.1 [1:1]

Q15F-40A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(1)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-40B.1)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15F-39B.1 [Default]

Q15F-40B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-41A.1
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.1 [92:92], Q15F-40A.1 [1:1]

Q15F-41A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(1)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-41B.1)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15F-40B.1 [Default]

Q15F-41B.1 [Y03190.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-42A.1
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.1 [93:93], Q15F-41A.1 [1:1]

Q15F-42A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(1)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-42B.1)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15F-41B.1 [Default]

Q15F-42B.1 [Y03192.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.1 [94:94], Q15F-42A.1 [1:1]

Q15F-44A.1 [Y03193.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year stopped receiving food stamps (spells 1-5)(1)] when [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] received food stamps?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15F-5.2)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15W-3.1
Lead-In:Q15F-38A.1 [Default], Q15F-39A.1 [Default], Q15F-40A.1 [Default], Q15F-41A.1 [Default], Q15F-42A.1 [Default], Q15F-42B.1 [Default]

Q15F-5.2 [Y03194.01]Section: Income and Assets

In what month did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] begin to receive government food stamps the second time?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15F-6B.2
Lead-In:Q15F-44A.1 [1:1]

Q15F-6B.2 [Y03195.01]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving food stamps(2)] until when did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive government food stamps?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15F-26E.2
Lead-In:Q15F-5.2 [Default]

Q15F-26E.2 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year began receiving food stamps(2)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15F-39B.2
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15F-40B.2
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15F-41B.2
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15F-42B.2

Default Next:Q15F-38A.2
Lead-In:Q15F-6B.2 [Default]

Q15F-38A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(2)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-38B.2)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.2 [90:90], Q15F-26E.2 [Default]

Q15F-38B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-39A.2
Lead-In:Q15F-38A.2 [1:1]

Q15F-39A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(2)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-39B.2)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15F-38B.2 [Default]

Q15F-39B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-40A.2
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.2 [91:91], Q15F-39A.2 [1:1]

Q15F-40A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(2)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-40B.2)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15F-39B.2 [Default]

Q15F-40B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-41A.2
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.2 [92:92], Q15F-40A.2 [1:1]

Q15F-41A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(2)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-41B.2)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15F-40B.2 [Default]

Q15F-41B.2 [Y03198.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-42A.2
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.2 [93:93], Q15F-41A.2 [1:1]

Q15F-42A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(2)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-42B.2)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15F-41B.2 [Default]

Q15F-42B.2 [Y03200.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.2 [94:94], Q15F-42A.2 [1:1]

Q15F-44A.2 [Y03201.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year stopped receiving food stamps (spells 1-5)(2)] when [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] received food stamps?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15F-5.3)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15W-3.1
Lead-In:Q15F-38A.2 [Default], Q15F-39A.2 [Default], Q15F-40A.2 [Default], Q15F-41A.2 [Default], Q15F-42A.2 [Default], Q15F-42B.2 [Default]

Q15F-5.3 [Y03202.01]Section: Income and Assets

In what month did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] begin to receive government food stamps the third time?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15F-6B.3
Lead-In:Q15F-44A.2 [1:1]

Q15F-6B.3 [Y03203.00]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving food stamps(3)] until when did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive government food stamps?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15F-26E.3
Lead-In:Q15F-5.3 [Default]

Q15F-26E.3 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year began receiving food stamps(3)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15F-39B.3
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15F-40B.3
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15F-41B.3
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15F-42B.3

Default Next:Q15F-38A.3
Lead-In:Q15F-6B.3 [Default]

Q15F-38A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(3)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-38B.3)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.3 [90:90], Q15F-26E.3 [Default]

Q15F-38B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-39A.3
Lead-In:Q15F-38A.3 [1:1]

Q15F-39A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(3)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-39B.3)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15F-38B.3 [Default]

Q15F-39B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-40A.3
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.3 [91:91], Q15F-39A.3 [1:1]

Q15F-40A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(3)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-40B.3)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15F-39B.3 [Default]

Q15F-40B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-41A.3
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.3 [92:92], Q15F-40A.3 [1:1]

