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8th World Congress on Health Economics (1)

AAEA - Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (1)
AAG - Association of American Geographers (1)
AARP - American Association of Retired Persons (1)
Abt Associates (1)
Academic Press (4)
Academy of Management (4)
AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (8)
Accounting, Organizations and Society (1)
Achievement Gap Initiative (AGI) Conference (1)
Acta Paediatrica (1)
Activities, Adaptation, and Aging (1)
Addiction (10)
Addictive Behaviors (6)
Addictive Behaviors Reports (1)
Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. (1)
Administration and Society (1)
Administration for Children and Families (1)
Administrative Science Quarterly (1)
Adolescent and Family Health (1)
Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics (1)
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Clearinghouse (1)
Advances in Life Course Research (16)
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (1)
Advancing Nursing Practice Excellence (1)
AEA Papers and Proceedings (1)
AERA Open (4)
Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work (1)
Aggressive Behavior (1)
Aging and Work (4)
Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) (2)
Agricultural Economics (1)
Agricultural Experiment Station, Oklahoma State University (1)
Air Force Human Resources Laboratory Technical Report (3)
Alan Guttmacher Institute (1)
Alberta Journal of Educational Research (1)
Alcohol and Alcoholism (2)
Alcohol Clinical and Experimental Research (1)
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (9)
Aldine de Gruyter (1)
Allenheld Osmun (1)
Allied Social Science Association (ASSA) (1)
Allied Social Science Association (ASSA) Annual Meetings (1)
Alta Mira Press (1)
AMA Census (1)
Ambulatory Child Health (1)
Ambulatory Pediatrics Association (2)
American Academy of Political and Social Science, Annals (1)
American Agricultural Economics Association (1)
American Association of Public Opinion Research (6)
American Behavioral Scientist (2)
American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI) (1)
American Council on Education, GED Testing Service (3)
American Demographics (5)
American Economic Association (39)
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (7)
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (1)
American Economic Review (61)
American Economist (5)
American Educational Research Association (26)
American Educational Research Journal (9)
American Enterprise (1)
American Enterprise Institute (5)
American Enterprise Institute Education Outlook (1)
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (4)
American Ethnologist (1)
American Evaluation Association Annual Conference (4)
American Home Economics Association (3)
American Journal of Agricultural Economics (4)
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (4)
American Journal of Community Psychology (5)
American Journal of Criminal Justice (8)
American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse (6)
American Journal of Economics and Sociology (14)
American Journal of Epidemiology (11)
American Journal of Health Behavior (2)
American Journal of Health Economics (3)
American Journal of Industrial Medicine (4)
American Journal of Law and Equality (1)
American Journal of Mens Health (1)
American Journal of Mental Deficiency (1)
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (2)
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry (2)
American Journal of Pastoral Counseling (1)
American Journal of Political Science (3)
American Journal of Preventive Cardiology (1)
American Journal of Preventive Medicine (13)
American Journal of Psychiatry (1)
American Journal of Psychology (1)
American Journal of Public Health (29)
American Journal of Sociology (26)
American Law and Economics Review (3)
American Political Science Association (2)
American Psychological Association (13)
American Psychological Society (1)
American Psychologist (2)
American Public Health Association (45)
American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA) (1)
American Review of Public Administration (1)
American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences (1)
American Society of Criminology (78)
American Society of Health Economics (ASHE) (7)
American Society of Health Economists (ASHE) (2)
American Sociological Association (100)
American Sociological Association Annual Meetings (210)
American Sociological Review (70)
American Statistical Association (32)
American Youth Policy Forum (1)
Amherst College (1)
Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University (1)
Annales de l\'INSEE (5)
Annals of Applied Statistics (2)
Annals of Behavioral Medicine (1)
Annals of Economic and Social Measurement (2)
Annals of Epidemiology (9)
Annals of Internal Medicine (1)
Annals of Regional Science (3)
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (9)
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2)
Annie E. Casey Foundation (1)
Annual Review of Psychology (1)
Annual Review of Public Health (1)
Annual Review of Research in Vocational Education (ARRIVE) (1)
Annual Review of Sociology (1)
APA Division 45 (1)
APPAM - Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (64)
Applied Developmental Science (3)
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (AEPP) (1)
Applied Economics (34)
Applied Economics Letters (18)
Applied Psychology (4)
Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice (1)
Archives of General Psychiatry (2)
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (1)
Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (8)
Armed Forces and Society (11)
Army Research Institute (1)
ASHE - American Society of Health Economists (1)
Asian American Journal of Psychology (1)
Aspen Institute, Nonprofit Sector Research Fund (1)
Aspen Institute, Rural Economic Policy Program (1)
ASSA - Allied Social Science Association Annual Meetings (1)
Assessment (1)
Associated Press (2)
Association for Education Finance and Policy (1)
Association for Psychological Science (APS) (1)
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) (18)
Association for Women in Psychology (2)
Association of American Geographers (AAG) (1)
Association of Mexican American Educators Journal (1)
AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (1)
Atlanta Journal-Constitution (3)
Atlantic Economic Journal (13)
Auburn House (1)
Auburn University (3)
Australian Economic Papers (1)
Australian National University (1)
Author (61)

B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (17)
B>Quest (Business Quest) (1)
Ballenger Publishing (1)
Ballinger Publishing Company (1)
Baltimore Sun (1)
Baruch College (2)
Basic Books (2)
Battelle Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation (3)
Battelle Human Affairs Research Center (5)
Battelle Memorial Institute (2)
BBC Mundo (1)
Behavior Genetics (12)
Behavior Genetics Association (13)
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers (2)
Behavioral Ecology (1)
Belhanen Press (1)
Berkeley Electronic Press (bpress) (1)
Biodemography and Social Biology (3)
Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy (1)
Biometrical Journal (1)
Biometrics (1)
Biometrika (1)
Black Scholar (1)
Blackwell Publishing, Inc. (2) (1)
BLS Working Paper(s) (3)
BMC - BioMed Central (2)
BMC Health Services Research (1)
BMC Pediatrics (2)
BMC Public Health (4)
BMC Womens Health (2)
BMJ Publishing Group, Ltd (2)
BNA Affairs Pensions and Benefits Daily (1)
BNA Pension & Benefits Reporter (1)
Board of Governers of the Federal Reserve System (5)
Boston Globe (3)
Boston Herald (2)
Bowdoin College (1)
Bowling Green State University (1)
Briefing Notes in Economics (1)
Brigham Young University (3)
British Journal of Educational Psychology (2)
British Journal of Industrial Relations (2)
British Journal of Industrial Relations (BJIR) (4)
British Journal of Sociology (1)
British Medical Journal (9)
Brookdale Center on Aging (1)
Brookings Institution (22)
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (3)
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Microeconomics (1)
Brookings Review (1)
Brown University (3)
Bryan School of Business and Economics (1)
Bulletin of Economic Research (2)
Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine (1)
Bureau of Child Research (1)
Bureau of Economic Analysis (1)
Bureau of Labor Statistics (42)
Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. (BNA) (1)
Bureau of the Census (2)
Bureau of Transportation Statistics (1)
Bureaucrat (1)
Business Horizons (1)

