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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Demographic Surveys Division
Resulting in 3 citations.
1. |
Benner, Carol A. |
Differences in the Labor Force Statistics Between the Current Population Survey and the National Longitudinal Surveys Unpublished Manuscript, Prepared for the U.S. Census Bureau, Demographic Surveys Division, [N.D.] Cohort(s): Mature Women, Older Men, Young Men, Young Women Publisher: U.S. Department of Commerce Keyword(s): Current Population Survey (CPS) / CPS-Fertility Supplement; Earnings; Research Methodology; Wage Growth The author seeks common ground between the CPS and the NLS in order to examine differences in the statistics derived from them. Age and sex of the respondent, timing of the interviewing technique, and statistical adjustment are some of the variables considered in comparing the two surveys. It is determined that the differences contained in the surveys are due in part to the adjustments of the CPS data as well as to the fact that the NLS does not re-weight its sample after the first year of the survey. However, the author does concede that the two surveys are not only different methodologically, but directionally as well, and therefore not expected to show identical results. |
Bibliography Citation
Benner, Carol A. "Differences in the Labor Force Statistics Between the Current Population Survey and the National Longitudinal Surveys." Unpublished Manuscript, Prepared for the U.S. Census Bureau, Demographic Surveys Division, [N.D.]. |
2. |
Benner, Carol A. |
Longitudinal Surveys as a Source of Migration Data Unpublished Manuscript, Prepared for the U.S. Census Bureau, Demographic Surveys Division, 1970. Cohort(s): Young Women Publisher: U.S. Department of Commerce Keyword(s): Longitudinal Surveys; Migration; Research Methodology The NLS as a whole, and particularly the Young Women's cohort, is found to provide thorough and current migration data. One possible fault is that intra-SMSA moves are not considered migration, and that the details of these moves are not asked for in the interviews. Analysis of thirteen individual migrators are included, as are copies of all interview questions relating to migration. |
Bibliography Citation
Benner, Carol A. "Longitudinal Surveys as a Source of Migration Data." Unpublished Manuscript, Prepared for the U.S. Census Bureau, Demographic Surveys Division, 1970. |
3. |
Benner, Carol A. |
Preparing Interviewers' Training Materials: An Evaluation of New Materials Used on the 1971 Survey of Work Experience of Young Women Working Paper, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, [N.D.] Cohort(s): Young Women Publisher: U.S. Department of Commerce Keyword(s): Longitudinal Surveys; Research Methodology; Training The author evaluates the new style materials which show the new materials to be successful due to the interviewers' opinions obtained on evaluation forms. Twice as many interviewers found the new materials were "much better" as compared to those who rated them "a little better" than the old materials. The basic principles of brevity, direct language, personalized language and good formatting techniques, should be applied to all materials read by interviewers. As a result, interviewers may be able to better understand survey content and procedures. |
Bibliography Citation
Benner, Carol A. "Preparing Interviewers' Training Materials: An Evaluation of New Materials Used on the 1971 Survey of Work Experience of Young Women." Working Paper, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, [N.D.]. |