Q15F-41A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(3)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-41B.3)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15F-40B.3 [Default]

Q15F-41B.3 [Y03206.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-42A.3
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.3 [93:93], Q15F-41A.3 [1:1]

Q15F-42A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(3)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-42B.3)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15F-41B.3 [Default]

Q15F-42B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.3 [94:94], Q15F-42A.3 [1:1]

Q15F-44A.3 [Y03207.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year stopped receiving food stamps (spells 1-5)(3)] when [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] received food stamps?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15F-5.4)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15W-3.1
Lead-In:Q15F-38A.3 [Default], Q15F-39A.3 [Default], Q15F-40A.3 [Default], Q15F-41A.3 [Default], Q15F-42A.3 [Default], Q15F-42B.3 [Default]

Q15F-5.4 [Y03208.01]Section: Income and Assets

In what month did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] begin to receive government food stamps the fourth time?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15F-6B.4
Lead-In:Q15F-44A.3 [1:1]

Q15F-6B.4 [Y03209.01]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving food stamps(4)] until when did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive government food stamps?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15F-26E.4
Lead-In:Q15F-5.4 [Default]

Q15F-26E.4 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year began receiving food stamps(4)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15F-39B.4
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15F-40B.4
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15F-41B.4
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15F-42B.4

Default Next:Q15F-38A.4
Lead-In:Q15F-6B.4 [Default]

Q15F-38A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(4)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-38B.4)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.4 [90:90], Q15F-26E.4 [Default]

Q15F-38B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-39A.4
Lead-In:Q15F-38A.4 [1:1]

Q15F-39A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(4)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-39B.4)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15F-38B.4 [Default]

Q15F-39B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-40A.4
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.4 [91:91], Q15F-39A.4 [1:1]

Q15F-40A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(4)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-40B.4)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15F-39B.4 [Default]

Q15F-40B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-41A.4
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.4 [92:92], Q15F-40A.4 [1:1]

Q15F-41A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(4)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-41B.4)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15F-40B.4 [Default]

Q15F-41B.4 [Y03211.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-42A.4
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.4 [93:93], Q15F-41A.4 [1:1]

Q15F-42A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(4)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-42B.4)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15F-41B.4 [Default]

Q15F-42B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.4 [94:94], Q15F-42A.4 [1:1]

Q15F-44A.4 [Y03212.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year stopped receiving food stamps (spells 1-5)(4)] when [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] received food stamps?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15F-5.5)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15W-3.1
Lead-In:Q15F-38A.4 [Default], Q15F-39A.4 [Default], Q15F-40A.4 [Default], Q15F-41A.4 [Default], Q15F-42A.4 [Default], Q15F-42B.4 [Default]

Q15F-5.5 [Y03213.01]Section: Income and Assets

In what month did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] begin to receive government food stamps the fifth time?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15F-6B.5
Lead-In:Q15F-44A.4 [1:1]

Q15F-6B.5 [Y03214.01]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving food stamps(5)] until when did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive government food stamps?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15F-26E.5
Lead-In:Q15F-5.5 [Default]

Q15F-26E.5 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year began receiving food stamps(5)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15F-39B.5
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15F-40B.5
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15F-41B.5
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15F-42B.5

Default Next:Q15F-38A.5
Lead-In:Q15F-6B.5 [Default]

Q15F-38A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(5)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-38B.5)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.5 [90:90], Q15F-26E.5 [Default]

Q15F-38B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-39A.5
Lead-In:Q15F-38A.5 [1:1]

Q15F-39A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(5)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-39B.5)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15F-38B.5 [Default]

Q15F-39B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-40A.5
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.5 [91:91], Q15F-39A.5 [1:1]

Q15F-40A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(5)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-40B.5)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15F-39B.5 [Default]

Q15F-40B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-41A.5
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.5 [92:92], Q15F-40A.5 [1:1]

Q15F-41A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(5)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-41B.5)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15F-40B.5 [Default]

Q15F-41B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-42A.5
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.5 [93:93], Q15F-41A.5 [1:1]

Q15F-42A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving food stamps(5)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if fyearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15F-42B.5)

Default Next:Q15F-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15F-41B.5 [Default]