C. V. Starr Center of Applied Economics (1)
CAHRS - Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (1)
California Center for Population Research (CCPR) (4)
Cambridge University Press (17)
Campbell Systematic Reviews (1)
Canadian International Labor Network (CILN) (2)
Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d'économique (3)
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'Economique (2)
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry (2)
Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques (2)
Canadian Review of Sociology / La revue canadienne de sociologie (1)
Cardus (1)
Career and Technical Education Research (CTER) (4)
Career Development International (2)
Career Development Quarterly (2)
Carleton College (1)
Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education (1)
Carnegie Mellon University (1)
Carolina Population Center (CPC) (1)
Carsey Institute (2)
Cascade (1)
Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology (1)
Catholic University of America (3)
CBNEWS Business Network (1)
CCPR - California Center for Population Research (2)
CELS - Conference on Empirical Legal Studies (1)
Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies, Cornell University (5)
Center for American Progress (1)
Center for Civil Rights Remedies (1)
Center for Comparative Immigration Studies (CCIS) (1)
Center for Demography and Ecology (11)
Center for Economic Research (RCER) - University of Rochester (2)
Center for Global Development (1)
Center for Human Resource Research, The Ohio State University (180)
Center for Justice, Tolerance, and Community - UC, Santa Cruz (1)
Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, Georgetown University (1)
Center for Labor and Human Resource Studies, Temple University (1)
Center for Labor Economics, University of California, Berkeley (1)
Center for Mathematical Studies in Business and Economics, Univ. of Chicago (1)
Center for Naval Analysis (1)
Center for Policy Research, Syracuse University (3)
Center for Research on Child Wellbeing (3)
Center for Research on Families (1)
Center for Retirement Research at Boston College (4)
Center for Social Development, George Warren Brown School of Social Work (7)
Center for Social Organization of Schools, Johns Hopkins University (1)
Center for Social Policy Studies, The George Washington University (1)
Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, University of Washington (2)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, University of Washington (3)
Center for Survey Research, Mannheim, Germany (1)
Center for the Social Sciences, Columbia University (1)
Center for the Study of Business and Government (1)
Center for the Study of Evaluation (CSE), UCLA (1)
Center for the Study of Urban Poverty, University of California, Los Angele (1)
Center for Urban Affairs and Policy Research, Northwestern University (2)
Centers for Disease Control (1)
Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (1)
Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA) (1)
Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics (6)
Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics & Political Sci (2)
Centre for Economic Policy Research (3)
Centre for Economic Policy Research, ANU (3)
Centre for Household Income, Labour, and Demographic Economics (1)
Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics (1)
Centre for Macroeconomics (1)
CePoD: School of Social & Family Dynamics, Arizona (1)
CESifo Working Papers (1)
CFAH - Center for Advancing Health (1)
Chicago Federal Letter (1)
Chicago Sun-Times (3)
Chicago Tribune (7)
Child Abuse and Neglect (2)
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal (1)
Child and Youth Care Forum (1)
Child Development (26)
Child Indicators Research (5)
Child Maltreatment (1)
Child Poverty News and Issues (1)
Child Psychiatry and Human Development (2)
Child Study Journal (2)
Child Trends (3)
Child Trends, Inc. (16)
Child Welfare (1)
Child Well-being Conference, Institute of Governmental Affairs (1)
Child: Care, Health and Development (3)
Childhood Obesity (5)
Children and Schools (1)
Children and Society (1)
Children and Youth Services Review (31)
Children\'s Health Care (1)
China Center for Economic Research (1)
Chinese Journal of Sociology (2)
Chinese Sociological Review (1)
Christian Post (1)
Christian Science Monitor (1)
CHRR (6)
CILN Papers (1)
CIRANO - Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis on Organizations (1)
Cities (1)
City and Community (3)
City University of New York (CUNY) (1)
CityMatCH Urban MCH Leadership Conference (1)
Cityscape (1)
Civic Enterprises (1)
Civic Report (1)
Civilization (1)
Claremont Colleges Working Paper in Economics (2)
Clinical Pediatrics (1)
Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health (1) (1)
CNN (1) (1)
College of Business Administration, University of South Carolina (1)
College of Business and Economics (Mihaylo), Cal. State Univ., Fullerton (1)
College of the Holy Cross (2)
College on Problems of Drug Dependence (1)
Columbia University Graduate School of Business (1)
Columbia University Press (7)
Commentary Magazine (1)
Commitee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography (1)
Committee for Economic Development (1)
Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods (1)
Community and Organization Research Institute, UC, Santa Barbara (2)
Community College Journal of Research and Practice (1)
Community College Review (1)
Community Development (1)
Community Mental Health Journal (3)
Community Services Administration (1)
Community, Work and Family (5)
Compensation and Benefits Review (1)
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (5)
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (2)
Computers in Human Behavior (1)
Conference of Agricultural Economists, International (1)
Conference on Data Quality Issues in Longitudinal Surveys, 1998 (3)
Conference on Labor Market Models and Matched Employer-Employee Data (1)
Conference on Longitudinal Social and Health Surveys in an International Pe (1)
Congressional Budget Office (2)
Consumer Interests Annual (4)
Contemporary Drug Problems (1)
Contemporary Economic Policy (17)
Contemporary Educational Psychology (1)
Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER) (1)
Contemporary Policy Issues (6)
Contemporary Sociology (1)
Contraception (1)
Cornell Evolving Family Conference on New Data On Fathers (1)
Cornell Higher Education Research Institute (CHERI) (1)
Cornell University Press (1)
Cosmopolitan Magazine (1)
Council on Contemporary Families (1)
Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice (1)
Courier-Mail (1)
Cowles Foundation for Research and Economics, Yale University (2)
Crime and Delinquency (26)
Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health (1)
Criminal Justice and Behavior (7)
Criminal Justice Policy Review (1)
Criminal Justice Review (1)
Criminology (26)
Criminology & Criminal Justice (1)
Critical Finance Review (1)
CSD Working Papers (1)
CUNY - City University of New York (1)
Cureus (1)
Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports (1)
Current Directions in Psychological Science (1)
Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine (1)

