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Title: Do Parental Transfers Reduce Youths' Incentives to Work?
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1. |
Gong, Tao |
Do Parental Transfers Reduce Youths' Incentives to Work? Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations 23,4 (December 2009): 653-676. Also: Cohort(s): NLSY97 Publisher: Blackwell Publishing, Inc. => Wiley Online Keyword(s): Allowance, Pocket Money; Labor Supply; Modeling, Fixed Effects; Parental Influences This paper uses data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 to examine the effects that parental transfers from a family have on a youth's labor supply. The results from a fixed-effects two-stage least squares estimator suggest that: (i) parental pocket money reduces youths' incentives to work; (ii) parental allowances have a non-linear effect on hours worked; (iii) the subsample of siblings shows similar patterns that parental transfers have a negative impact on hours worked, although the magnitudes are slightly weaker than the full sample; and (iv) the response to parental transfers varies by age. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |
Bibliography Citation
Gong, Tao. "Do Parental Transfers Reduce Youths' Incentives to Work?" Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations 23,4 (December 2009): 653-676.