Q15F-42B.5 [Y03216.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15F-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15F-26E.5 [94:94], Q15F-42A.5 [1:1]

Q15F-44A.5 [Y03217.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year stopped receiving food stamps (spells 1-5)(5)] when [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] received food stamps?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15W-3.1)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15W-3.1
Lead-In:Q15F-38A.5 [Default], Q15F-39A.5 [Default], Q15F-40A.5 [Default], Q15F-41A.5 [Default], Q15F-42A.5 [Default], Q15F-42B.5 [Default]

Q15W-3.1 [Y03218.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] received supplemental security income or public assistance, or welfare payments from local, state or federal government in any month since January 1993?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15W-5.1)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-58
Lead-In:Q15F-44A.5 [1:1], Q15F-3.1 [Default], Q15F-44A.1 [Default], Q15F-44A.2 [Default], Q15F-44A.3 [Default], Q15F-44A.4 [Default], Q15F-44A.5 [Default]

Q15W-5.1 [Y03219.00]Section: Income and Assets

What was the first month [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] first received this assistance?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15W-6B.1
Lead-In:Q15W-3.1 [1:1]

Q15W-6B.1 [Y03220.01]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving other welfare payments(1)] until when did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive this assistance?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15W-26E.1
Lead-In:Q15W-5.1 [Default]

Q15W-26E.1 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year began receiving other welfare payments(1)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15W-39B.1
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15W-40B.1
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15W-41B.1
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15W-42B.1

Default Next:Q15-58
Lead-In:Q15W-6B.1 [Default]

Q15W-38A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(1)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-38B.1)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.1 [90:90]

Q15W-38B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-39A.1
Lead-In:Q15W-38A.1 [1:1]

Q15W-39A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(1)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-39B.1)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15W-38B.1 [Default]

Q15W-39B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-40A.1
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.1 [91:91], Q15W-39A.1 [1:1]

Q15W-40A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(1)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-40B.1)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15W-39B.1 [Default]

Q15W-40B.1 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-41A.1
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.1 [92:92], Q15W-40A.1 [1:1]

Q15W-41A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(1)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-41B.1)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15W-40B.1 [Default]

Q15W-41B.1 [Y03222.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-42A.1
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.1 [93:93], Q15W-41A.1 [1:1]

Q15W-42A.1 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(1)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-42B.1)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15W-41B.1 [Default]

Q15W-42B.1 [Y03224.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-44A.1
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.1 [94:94], Q15W-42A.1 [1:1]

Q15W-44A.1 [Y03225.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year respondent stopped receiving unemployment benefits (1)] when [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] received such assistance?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15W-5.2)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-58
Lead-In:Q15W-38A.1 [Default], Q15W-39A.1 [Default], Q15W-40A.1 [Default], Q15W-41A.1 [Default], Q15W-42A.1 [Default], Q15W-42B.1 [Default]

Q15W-5.2 [Y03226.01]Section: Income and Assets

In what month did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] begin to receive this assistance the second time?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15W-6B.2
Lead-In:Q15W-44A.1 [1:1]

Q15W-6B.2 [Y03227.01]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving other welfare payments(2)] until when did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive this assistance?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15W-26E.2
Lead-In:Q15W-5.2 [Default]

Q15W-26E.2 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year began receiving other welfare payments(2)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15W-39B.2
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15W-40B.2
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15W-41B.2
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15W-42B.2

Default Next:Q15-58
Lead-In:Q15W-6B.2 [Default]

Q15W-38A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(2)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-38B.2)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.2 [90:90]

Q15W-38B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-39A.2
Lead-In:Q15W-38A.2 [1:1]

Q15W-39A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(2)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-39B.2)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15W-38B.2 [Default]

Q15W-39B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-40A.2
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.2 [91:91], Q15W-39A.2 [1:1]

Q15W-40A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(2)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-40B.2)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15W-39B.2 [Default]

Q15W-40B.2 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-41A.2
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.2 [92:92], Q15W-40A.2 [1:1]

Q15W-41A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(2)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-41B.2)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15W-40B.2 [Default]