Daedalus (1)
Daily Labor Report (2)
Daily Report For Executives (2)
Daily Telegraph (1)
Data Resources (1)
David Horowitz Institute for Research of Developing Countries (1)
DC Heath and Company (1)
Decision Sciences Institute (1)
Defense Manpower Data Center (2)
Demographic Research (14)
Demography (125)
Denver Post (1)
Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota (1)
Department of Biostatistical Sciences, Wake Forest Univ. School of Medicine (1)
Department of Consumer Economics, University of Illinois (1)
Department of Consumer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1)
Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Missouri-St. Louis (1)
Department of Demography, Georgetown University (2)
Department of Economics - East Carolina University (1)
Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (1)
Department of Economics and Finance, Baruch College, CUNY (1)
Department of Economics and Finance, Middle Tennessee State University (6)
Department of Economics and Finance, University of Wyoming (1)
Department of Economics and Legal Studies in Business, OSU - Stillwater (1)
Department of Economics, Arizona State University (1)
Department of Economics, Auburn University (1)
Department of Economics, Boston College (2)
Department of Economics, Boston University (2)
Department of Economics, Brown University (1)
Department of Economics, California State University, Fullerton (2)
Department of Economics, Cleveland State University (4)
Department of Economics, Columbia University (2)
Department of Economics, Columbus University (1)
Department of Economics, Cornell University (2)
Department of Economics, Dalhousie University (1)
Department of Economics, Duke University (5)
Department of Economics, Emory University (3)
Department of Economics, Georgetown University (1)
Department of Economics, Georgia State University (2)
Department of Economics, Harvard University (2)
Department of Economics, Hebrew University (1)
Department of Economics, Illinois Wesleyan University (11)
Department of Economics, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (1)
Department of Economics, Iowa State University (3)
Department of Economics, Kent State University (3)
Department of Economics, Lafayette College (2)
Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (3)
Department of Economics, McMaster University (2)
Department of Economics, Middle Tennessee State University (1)
Department of Economics, New York University (1)
Department of Economics, Northwestern University (2)
Department of Economics, Oklahoma State University (1)
Department of Economics, Old Dominion University (1)
Department of Economics, Oxford University (1)
Department of Economics, Purdue University (3)
Department of Economics, Rutgers University (1)
Department of Economics, San Diego State University (3)
Department of Economics, Stanford University (2)
Department of Economics, SUNY-Stony Brook (4)
Department of Economics, Texas A&M University (2)
Department of Economics, The College of William and Mary (1)
Department of Economics, The Ohio State University (16)
Department of Economics, The Pennsylvania State University (3)
Department of Economics, The University of Chicago (1)
Department of Economics, The University of Western Ontario (2)
Department of Economics, Tufts University (1)
Department of Economics, University at Albany-SUNY (1)
Department of Economics, University of Akron (2)
Department of Economics, University of Bergen, Norway (1)
Department of Economics, University of British Columbia (1)
Department of Economics, University of California-Santa Barbara (1)
Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley (2)
Department of Economics, University of California, Los Angeles (4)
Department of Economics, University of California, San Diego (4)
Department of Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara (1)
Department of Economics, University of California, Santa Cruz (2)
Department of Economics, University of Chicago (7)
Department of Economics, University of Connecticut (1)
Department of Economics, University of Delaware (5)
Department of Economics, University of Guelp (1)
Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago (2)
Department of Economics, University of Leicester (1)
Department of Economics, University of Maryland (4)
Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts (1)
Department of Economics, University of Miami (2)
Department of Economics, University of Michigan (2)
Department of Economics, University of Missouri - Columbia (1)
Department of Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (9)
Department of Economics, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (3)
Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania (11)
Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh (2)
Department of Economics, University of Texas at Austin (3)
Department of Economics, University of Virginia (1)
Department of Economics, University of Washington (3)
Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario (2)
Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin - Madison (4)
Department of Economics, Uppsala University (2)
Department of Economics, Vanderbilt University (2)
Department of Economics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universit (3)
Department of Economics, Washington State University (5)
Department of Economics, Washington University - St. Louis (1)
Department of Economics, Williams College (2)
Department of Economics, Yale Universtiy (6)
Department of Economics, York University (1)
Department of Education Reform, University of Arkansas (1)
Department of Educational Psychology, Baylor University (1)
Department of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin (2)
Department of Family and Child Ecology, Michigan State University (1)
Department of Family and Child Sciences, Florida State University (1)
Department of Family and Consumer Studies, University of Utah (2)
Department of Family Sciences, Texas Woman’s University (1)
Department of Finance and Economics, University of Baltimore (1)
Department of Health Management and Policy, University of Michigan (1)
Department of Health Policy, The George Washington University (1)
Department of Human and Community Resource Development, The Ohio State Univ (1)
Department of Human Development and Family, Penn State University (1)
Department of Individual and Family Studies (1)
Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (2)
Department of Maternal and Child Health, UNC at Chapel Hill (1)
Department of Mathematics, Duke University (1)
Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University (2)
Department of Preventive Medicine, The Ohio State University (1)
Department of Psychology, University of Notre Dame (1)
Department of Psychology, University of Oklahoma (5)
Department of Psychology, University of Virginia (2)
Department of Social Sciences, University of Michigan-Dearborn (1)
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, George Mason University (1)
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, North Carolina State University (2)
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Purdue University (1)
Department of Sociology Dartmouth College (2)
Department of Sociology, Florida State University (2)
Department of Sociology, Harvard University (3)
Department of Sociology, Iowa State University (1)
Department of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University (2)
Department of Sociology, Louisiana State University (1)
Department of Sociology, North Carolina State University (1)
Department of Sociology, State University of New York - Albany (1)
Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University (14)
Department of Sociology, University of California - Irvine (1)
Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles (2)
Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago (1)
Department of Sociology, University of Iowa (3)
Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts - Amherst (2)
Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (1)
Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota (2)
Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1)
Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin (1)
Department of Statistics, The University of Chicago (1)
Department of the Treasury (1)
Developing Economist: An Undergraduate Journal of Economics (1)
Development and Psychopathology (7)
Developmental Psychobiology (1)
Developmental Psychology (26)
Developmental Science (1)
Deviant Behavior (13)
Digital Commons at Ursinus College (1)
Digital Commons@ Illinois Wesleyan University (DC@IWU) (6)
Directorate for Social Affairs, Manpower and Education (1)
Division of Economics, Duquesne University (1)
Division of Public Health Sciences, Wake Forest Univ. School of Medicine (1)
DIW Berlin (1)
Doshisha American Studies Journal (4)
Drug and Alcohol Dependence (8)
Drug Week (1)
Duke University (2)
Duke University Press (1)

Early Child Development and Care (2)
Eastern Economic Association (8)
Eastern Economic Journal (20)
Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management (EFERMA) (1)
Eastern Sociological Society (3)
Ecology of Obesity Conference (1)
Econometric Reviews (4)
Econometric Society (11)
Econometrica (19)
Econometrics and Statistics (1)
Econometrics Journal, The (2)
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (1)
Economic Commentary (1)
Economic Development Quarterly (1)
Economic Growth Center, Yale University (1)
Economic Inquiry (38)
Economic Journal, The (8)
Economic Modelling (4)
Economic Papers (1)
Economic Perspectives (3)
Economic Policy Institute (4)
Economic Research Service - USDA (3)
Economic Trends (1)
Economica (8)
Economics and Human Biology (30)
Economics Bulletin (5)
Economics Department Queen\'s University (1)
Economics Department, Moore School of Business, University of Soutn Carolin (1)
Economics Department, University of Indiana (1)
Economics Department, University of Virginia (1)
Economics Letters (23)
Economics of Education Review (61)
Economics of Innovation and New Technology (1)
Economics Research Center - NORC (1)
Economics Research Group, State University of New York at Buffalo (1)
Economics Working Paper Archive (1)
Economist, The (1)
Editions Sociales Françaises - ESF (1)
EdLabs at Harvard University (1)
Education and Urban Society (2)
Education Digest (1)
Education Economics (13)
Education Finance and Policy (3)
Education Policy Analysis Archives (1)
Education Week (2)
Educational and Psychological Measurement (2)
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (2)
Educational Policy (1)
Educational Psychology (1)
Educational Research Quarterly - ERQ (3)
Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. (2)
Electronic Theses and Disserations -- Florida State University (1)
Eller College of Management, University of Arizona (1)
Elsevier (2)
Emerald (9)
Emerging Adulthood (5)
Emerging Themes in Epidemiology (1)
Empirical Economics (6)
Empirical Research (1)
Employee Benefit Plan Review (1)
Employment and Disability Institute (EDI) (1)
Employment and Training Administration (21)
Employment Policies Institute (6)
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (1)
Environmental Research (1)
Epidemiology (4)
EQW Working Papers (1)
ERIC (6)
ERIC Digest (1)
Erlbaum (1)

eScholarship - California Center for Population Research (CCPR) (1)

Estudos Económicos (1)
Ethnic and Racial Studies (1)
Ethnicity and Health (3)
European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) (4)
European Conference on Health Economics (1)
European Economic Association & Econometric Society (1)
European Economic Review (7)
European Journal of Developmental Psychology (1)
European Journal of Health Economics (1)
European Journal of Personality (1)
European Journal of Population (EJP) (1)
European Journal of Public Health (1)
European Population Conference (6)
European Society for Population Economics (ESPE) (5)
European Sociological Review (2)
European Survey Reseach Association (ESRA) (1)
European Union (1)
European Univeristy Institute (EUI) (1)
Evaluation and Program Planning (3)
Evaluation Quarterly (1)
Evaluation Review (3)
Evolution and Human Behavior (3)
Evolutionary Psychology (2)
Evolving Family Conference: (1)
Ex Femina (1)
Experimental Aging Research (1)
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology (1)
Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy (1)

Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam (2)
Faculty of Economics, University of Heidelberg (1)
Families in Society (13)
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal (2)
Family Economics and Resource Management Biennial (1)
Family Planning Perspectives (27)
Family Process (1)
Family Relations (22)
Fast Company (1)
Father Involvement Research Conference (2)
Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men as Fathers (1)
Fatherly (1)
Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM) (1)
Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics (1)
Federal News Service (1)
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (2)
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2)
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (9)
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (10)
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (1)
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (1)
Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1)
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (2)
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (2)
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (4)
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review (3)
Federal Reserve Board of Governers (1)
Feminist Criminology (2)
Feminist Economics (3)
Feminist Issues (1)
Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2)
Financial Counseling and Planning (1)
Financial Planning Review (2)
Focus (2)
Foerder Institute for Economic Research (1)
Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program (1)
Forbes (1)
Ford Foundation (1)
Ford Foundation Project on Social Welfare and the American Future (1)
Fortune (1)
Forum for Health Economics and Policy (3)
Forum for Social Economics (1)
Foundation for Child Development (1)
Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology (2)
Free Press (1)
Frontiers in Education (1)
Frontiers in Health Policy Research (NBER) (1)
Frontiers in Psychology (2)
Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences (1)
Future of Children: Princeton - Brookings (10)
Futurist, The (1)

