Fringe Benefits

Fringe Benefits


Young Women Fringe Benefits Variables


User Notes

1. The universe for the fringe benefit series is restricted to those respondents who had worked since the last interview and who were employed in a private business or as government workers.

2. Multiple entry "mark all that apply" questions typically found in the fringe benefit sections were originally coded as geometric progressions. Program statements to unpack such variables are presented in Appendix C. Beginning in 1993, each type of benefit is reported in a separate variable with a yes or no response. With this new format, geometric progressions are no longer used.

This section reviews the fringe benefit data collected for the Young Women. Additional information on other work-related benefits can be found in the Pension Benefits & Pension Plans section.

Data on the availability of fringe benefits provided by employers of respondents were collected in 1978 and 1983-2003. At each survey point, information was gathered about the following fringe benefits: (1) medical, surgical, hospital, and dental insurance (as well as vision insurance in some surveys); (2) life insurance; (3) a retirement pension program; (4) paid sick leave; (5) paid vacation; (6) training/educational opportunities; and (7) profit sharing. In addition, select surveys collected data on the availability of free/discounted meals or merchandise, paid and unpaid maternity leave, stock options, flexible work hours, child care, paid personal time, time off for child care, time off for elder care, or a flexible menu of benefits. Table YW1 below summarizes by survey year the numbers of employed respondents reporting the availability of each type of fringe benefit.

In 1987, additional items asked respondents to rank their most important and most desired fringe benefits. In 1991, the collection of fringe benefit data was broadened to include data on actual coverage by a health or retirement plan provided by the respondent's employer. Information on specific types of health insurance coverage (e.g., medical/surgical/hospital care, dental services, vision care, or prescription drugs) was collected, as were data on whether those respondents covered by a pension plan were vested. These pension data are discussed in the Pension Benefits & Pension Plans section of this guide.

Table YW1 Numbers of Employed Respondents Reporting the Availability of Various Types of Fringe Benefits at Their Current Job

Reporting Availability1 1978 1983 1985 1987 1988 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 20012 2003
One or More Benefits 1763 2089 2439 2445 2336 2364 2161 1724 1679 1586 1285 1339
No Benefits 232 284 -- 283 272 318 316 356 359 318 235 267
Type of Benefit
Medical/Surgical/Hospital/Dental/Vision Insurance 1523 1634 1911 2010 1895 1937 1796 -- -- -- ---- --
Medical Insurance -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1615 1593 1495 1217 1282
Dental Insurance -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1264 1271 1226 1046 1087
Life Insurance 1087 1349 1636 1729 1576 1588 1505 1399 1362 1284 1049 1105
Retirement Pension Program 1091 1295 1547 1654 1532 1634 1583 1453 1446 1343 1124 1187
Training/Education Opportunities 801 1038 1418 1537 1306 1337 1276 1122 1118 1004 797 847
Profit Sharing 327 430 570 634 504 519 482 450 408 367 295 289
Stock Options 284 362 457 487 401 411 396 -- 360 344 291 265
Free or Discounted Meals 287 224 431 482 395 385 349 -- -- -- -- --
Free or Discounted Merchandise 400 436 645 712 501 459 401 -- -- -- -- --
Paid Sick Leave 1356 1575 1833 1891 1743 1772 1694 13543 13333 12263 9983 10683
Paid Vacation Leave 1501 1683 1949 2001 1869 1922 1761 13693 13053 12173 9533 10033
Paid Maternity Leave 480 827 1158 1110 918 923 869 1391 1368 1217 996 1063
Unpaid Maternity Leave 561 493 1165 1144 617 609 653 -- -- -- -- --
Flexible Work Hours -- 717 1131 1199 899 955 855 732 773 740 611 611
Child Day Care -- 62 113 137 101 136 142 144 155 138 108 121
Paid Personal Time -- -- -- 1136 874 1059 937 -- -- -- -- --
Time off for Child Care -- -- -- 576 316 371 484 -- -- -- -- --
Time off for Elder Care -- -- -- -- -- 235 403 -- -- -- -- --
Flexible Menu of Benefits -- -- -- -- -- 529 584 -- -- -- -- --
Other -- 207 378 412 380 233 240 -- -- -- -- --
Universe: Respondents who were working, at the survey date, in a private company or as a government worker.
Note: For 1978-95, this table is based on R06026.00, R08115.00, R09541.00, R10700.00, R11179.00, R12421.00-R12440.00, R13764.00-R13783.00, and R2007400.-R20262.00. For 1997, 1999, 2001, and 2003, numbers are derived from the currently employed flag for each job (e.g., R44404.00) and the fringe benefits series for each job (e.g., R44548.00‑R44563.00).
1 The numbers will not sum to the universe total because most respondents receive more than one benefit.
2 Counts for 2001 are underestimated by about 6% due to an instrument problem. One or more jobs were incorrectly deleted from the employer roster in 2001 for 343 respondents, and information for some of their jobs is missing. Information for these jobs was collected in 2003, and 319 of the 343 respondents affected were interviewed in 2003. For a list of the 343 respondents for whom some employer information may be missing, see Appendix 42 in the Codebook Supplement.
3 A few respondents reported availability of combined sick/vacation leave, a separate category added in 1995 and not represented in this table.

Related Variables: Additional information was collected on eligibility for and receipt of various kinds of retirement benefits and/or on coverage by medical insurance. Users interested in these sets of questions should refer to the Income & Assets, Health, or Pension Benefits & Pension Plans sections of this guide.

Survey Instruments: The "Current Labor Force Status," "Current Labor Force Status and Work History," "Employment," and "Employer Supplement" sections of the questionnaires contain the questions on fringe benefits.


Bureau of Labor Statistics. Work & Family: Changes in Wages and Benefits among Young Adults. Report No. 849. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, July 1993.