Q15W-41B.2 [Y03229.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-42A.2
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.2 [93:93], Q15W-41A.2 [1:1]

Q15W-42A.2 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(2)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-42B.2)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15W-41B.2 [Default]

Q15W-42B.2 [Y03231.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-44A.2
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.2 [94:94], Q15W-42A.2 [1:1]

Q15W-44A.2 [Y03232.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year respondent stopped receiving unemployment benefits (2)] when [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] received such assistance?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15W-5.3)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-58
Lead-In:Q15W-38A.2 [Default], Q15W-39A.2 [Default], Q15W-40A.2 [Default], Q15W-41A.2 [Default], Q15W-42A.2 [Default], Q15W-42B.2 [Default]

Q15W-5.3 [Y03233.01]Section: Income and Assets

In what month did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] begin to receive this assistance the third time?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15W-6B.3
Lead-In:Q15W-44A.2 [1:1]

Q15W-6B.3 [Y03234.01]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving other welfare payments(3)] until when did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive this assistance?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15W-26E.3
Lead-In:Q15W-5.3 [Default]

Q15W-26E.3 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year began receiving other welfare payments(3)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15W-39B.3
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15W-40B.3
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15W-41B.3
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15W-42B.3

Default Next:Q15-58
Lead-In:Q15W-6B.3 [Default]

Q15W-38A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(3)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-38B.3)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.3 [90:90]

Q15W-38B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-39A.3
Lead-In:Q15W-38A.3 [1:1]

Q15W-39A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(3)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-39B.3)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15W-38B.3 [Default]

Q15W-39B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-40A.3
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.3 [91:91], Q15W-39A.3 [1:1]

Q15W-40A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(3)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-40B.3)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15W-39B.3 [Default]

Q15W-40B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-41A.3
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.3 [92:92], Q15W-40A.3 [1:1]

Q15W-41A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(3)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-41B.3)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15W-40B.3 [Default]

Q15W-41B.3 [Y03236.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-42A.3
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.3 [93:93], Q15W-41A.3 [1:1]

Q15W-42A.3 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(3)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-42B.3)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15W-41B.3 [Default]

Q15W-42B.3 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-44A.3
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.3 [94:94], Q15W-42A.3 [1:1]

Q15W-44A.3 [Y03237.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year respondent stopped receiving unemployment benefits (3)] when [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] received such assistance?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15W-5.4)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-58
Lead-In:Q15W-38A.3 [Default], Q15W-39A.3 [Default], Q15W-40A.3 [Default], Q15W-41A.3 [Default], Q15W-42A.3 [Default], Q15W-42B.3 [Default]

Q15W-5.4 [Y03238.01]Section: Income and Assets

In what month did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] begin to receive this assistance the fourth time?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15W-6B.4
Lead-In:Q15W-44A.3 [1:1]

Q15W-6B.4 [Y03239.01]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving other welfare payments(4)] until when did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive this assistance?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15W-26E.4
Lead-In:Q15W-5.4 [Default]

Q15W-26E.4 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year began receiving other welfare payments(4)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15W-39B.4
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15W-40B.4
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15W-41B.4
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15W-42B.4

Default Next:Q15-58
Lead-In:Q15W-6B.4 [Default]

Q15W-38A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(4)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-38B.4)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.4 [90:90]

Q15W-38B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-39A.4
Lead-In:Q15W-38A.4 [1:1]

Q15W-39A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(4)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-39B.4)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15W-38B.4 [Default]

Q15W-39B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-40A.4
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.4 [91:91], Q15W-39A.4 [1:1]

Q15W-40A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(4)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-40B.4)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15W-39B.4 [Default]

Q15W-40B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-41A.4
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.4 [92:92], Q15W-40A.4 [1:1]

Q15W-41A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(4)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-41B.4)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15W-40B.4 [Default]

Q15W-41B.4 [Y03241.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-42A.4
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.4 [93:93], Q15W-41A.4 [1:1]

Q15W-42A.4 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(4)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-42B.4)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15W-41B.4 [Default]

Q15W-42B.4 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-44A.4
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.4 [94:94], Q15W-42A.4 [1:1]