GAO - General Accounting Office (1)
GAO - Government Accountability Office (since July 2004) (4)
Garland Publishing, Inc. (3)
Gender and Society (13)
Gender in Management: An International Journal (1)
Gender Issues (2)
Gender, Work and Organization (2)
General Accounting Office (1)
General Accounting Office (GAO), pre July 2004 (3)
Geneva Risk and Insurance Review (1)
Genus (1)
Geographical Analysis (1)
George Warren Brown School of Social Work (1)
Georgetown Public Policy Institute (2)
Georgetown University -- Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) (3)
German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) (1)
Gerontological Society of America (3)
Gerontologist (6)
Global Social Welfare (1)
Goldman School of Public. Policy, University of California - Berkeley (1)
Government Printing Office - GPO (1)
GPO - Government Printing Office (12)
Graduate Center of The City University of New York (1)
Graduate Public Policy Program, Georgetown University (1)
Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago (3)
Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie-Mellon University (2)
Groupe de recherche en politique economique (2)
Growth and Change (4)
Guilford Publications (1)

Han\'guk Sahoehak (1)
Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies (6)
Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago (1)
Harvard Business School (2)
Harvard Eduation Publishing Group (2)
Harvard Graduate School of Education (2)
Harvard Institute of Economic Research (3)
Harvard University Press (3)
Harwood Academic Publishers (1)
Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences (1)
HBS Working Paper series (1)
Health and Justice (1)
Health and Place (7)
Health and Social Work (1)
Health Care for Women International (2)
Health Economics (27)
Health Policy Center, University of Illinois at Chicago (2)
Health Psyhology (1)
Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology (1)
Health Services Research (3)
Health Sociology Review (1)
Health Students Taking Action Together (1)
HealthDay News (1)
Healthland (Time Healthland) (1)
Heliyon (1)
Herald (1)
Heritage Foundation, The (18)
Higher Education (2)
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences (7)
Historical Methods (1)
History of Education Quarterly (1)
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics (2)
Home Economics Research Journal (1)
HOMO: Journal of Comparative Human Biology (1)
Hoover Digest (1)
Hope Press (1)
Hopkins Population Center (1)
House of Representatives (3)
Houston Chronicle (5)
Human Affairs Research Center, Battelle Institute (1)
Human Development and Family Studies, Penn State (1)
Human Ecology (1)
Human Heredity (1)
Human Nature (2)
Human Relations (1)
Human Reproduction Update (2)
Human Resource Development Quarterly (1)
Human Resource Management (2)
Human Resources Abstracts (1)
Human Resources Development Canada (2)
Human Resources Research Organization (1)
Humboldt Journal of Social Relations (1)
Hypertension (1)

iHEA - International Health Economics Association (2)

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (1)
Industrial and Labor Relations Review (76)
Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Cornell University (1)
Industrial Gerontology (2)
Industrial Relations (6)
Industrial Relations Journal (3)
Industrial Relations Research Association (6)
Industrial Relations Research Association ==> LERA (1)
Industrial Relations Research Association Proceedings (1)
Industrial Relations Research Association Series, Proceedings (4)
Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University (2)
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society (36)
Infant and Child Development (2)
Infant Mental Health Journal (1)
Information Systems Research (1)
Initiative in Population Research, Ohio State University (1)
Injury Prevention (3)
Innovation in Aging (10)
Inquiry (4)
Insight on the News (1)
Institute for Economic Policy Research (1)
Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), London (4)
Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research, Rutgers Unive (1)
Institute for Juvenile Research (IJR) (1)
Institute for Policy Research - Northwestern University (6)
Institute for Policy Studies, Johns Hopkins University (1)
Institute for Research in Training and Development Research Paper (1)
Institute for Research on Educational Finance and Governance (1)
Institute for Research on Poverty (9)
Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP), University of Wisconsin - Madison (33)
Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) (1)
Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) -- University of Essex (1)
Institute for Social Research (ISR), University of Michigan (2)
Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) (28)
Institute for Women\'s Policy Research (1)
Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University Repository (1)
Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen (1)
Institute of Education, University of London (2)
Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Berkeley (1)
Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER), Osaka University (2)
Intelligence (59)
International Advances in Economic Research (5)
International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (I.A.R.I.W.) (1)
International Atlantic Economic Conference (2)
International Breastfeeding Journal (1)
International Conference on Health Policy Statistics (1)
International Conference on Social Science Research (1)
International Congress of Gerontology (1)
International Congress of Psychology (1)
International Council For Small Business (1)
International Criminal Justice Review (1)
International Economic Review (20)
International Herald Tribune (1)
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance (1)
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth (2)
International Journal of Aging and Human Development (1)
International Journal of Applied Economics (1)
International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research (1)
International Journal of Behavioral Development (6)
International Journal of Business and Finance Research (2)
International Journal of Conflict Management (1)
International Journal of Consumer Studies (1)
International Journal of Contemporary Sociology (1)
International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences (1)
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education (1)
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research (2)
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (12)
International Journal of Epidemiology (3)
International Journal of Health Economics and Management (2)
International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family (1)
International Journal of Manpower (8)
International Journal of Methods of Psychiatric Research (1)
International Journal of Obesity (8)
International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders (aka) (1)
International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health (1)
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology (4)
International Journal of Pediatric Obesity (1)
International Journal of Public Health (2)
International Journal of Social Economics (3)
International Journal of Sociology (2)
International Journal of Sociology of the Family (1)
International Journal of Stress Management (1)
International Journal of the Addictions (1)
International Journal of Training and Development (1)
International Journal of Women\'s Studies (1)
International Migration Review (1)
International Population Association Meeting (1)
International Regional Science Review (1)
International Research Journal of Finance and Economics (1)
International Review of Applied Economics (2)
International Review of Law and Economics (2)
International Series on Consumer Science (1)
International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) (2)
International Society for Intelligence Research (2)
International Sociological Association (6)
International Sociological Association\'s Research Committee on Soc. Strat. (1)
International Sociology (1)
International Symposium on Childcare (2)
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) (4)
Invest in Kids Working Group (2)
Irdes Workshop on Applied Health Economics and Policy Evaluation (1)
Issues in Mental Health Nursing (1)
IVIE Working Paper-AD (1)
IWPR Publication # (1)
IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor (50)
IZA Discussion Paper series (16)
IZA Institute of Labor Economics (3)
IZA Journal of Labor Economics (5)
IZA Journal of Labor Policy (1)
IZA/SOLE Transatlantic Meetings of Labor Economists (1)

