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National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 Child and Young Adult (NLSCYA)

Index to the NLSCYA Cohort

The NLSY79 Child and Young Adult cohort is a longitudinal project that follows the biological children of the women in the NLSY79. As of 2020, more than 10,000 children had been interviewed in at least one survey round. To date, a total of 11,551 children have been identified as born to interviewed NLSY79 mothers. Data are now available from 1986 to 2020, representing 16 survey rounds for the child sample and 14 for young adults in that time span.

  • Topical Guide to the Data

    Topic-by-topic descriptions of the NLSY79 Child and Young Adult data, a crosswalk between the NLS Investigator’s Areas of Interest, and a glossary of terms.
  • Asterisk Tables

    Table of NLSY79 Child and Young Adult topics across all survey rounds often referred to as the "Asterisk Table."
  • Introduction to the Sample

    Description of the sample, the sample design and screening process, interview methods, retention and reason for non-interview, and confidentiality.
  • Other Documentation

    Tutorials, NLSY79 Child and Young Adult Codebook Supplement, Geocode Supplement, Technical Sampling Report, List of Errata, and questionnaires for all rounds.
  • Using and Understanding the Data

    Information on survey instruments, variables types, the interviewing process, item nonresponse, sample weights and design effects, data documentation, and how to access the data.
  • Get Data

    The NLS Investigator provides access to all public NLS data, including NLSY79 Child and Young Adult data.