Q15W-44A.4 [Y03242.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year respondent stopped receiving unemployment benefits (4)] when [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] received such assistance?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15W-5.5)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-58
Lead-In:Q15W-38A.4 [Default], Q15W-39A.4 [Default], Q15W-40A.4 [Default], Q15W-41A.4 [Default], Q15W-42A.4 [Default], Q15W-42B.4 [Default]

Q15W-5.5 [Y03243.01]Section: Income and Assets

In what month did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] begin to receive this assistance the fifth time?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15W-6B.5
Lead-In:Q15W-44A.4 [1:1]

Q15W-6B.5 [Y03244.00]Section: Income and Assets

Following [Year began receiving other welfare payments(5)] until when did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive this assistance?

Enter Date:  

Default Next:Q15W-26E.5
Lead-In:Q15W-5.5 [Default]

Q15W-26E.5 []Section: Income and Assets

[[Year began receiving other welfare payments(5)]]

COMMENT: get the value of yearstart

If Answer = 90 Then Go To
If Answer = 91 Then Go To Q15W-39B.5
If Answer = 92 Then Go To Q15W-40B.5
If Answer = 93 Then Go To Q15W-41B.5
If Answer = 94 Then Go To Q15W-42B.5

Default Next:Q15-58
Lead-In:Q15W-6B.5 [Default]

Q15W-38A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(5)]] >=90)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is 90 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-38B.5)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.5 [90:90]

Q15W-38B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1990?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-39A.5
Lead-In:Q15W-38A.5 [1:1]

Q15W-39A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(5)]] >=91)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop 91 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-39B.5)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15W-38B.5 [Default]

Q15W-39B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1991?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-40A.5
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.5 [91:91], Q15W-39A.5 [1:1]

Q15W-40A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(5)]] >=92)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is 92 or greater

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-40B.5)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15W-39B.5 [Default]

Q15W-40B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1992?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-41A.5
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.5 [92:92], Q15W-40A.5 [1:1]

Q15W-41A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(5)]] >=93)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is EQ 93

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-41B.5)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15W-40B.5 [Default]

Q15W-41B.5 [Y03246.00]Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-42A.5
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.5 [93:93], Q15W-41A.5 [1:1]

Q15W-42A.5 []Section: Income and Assets

([[Year stopped receiving other welfare payments(5)]] =94)

COMMENT: check if wyearstop is EQ 94

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To Q15W-42B.5)

Default Next:Q15W-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15W-41B.5 [Default]

Q15W-42B.5 []Section: Income and Assets

On average, how much did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive per MONTH during that period in 1994?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15W-44A.5
Lead-In:Q15W-26E.5 [94:94], Q15W-42A.5 [1:1]

Q15W-44A.5 [Y03247.00]Section: Income and Assets

Have there been any other periods since [Year respondent stopped receiving unemployment benefits (5)] when [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] received such assistance?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15-58)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-58
Lead-In:Q15W-38A.5 [Default], Q15W-39A.5 [Default], Q15W-40A.5 [Default], Q15W-41A.5 [Default], Q15W-42A.5 [Default], Q15W-42B.5 [Default]

Q15-58 [Y03248.00]Section: Income and Assets

Did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] (or your children)] receive any WIC benefits in 1993?

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-59
Lead-In:Q15W-44A.5 [1:1], Q15W-3.1 [Default], Q15W-26E.1 [Default], Q15W-44A.1 [Default], Q15W-26E.2 [Default], Q15W-44A.2 [Default], Q15W-26E.3 [Default], Q15W-44A.3 [Default], Q15W-26E.4 [Default], Q15W-44A.4 [Default], Q15W-26E.5 [Default], Q15W-44A.5 [Default]

Q15-59 [Y03249.00]Section: Income and Assets

During 1993, did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive any educational benefits for veterans under the G.I. Bill or V.E.A.P.?

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-60
Lead-In:Q15-58 [Default]

Q15-60 [Y03250.00]Section: Income and Assets

During 1993, did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive any (other kinds of) scholarships, fellowships, or grants?