JAI Press (8)
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association (5)
JAMA Pediatrics (2)
JAMA Psychiatry (1)
JCPR - Joint Center for Poverty Research (3)
JJIE (1)
Joanne H. Pratt Associates (1)
John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy (2)
John F. Kennedy School of Government Faculty Research (1)
John F. Kennedy School of Government Faculty Research Working Paper Series (2)
John F. Kennedy School of Government Faculty Research, Harvard University (1)
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City University of New York (1)
John Wiley and Sons (1)
Johns Hopkins University (2)
Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University (1)
Joint Center for Poverty Research (24)
Joint Statistical Meetings (1)
Jossey-Bass (1)
Journal for Economic Educators (2)
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (7)
Journal for Vocational Special Needs Education (2)
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (7)
Journal of Abnormal Psychology (5)
Journal of Adolescence (11)
Journal of Adolescent Health (24)
Journal of Adolescent Health Care (1)
Journal of Adolescent Research (2)
Journal of Affective Disorders (1)
Journal of African American Men (1)
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma (1)
Journal of Aging and Health (6)
Journal of Aging and Social Policy (1)
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (1)
Journal of American College Health (1)
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (1)
Journal of Applied Business and Economics (2)
Journal of Applied Business Research (1)
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology (7)
Journal of Applied Econometrics (14)
Journal of Applied Economics (2)
Journal of Applied Economics and Policy (1)
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing (1)
Journal of Applied Psychology (14)
Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling (3)
Journal of Applied Social Psychology (1)
Journal of Applied Social Sciences (1)
Journal of Applied Statistics (3)
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (3)
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (3)
Journal of Bioeconomics (1)
Journal of Biosocial Science (6)
Journal of Black Psychology (1)
Journal of Black Studies (3)
Journal of Business (1)
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics (12)
Journal of Business and Economics Research (2)
Journal of Business and Psychology (1)
Journal of Business Inquiry (1)
Journal of Business Research (1)
Journal of Business Venturing (3)
Journal of Career Development (2)
Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma (1)
Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse (12)
Journal of Child and Family Studies (14)
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (2)
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines (2)
Journal of Children and Poverty (2)
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (2)
Journal of Clinical Child Psychology (2)
Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector (1)
Journal of Community Psychology (2)
Journal of Comparative Family Studies (2)
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (2)
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (2)
Journal of Consumer Affairs (9)
Journal of Contemporary Business (1972-1982) discontinued (1)
Journal of Correctional Education (1)
Journal of Counseling Psychology (2)
Journal of Crime and Justice (2)
Journal of Criminal Justice (19)
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (1)
Journal of Curriculum Studies (1)
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics (3)
Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology (6)
Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (1)
Journal of Disability Policy Studies (3)
Journal of Divorce (3)
Journal of Divorce and Remarriage (6)
Journal of Drug Education (3)
Journal of Drug Issues (6)
Journal of Early Adolescence (6)
Journal of Early Intervention (1)
Journal of Econometrics (30)
Journal of Economic and Social Measurement (3)
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (8)
Journal of Economic Development (JED) (1)
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (3)
Journal of Economic Education (1)
Journal of Economic Growth (1)
Journal of Economic Inequality (1)
Journal of Economic Issues (3)
Journal of Economic Literature (8)
Journal of Economic Perspectives (10)
Journal of Economic Psychology (10)
Journal of Economic Studies (2)
Journal of Economic Surveys (1)
Journal of Economic Theory (1)
Journal of Economics (1)
Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie) (1)
Journal of Economics and Business (8)
Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research (JEEER) (1)
Journal of Economics and Finance (3)
Journal of Economics and Finance (JEF) (1)
Journal of Economics and Management (1)
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy (2)
Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy (2)
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics (1)
Journal of Educational Psychology (2)
Journal of Educational Research (2)
Journal of Educational Statistics (1)
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies (JELS) -- A Wiley-Blackwell Publication (1)
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (1)
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (9)
Journal of Ethnic And Cultural Diversity in Social Work (1)
Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice (4)
Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse (1)
Journal of Evidence - Based Social Work (3)
Journal of Family and Economic Issues (47)
Journal of Family Issues (54)
Journal of Family Psychology (10)
Journal of Family Social Work (3)
Journal of Finance (3)
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (1)
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning (3)
Journal of Financial Planning (2)
Journal of Financial Therapy (1)
Journal of Forensic Economics (3)
Journal of Further and Higher Education (1)
Journal of General Internal Medicine (1)
Journal of Genetic Psychology (1)
Journal of Gerontology (12)
Journal of Happiness Studies (1)
Journal of Health and Social Behavior (47)
Journal of Health and Social Policy (1)
Journal of Health Economics (41)
Journal of Health Education (2)
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law (1)
Journal of Higher Education (5)
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (1)
Journal of Housing Economics (6)
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment (1)
Journal of Human Capital (10)
Journal of Human Resources (166)
Journal of Income Distribution (1)
Journal of Individual Differences (1)
Journal of Industrial Economics (1)
Journal of Industrial Teacher Education (1)
Journal of Intelligence (2)
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics (2)
Journal of International Migration and Integration (1)
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development: An International and Comparative Review (1)
Journal of Interpersonal Violence (2)
Journal of Labor Economics (90)
Journal of Labor Research (29)
Journal of Law and Economics (4)
Journal of Law and Policy (2)
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization (1)
Journal of Learning Disabilities (1)
Journal of Legal Economics (2)
Journal of Management (2)
Journal of Managerial Psychology (1)
Journal of Marriage and F (1)
Journal of Marriage and Family (167)
Journal of Marriage and the Family (1)
Journal of Mathematical Sociology (1)
Journal of Men\'s Studies (1)
Journal of Mens Health (1)
Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics (3)
Journal of Midwifery and Womens Health (1)
Journal of Monetary Economics (6)
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2)
Journal of Moral Education (1)
Journal of Negro Education (1)
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics (1)
Journal of Nutrition (4)
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (1)
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (1)
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (5)
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (2)
Journal of Occupational Behaviour (1)
Journal of Occupational Medicine (3)
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation (1)
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation (2)
Journal of Organizational Behavior (2)
Journal of Pain (1)
Journal of Pediatric Nursing (1)
Journal of Pediatrics (1)
Journal of Personality (1)
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (12)
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (14)
Journal of Policy Practice (2)
Journal of Political and Military Sociology (4)
Journal of Political Economy (50)
Journal of Politics (1)
Journal of Population Ageing (1)
Journal of Population Economics (34)
Journal of Population Research (1)
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics (1)
Journal of Poverty (10)
Journal of Primary Prevention (1)
Journal of Private Enterprise (1)
Journal of Productivity Analysis (1)
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs (2)
Journal of Psychology (1)
Journal of Public Economics (8)
Journal of Public Health (1)
Journal of Quantitative Criminology (14)
Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities (4)
Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy (1)
Journal of Regional Science (9)
Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work (2)
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency (13)
Journal of Research in Personality (2)
Journal of Research in Rural Education (1)
Journal of Research on Adolescence (15)
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (2)
Journal of Rural and Community Development (1)
Journal of Rural Health (1)
Journal of Safety Research (1)
Journal of School Health (4)
Journal of School Violence (1)
Journal of Sex Research (1)
Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM) (3)
Journal of Social History (1)
Journal of Social Issues (7)
Journal of Social Policy (3)
Journal of Social Service Research (8)
Journal of Social Work Education (1)
Journal of Socio-Economics (16)
Journal of Sociology (1)
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare (18)
Journal of Sports Economics (1)
Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education (1)
Journal of Strategic Studies (1)
Journal of Student Financial Aid (1)
Journal of Studies in Technical Careers (1)
Journal of Studies on Alcohol (15)
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (7)
Journal of Substance Abuse (7)
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (1)
Journal of Substance Use (1)
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2)
Journal of the American College of Nutrition (1)
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (1)
Journal of the American Medical Association (1)
Journal of the American Medical Women's Association (JAMWA) (1)
Journal of the American Planning Association (1)
Journal of the American Statistical Association (5)
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (1)
Journal of the Economics of Ageing (1)
Journal of the European Economic Association (4)
Journal of the Institute for Socioeconomic Studies (1)
Journal of the National Medical Association (2)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) (6)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) (1)
Journal of Undergraduate Research - Spelman College MBRS-RISE (1)
Journal of Urban Affairs (2)
Journal of Urban Economics (12)
Journal of Urban Health (1)
Journal of Vocational and Technical Education (JVTE) (1)
Journal of Vocational Behavior (10)
Journal of Vocational Education and Training (1)
Journal of Vocational Education Research (4)
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation (1)
Journal of Women and Aging (3)
Journal of Women's Health (3)
Journal of Youth and Adolescence (26)
Journal of Youth Studies (4)
Journals of Gerontology (11)
Journals of Gerontology: Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences (2)
Justice Quarterly (JQ) (16)
Juvenile and Family Court Journal (4)
Juvenile Justice Bulletin (1)

Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (1)
Kent State University (1)
Kluwer Academic Publishers (3)
Knowledge Management Group (1)
Korea Journal of Population Studies (1)
Korean Journal of Sociology (1)
Krannert School of Management, Purdue University West Lafayett (1)
Kravis Leadership Institute Report (1)
Kyklos (2)

Labor Studies Journal (2)
Labour Economics (46)
Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations (13)
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools (1)
Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition (1)
Law and Society Review (2)
Lawrence Erlbaum (19)
Leadership Quarterly (1)
Learning and Individual Differences (2)
Legal and Criminological Psychology (1)
Levy Economics Institute (4)
Lexington Books (17)
Liberal Education (1)
LiveScience (1)
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies (4)
Los Angeles Sentinel (1)
Los Angeles Times (5)

M.A. Thesis - post 2004 (81)
M.A. Thesis - pre 2005 (34)
MA Thesis (20)
MA Thesis (USE: Proquest Information and Learning after 2005) (2)
MacArthur Foundation (1)
MacMillan Publishers (1)
Macroeconomic Dynamics (2)
Maine Rural Health Research Center (1)
Management Science (3)
Managerial and Decision Economics (1)
Mankind Quarterly (4)
Manpower Administration (11)
Manpower and Personnel Division, U.S. Air Force Human Resources Laboratory (1)
Manpower and Personnel Policy Research Group (1)
Manpower Research Monograph (17)
Marketing Communications (1)
Marriage and Family Review (29)
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. (2)
Maryland Population Research Center (1)
Mason School of Business, College of William and Mary (1)
Master\'s Thesis (1)
Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology (MCHB/EPI) (1)
Maternal and Child Health Journal (12)
Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (4)
Maturitas (1)
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (1)
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs (1)
McGraw-Hill/Irwin (1)
MCHCOM.COM Webcast (1)
MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing (1)
Measurement Issues in Family Demography Workshop (1)
Medical Care (2)
Medical Care Research and Review (1)
Medical Decision Making (1)
Medical News Today (2)
Medical Science Monitor (1)
Medscape General Medicine (1)
Meinders School of Business, Oklahoma City University (1)
Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series (2)
Mental Health Services Research (1)
Mental Health, Religion and Culture (1)
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (3)
Methodology Center, The (4)
Methods Working Paper (1)
Michigan State University (1)
Midwest Economics Association (5)
Midwest Political Science Association (1)
Midwest Sociological Society (2)
Midwest Sociology Association (1)
Midwestern Psychological Association (1)
Milbank Quarterly (1)
Military Testing Association (2)
Miller-McCune Magazine (2)
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (2)
Minority Markets Alert (1)
MIT Press (12)
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development (1)
Monthly Labor Review (77)
Motivation and Emotion (1)
MPRA Paper (1)
Multivariate Behavioral Research (14)
Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRE) (3)

National Academies Press (NAP) (1)
National Academy of Sciences (NAS), United States (1)
National Academy Press (21)
National Association for Welfare Research and Statistics (1)
National Bureau of Economic Research (183)
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) (33)
National Campaign To Prevent Teen Pregnancy (6)
National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) (2)
National Center for Education Statistics (2)
National Center for Environmental Economics (1)
National Center for Family and Marriage Research (6)
National Center for Health Services Research (1)
National Center for Health Statistics (1)
National Center for Research in Vocational Education, Ohio State University (20)
National Center for Research in Vocational Education, U.C. Berkeley (3)
National Center on Adult Literacy (NCAL) (1)
National Center on Education and Employment (1)
National Child Development Study, User Support Group (1)
National Commission for Employment Policy (2)
National Commission for Manpower Policy (4)
National Commission on Excellence in Education (1)
National Conference on Health Education and Health Promotion (1)
National Conference on Higher Education (1)
National Conferences on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) (2)
National Council of La Raza (4)
National Council on Family Relations (4)
National Council on Measurement in Education (1)
National Criminal Justice Reference Service (1)
National Endowment for the Arts (1)
National Head Start Research Conference (1)
National Health and Medical Research Council (1)
National Institute Economic Review (1)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (2)
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (19)
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Conference (4)
National Institute of Education, U.S. (6)
National Institute of Mental Health (1)
National Journal (1)
National Opinion Research Center - NORC (5)
National Poverty Center (5)
National Research Council (1)
National Science Foundation (2)
National Study of Youth and Religion (NSYR) (1)
National Tax Jourrnal (3)
National Technical Information Service - NTIS (1)
Nature (1)
Naval Postgraduate School (1)
Navy Personnel Research and Development Center (1)
NBER (15)
NBER - National Bureau of Economic Research (63)
Nebraska Journal of Economics and Business (2)
Nebraska Symposiumon Motivation (1)
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development (1)
New England Economic Review (1)
New England Journal of Medicine (2)
New England Journal of Public Policy (3)
New York Academy of Sciences (1)
New York Daily News (1)
New York Economic Association (1)
New York Economic Review (2)
New York State Department of Social Services (1)
New York Times (20)
New York University Press (3)
NICHD Conference (2)
Nicotine & Tobacco Research (2)
Nicotine and Tobacco Research (5)
NIDA Research Monograph (1)
Niskanen Center (1)
NLS Discussion Paper (28)
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (3)
Nonprofit Management and Leadership (1)
NORC - National Opinion Research Center (2)
North American Journal of Economics and Finance (1)
North Central Sociological Association (2)
North-Holland (2)
North-Holland Publishing (3)
Northeastern Educational Research Association (1)
Northern Social Science Review (1)
Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy (1)
Northwestern University (2)
Notre Dame Legal Studies Research Paper (1)
Now Publishers Inc. (1)
NPR (2)
NTIS - National Technical Information Service (1)
Numbers News (3)
Nursing Open (1)
Nursing Research (2)
NWSA Journal (1)
NYU Press (1)

Oberlin College (1)
Obesity (11)
Obesity (on-line) (1)
Obesity Research (3)
Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2)
Occupational Health and Safety (1)
Occupational Health Science (1)
OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2)
Office of Economic Research (1)
Office of Educational Research and Improvement (2)
Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) (1)
Office of Population Research, Princeton University (5)
Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) (2)
Ohio State Law Journal (1)
OhioLINK (12)
Oklahoma Current Farm Economics (1)
Oklahoma State University (1)
OLIN Working Papers (1)
Omaha World Herald (1)
OnCampus (1)
Open Family Studies Journal (1)
Open Public Health Journal (1)
Optometry and Vision Science (1)
Organization Science (1)
Organizational Research Methods (1)
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (1)
Oxford Economic Papers (3)
Oxford University Press (3)