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-69
Lead-In:Q15-59 [Default]

Q15-69 [Y03251.00]Section: Income and Assets

During 1993, did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive any (other) veterens benefits, worker's compensation, disability payments, or payments from Social Security?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15-70)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-71
Lead-In:Q15-60 [Default]

Q15-70 [Y03252.00]Section: Income and Assets

What was the total amount of these (other) veterans benefits, worker's compensation, disability payments, or payments from Social Security [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] received during 1993?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-71
Lead-In:Q15-69 [1:1]

Q15-71 [Y03253.00]Section: Income and Assets

During 1993, did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive any property or money valued at over $100, from any estates, trusts, inheritances, or gifts from relatives or friends?

 1   Yes
 0   No   ...(Go To Q15-73)

Default Next:Q15-72
Lead-In:Q15-69 [Default], Q15-70 [Default]

Q15-72 [Y03254.05]Section: Income and Assets

From whom did [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] receive this assistance?



Default Next:Q15-73
Lead-In:Q15-71 [Default]

Q15-73 [Y03262.00]Section: Income and Assets

[[living arrangement of R]]

COMMENT: check if R lives in own Dwelling

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-133
Lead-In:Q15-71 [0:0], Q15-72 [Default]

Q15-116 [Y03263.00]Section: Income and Assets

During any part of 1993, did you live in public housing or did you (IF R LIVES WITH RELATIVES: and your family) receive a rent subsidy or pay a lower rent because the federal, state, or local government was paying part of the cost?

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-117
Lead-In:Q15-73 [1:1]

Q15-117 [Y03264.00]Section: Income and Assets

Is this (house/apartment) owned or being bought by [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner]?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15-118)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-133
Lead-In:Q15-116 [Default]

Q15-118 [Y03265.00]Section: Income and Assets

About how much do you think this property would sell for on today's market?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-119
Lead-In:Q15-117 [1:1]

Q15-119 [Y03266.00]Section: Income and Assets

About how much do [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] owe on this property, mortgages, back taxes, home improvement loans, etc.?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-120
Lead-In:Q15-118 [Default]

Q15-120 [Y03267.00]Section: Income and Assets

How much other debt do you have on this property, such as assessments, home repair bills, etc.?

Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-133
Lead-In:Q15-119 [Default]

Q15-133 [Y03268.00]Section: Income and Assets

Do [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] own any motor vehicles that are primarily for personal use, including cars, motorcycles, trucks, a motor home or trailer?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15-134)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-137
Lead-In:Q15-73 [Default], Q15-117 [Default], Q15-120 [Default]

Q15-134 [Y03269.00]Section: Income and Assets

Do [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] owe any money on (this/these) motor vehicles?


 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15-135)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-136
Lead-In:Q15-133 [1:1]

Q15-135 [Y03270.00]Section: Income and Assets

How much altogether?


Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-136
Lead-In:Q15-134 [1:1]

Q15-136 [Y03271.00]Section: Income and Assets

How much would (this/these) vehicle(s) sell for on today's market?


Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-137
Lead-In:Q15-134 [Default], Q15-135 [Default]

Q15-137 [Y03272.00]Section: Income and Assets

(HAND CARD LL) Aside from the things we've already talked about, do [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] own any other items, EACH worth more than $500. For example, a piece of furniture, appliance, boat, jewelry, stereo system, a valuable collection for investment purposes, etc.

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15-138)
 0   No

Default Next:Q15-139
Lead-In:Q15-133 [Default], Q15-136 [Default]

Q15-138 [Y03273.00]Section: Income and Assets

What is their total market value, rounding to the nearest hundred dollars?


Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q15-139
Lead-In:Q15-137 [1:1]

Q15-139 [Y03274.00]Section: Income and Assets

(Aside from any debts you have already mentioned), Do [your/you/you or your] [spouse/partner] owe over $500 to any stores, doctors, hospitals, banks or anyone else, excluding 30-day charge accounts?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To Q15-140)
 0   No

Default Next:Q16-0
Lead-In:Q15-137 [Default], Q15-138 [Default]

Q15-140 [Y03275.00]Section: Income and Assets

Rounding to the nearest hundred dollars, how much do you owe altogether?


Enter Number: 

Default Next:Q16-0
Lead-In:Q15-139 [1:1]