Pacific Economic Review (1)
Pacific Research Institute (3)
Pacific Sociological Association (8)
Pacific Sociological Review (1)
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology (2)
PAIN (1)
Pain Medicine (1)
Palgrave Macmillian (1)
Papers of the Regional Science Association (1)
Parenting: Science and Practice (7)
Park Place Economist (5)
Peabody College, Vanderbilt University (1)
Peabody Journal of Education (1)
Peace Research Institute - Dundas (Canada) (1)
Pediatric Academic Societies (3)
Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting (3)
Pediatric Nursing (1)
Pediatric Research (2)
Pediatrics (23)
Penn Institute for Economic Research (1)
Penn Institute for Economic Research Working Papers (PIER) (3)
Penn State University Press (2)
Penn State Workforce Education and Development Initiative (1)
Pennsylvania Economic Association (1)
Pennsylvania Economic Review (2)
Pennsylvania State University (1)
Pennsylvania State University - Mont Alto (1)
Pennsylvania State University Press (1)
Perceptual and Motor Skills (3)
Pergamon (1)
Personal Relationships (1)
Personality and Individual Differences (19)
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (2)
Personnel Administrator (1)
Personnel Psychology (3)
Perspectives on Psychological Science (1)
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health (15)
Pew Charitable Trust (4)
Ph.D. Dissertation (310)
Ph.D. Dissertation - post 2004 (701)
Ph.D. Dissertation - pre 2005 (290)
Ph.D. Dissertation (USE: Proquest Information & Learning after 2005) (10)
Phi Delta Kappan (1) (1)
PIER Working Papers (1)
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (2)
Plain Dealer (6)
Plenum Press (4)
Poland Medical Academy (1)
Policy Options (1)
Policy Studies Journal (2)
Policy Studies Review (1)
Political Behavior (1)
Political Economy Working Paper (1)
Political Psychology (1)
Political Research Quarterly (1)
Political Science and Politics (1)
Politics and Society (2)
Politics, Groups, and Identities (1)
Population and Development Review (5)
Population and Environment (2)
Population and Society (an on-line journal) (2)
Population Association of America (816)
Population Council (1)
Population Research and Policy Review (35)
Population Research and Policy Review - PR-squared (1)
Population Research Center - NORC (4)
Population Research Institute, The Pennsylvania State University (8)
Population Review (2)
Population Studies (4)
Population Studies and Training Center, Brown University (2)
Population Studies Center, University of Michigan (6)
Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania (5)
Population, Space and Place (2)
Praeger (2)
Praeger Publishers (2)
Presentation (1)
Preventing Chronic Disease (1)
Prevention Science (2)
Preventive Medicine (8)
PRGS - Pardee RAND Graduate School (1)
Princeton University News (1)
Princeton University Press (9)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) (5)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences (1)
Proceedings, Social Statistics Section (1)
Professional Psychology (2)
Professional School Counseling (1)
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) - UMI (12)
Psych (1)
Psychiatry Research (3)
Psychological Bulletin (1)
Psychological Medicine (1)
Psychological Methods (3)
Psychological Reports (5)
Psychological Review (2)
Psychological Science (6)
Psychology and Aging (1)
Psychology in the Schools (1)
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (1)
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts (1)
Psychology Press (3)
Psychology, Crime and Law (1)
Psychometrika (1)
Psychosomatic Medicine (1)
Public Finance (1)
Public Finance Quarterly (1)
Public Finance Review (1)
Public Health (2)
Public Health Nursing (1)
Public Health Reports (2)
Public Opinion Quarterly (6)
Public Productivity and Management Review (1)
Public Welfare (1)
Publication # , Child Trends Research Brief (1)
PubMed (on-line database) (2)
Punishment and Society (1)

QSHC - Quality and Safety in Health Care (1)
Quality and Quantity (1)
Quality of Life Research (1)
Quantitative Economics (8)
Quarterly Journal of Economics (16)
Quarterly Review of Economics and Business (3)
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (5)
Queens College and Center for Business and Government (1)

R and D Monograph (5)
Race and Social Problems (9)
Race, Gender and Class (2)
Radcliffe College and Economics Department (1)
RAND (20)
Rand Corporation (11)
Rationality and Society (2)
RC 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility (1)
Reading Psychology (1)
Real Estate Economics (4)
Reason Magazine (1)
Regional Review (1)
Regional Science and Urban Economics (2)
Regional Science Association (2)
Regional Science Perspective (1)
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin (1)
Report (5)
Report / Newmagazine (National Edition) (1)
Report of the Minimum Wage Study Commission (1)
Research and Occasional Paper Series: CSHE (1)
Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility (1)
Research in Higher Education (11)
Research in Higher Education Journal (RHEJ) (1)
Research in Human Development (3)
Research in Labor Economics, 1977-1998 (10)
Research in Labor Economics, 1999-2007 (2)
Research in Labor Economicsm 2008- (1)
Research in Nursing and Health (3)
Research in Official Statistics (1)
Research in Population Economics (3)
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility (26)
Research in Sociology of Education and Socialization (3)
Research in the Sociology of Work (1)
Research in Urban Economics (1)
Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) (1)
Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood (1)
Research on Aging (21)
Research on Social Work Practice (1)
Research Program in Development Studies, Princeton University (1)
Reuters News Service (1)
Review of Agricultural Economics (2)
Review of Black Political Economy (21)
Review of Business and Economic Research (1)
Review of Economic Dynamics (16)
Review of Economic Studies (8)
Review of Economics and Statistics (82)
Review of Economics of the Household (21)
Review of Finance (2)
Review of Financial Studies (1)
Review of Higher Education (1)
Review of Income and Wealth (4)
Review of Law and Economics (1)
Review of Public Data Use (9)
Review of Public Personnel Administration (3)
Review of Regional Studies (2)
Review of Religious Research (1)
Review of Social Economy (8) (1)
Rice University (1)
Risk Analysis (2)
Robin Hood Foundation (2)
Rocky Mountain News (4)
Routledge (5)
Rural Development Perspectives (4)
Rural Sociological Society (6)
Rural Sociology (9)
Russell Sage Foundation (54)
Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences (9)
Rutgers University Press (1)
Rutgers University, Department of Economics (1)
Rutgers University, State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick (1)
RWJ Lecture Series (1)

Sacramento Bee (1)
Sage Open (1)
Sage Publications (13)
Sam Houston State University (1)
San Diego Union-Tribune (1)
San Francisco Chronicle (3)
San Jose Mercury News (1)
SAS Global Forum (2)
SAS User Group of the Western Region of the United States (WUSS) (1)
SAS Users Group International (SUGI) (6)
Scandinavian Journal of Economics (3)
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics: Theory and Applications (2)
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health (6)
School Effectiveness and School Improvement: An International Journal of Research, Policy and Practice (1)
School of Business Administration, Loyola University Chicago (1)
School of Business Administration, Temple University (1)
School of Economic Sciences, Washington State University (2)
School of Economics and Social Sciences, Singapore Management University (1)
School of Economics, Singapore Management University (2)
School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University (3)
School of Education, University of California--Irvine (1)
School of Family and Consumer Resources, The University of Arizona (1)
School of Human Ecology, University of Wisconsin, Madison (1)
School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University (1)
School of Nursing, University of Washington (1)
School of Public Health, Columbia University (1)
School of Public Health, Harvard University (1)
School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, University of California - Merced (1)
School of Social Welfare, State University of New York at Albany (1)
School of Social Work, Rutgers University (1)
School of Social Work, San Diego State University (3)
School of Social Work, University of Washington (1)
School Psychology Review (1)
Science (2)
Science Advances (2)
Science Daily (1)
Scientific Reports (1)
ScientificCommons (1)
Scotsman (1)
Scottish Journal of Political Economy (1)
Seattle Times (2)
Seoul Journal of Economics (2)
Sex Roles (4)
Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity (1)
Signs (3)
Sleep Medicine (1)
Sloan School of Management, MIT (1)
Small Business Administration (U.S.) (2)
Small Business Economics (9)
Smart Library on Children and Families (1)
Smithsonian Institution (1)
SN Social Sciences (3)
Social and Personality Psychology Compass (1)
Social Biology (3)
Social Choice and Welfare (1)
Social Currents (4)
Social Forces (93)
Social Indicators Newsletter (1)
Social Indicators Research (8)
Social Justice Research (1)
Social Policy and Administration (1)
Social Policy Journal, The (1)
Social Problems (21)
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (7)
Social Psychological and Personality Science (2)
Social Psychology Quarterly (6)
Social Research (2)
Social Science (1)
Social Science and Medicine (52)
Social Science Electronic Publishing, Inc. (4)
Social Science Journal (15)
Social Science Quarterly (44)
Social Science Research (84)
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) (25)
Social Sciences (1)
Social Security Bulletin (6)
Social Service Review (10)
Social Statistics Section, American Statistical Association (2)
Social Systems Research Institute (SSRI) (1)
Social Work (4)
Social Work in Education (1)
Social Work in Health Care (2)
Social Work in Mental Health (1)
Social Work Research (7)
Society and Mental Health (5)
Society for Economic Dynamics (1)
Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies (10)
Society for Medical Decision Making (1)
Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research (2)
Society for Personality and Social Psychology (2)
Society for Prevention Research (2)
Society for Reseach on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) (2)
Society for Research in Child Development (28)
Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) (1)
Society for Research on Adolescence (5)
Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) (2)
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE) (1)
Society for Social Work and Research (11)
Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) (32)
Society for the Sociological Study of Social Problems (1)
Society for the Study of Social Biology (1)
Society for the Study of Social Problems (4)
Society of Economics and Education (SEE), Teachers College (1)
Society of Government Economists (SGE) (1)
Society of Labor Economists (15)
Society of Labor Economists Annual Meeting (4)
Socio-Economic Review (1)
Sociological Focus (6)
Sociological Forum (6)
Sociological Inquiry (7)
Sociological Methodology (6)
Sociological Methods and Research (16)
Sociological Perspectives (15)
Sociological Quarterly (17)
Sociological Research Online (1)
Sociological Review (1)
Sociological Science (10)
Sociological Spectrum (5)
Sociology and Social Research (3)
Sociology of Education (26)
Sociology of Education Association (SEA) (1)
Sociology of Health and Illness (1)
Sociology of Work and Occupations (4)
Sociometrics Corporation (1)
Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World (4)
South Carolina Rural Health Research Center (1)
Southeast Theory and International Economics Meetings (1)
Southeastern Regional Association of Family Economics Home Management (1)
Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists, Meetings (1)
Southern Demographic Association (SDA) (1)
Southern Economic Association (9)
Southern Economic Journal (39)
Southern Management Association (1)
Southern Rural Sociological Association (SRSA) (1)
Southern Rural Sociology (1)
Southern Sociological Society (10)
Southwest Decision Sciences Institute (1)
Southwestern Sociological Association (3)
Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men (1)
Spectrum: the Journal of State Government (1)
Springer Publishing Company (17)
Springer-Verlag (2)
SRCD - Society for Research in Child Development (1)
SSM - Population Health (10)
SSRN - Social Science Research Network (SSRN (9)
St. Louis Post-Dispatch (6)
St. Petersburg Times (3)
Stanford Center on Longevity (1)
Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality (1)
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) (2)
Stanford University Press (2)
Star Tribune (2)
State and Local Government Review (1)
State University of New York - Binghamton (1)
State University of New York Press (1)
Statistical Methods in Medical Research (1)
Statistical Theory and Related Fields (1)
Statistics Canada (4)
Statistics in Medicine (5)
Strategic Management Journal (1)
Stress and Health (1)
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal (12)
Studies in Microeconomics (1)
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (1)
Subcommittee on Social Security and Family Policy (2)
Substance Abuse (1)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) (1)
Substance Use and Misuse (9)
SUNY Series in the Sociology of Work (1)
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases (1)
Survey Research Laboratory, University of Illinois Chicago (1)
Survey Research Methods (1)
Sustainability (1)
Swedish Economic Policy Review (1)
Swedish Institute of Social Research (1)
Sydney Morning Herald (1)

Tampa Tribune (1)
Tartu University Press (1)
Taylor & Francis Group (10)
Teachers College Press (1)
Technical Report Series (1)
Tel Aviv University (1)
Temple University Press (3)
Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy (1)
The American Prospect (1)
The American Statistician (1)
The Atlantic (6)
The Columbus Dispatch (4)
The Contrarian (1)
The Economic Journal (1)
The Economist (1)
The Gazette (1)
The Independent (1)
The Institute for Child and Family Policy (1)
The Jerusalem Post (1)
The Manchester School (1)
The New York Post (2)
The Ohio State University (7)
The Park Place Economist (4)
The Policy Press (1)
The Prison Journal (1)
The Public Interest (1)
The RAND Corporation (3)
The Repository (1)
The Sociological Quarterly (5)
The Stata Journal (1)
The Straits Times (1)
The Telegraph (1)
The Times (UK) (1)
The Times of India (1)
The Washington Times (1)
The Weekly Gleener (1)
The World Economy (1)
Third Way (3)
Thomas Jefferson Center for Political Economy Working Paper Series (1)
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (1)
Time (8)
Tinbergen Institute (1)
Tinbergen Instutite Research Series (1)
Tobacco Control - On-line (1)
Tobacco Use Insights (2)
Toronto Star (2)
Training and Development (2)
Trames (1)
Transaction Publishers (1)

U.S. Army Research Institute (2)
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (11)
U.S. Bureau of the Census (4)
U.S. Census Bureau, Demographic Surveys Division (3)
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (2)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) (3)
U.S. Department of Defense (4)
U.S. Department of Education (3)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (10)
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (3)
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (2)
U.S. Department of Justice (4)
U.S. Department of Labor (61)
U.S. Government Printing Office (9)
U.S. News & World Report (1)
U.S. Small Business Administration (2)
U.S. Travel Association (1)
UBC Finance Working Papers (2)
UKnowledge - University of California, Center for Population Research (CCPR) (1)
UMI - ProQuest Digital Dissertations (14)
UMI - University Microfilms, Bell and Howell Information and Learning (12)
Undergraduate Economic Review (4)
Undergraduate Journal of Humanistic Studies (1)
Universidad de los Andes (1)
University College London (1)
University of Akron (1)
University of British Columbia, UBC Finance (1)
University of California - Berkeley (5)
University of California Press (2)
University of California, Merced (2)
University of Chicago (13)
University of Chicago Press (18)
University of Colorado-Denver (1)
University of Dayton (3)
University of Georgia (1)
University of Haifa (1)
University of Houston (8)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (4)
University of Iowa (2)
University of Kentucky (1)
University of Maryland (2)
University of Massachusetts - Amherst (3)
University of Michigan (3)
University of Minnesota (3)
University of Missouri-Columbia (1)
University of New South Wales (1)
University of North Carolina Press (1)
University of Pennsylvania (1)
University of Pittsburgh Press (1)
University of Southern California (1)
University of St. Thomas Research Symposium (1)
University of Tennessee, Knoxville (1)
University of Texas at Austin (13)
University of Washington (3)
University of Wisconsin - Madison (1)
University Park Press (1)
University Press of America (2)

unknown - untraceable (7)

Unwed Fathers Project (1)
UPI - United Press International (1)
Upjohn Institute for Employment Research (13)
Urban Affairs Review (1)
Urban and Social Change Review (1)
Urban Institute (26)
Urban Institute Press (10)
Urban Studies (1)
US Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service (1)
USA Today (13)

Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Journal (1)
Vanderbilt University (3)
Victims and Offenders: An International Journal of Evidence-based Research, Policy, and Practice (3)
Vierteljahrshefte Zur Wirtschaftsforschung (4)
Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law (1)
Vocational Education Journal (1)
Vocational Guidance Quarterly (1)

W.W. Norton and Company (1)
Wall Street Journal (12)
Washington Center for Equitable Growth (1)
Washington Policy Center (1)
Washington Post (36)
Washington State Institute for Public Policy (1)
Washington University (2)
Washington University - St. Louis, Economics Department (2)
Western Criminology Review (WCR) (1)
Western Economic Association (17)
Western Journal of Nursing Research (1)
Western Psychological Association (1)
Western Social Science Association (2)
Western Society of Criminology (1)
Westview Press (2)
Widner Law Review (1)
Wiley and Sons (6)
William T. Grant Foundation Mixed Method Workshop (1)
Woman\'s World (1)
Women and Criminal Justice (2)
Women and Health (from Haworth Medical Press) (5)
Women and the Aging Workforce (1)
Women and the Aging Workforce: A Literature Review (1)
Women's Health Issues (3)
Women\'s Health Weekly (1)
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (1)
Work and Family (10)
Work and Occupations (21)
Work Employment and Society (3)
Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation (1)
Working Woman (1)
Workshop on Labour Force Participation and Economic Growth (1)
Workshop on Quality and Efficiency in Education and Training (1)
World Congress of Sociology (2)
Worth Publishers (1)
WTHR (1)

Yahoo (1)
Yahoo! Web Services India Pvt Ltd (1)
Yale School of Management (1)
Yale University Press (1)
Youth and Society (41)
Youth Knowledge Development Report (1)
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice (9)