Appendix F: Sample SAS Program for Merging NLSY79 Child/YA & Mother Files
Appendix F: Sample SAS Program for Merging NLSY79 Child/YA & Mother Files
* The sample SAS program reads a child-based file extracted from the NLSY79 Child
& Young Adult Data.
It then reads a main Youth file extracted from the NLSY79 main Youth data set.
The two files are sorted by case ID and merged to create a child-based file with
additional mother characteristics attached to each child case ID.
* NOTE: Users who start with data in a system file format can skip the steps that
read the ASCII files.
options nocenter;
filename chdfile 'Child file specification';
filename momfile 'Mother file specification';
data one(drop=C0000200);
infile chdfile;
input @1 C0000100 7.
C0000200 5.
C1526000 2.
C1531500 2.
C1531600 2. ;
kidflag=1; /* Use flag to restrict final child-based file after merge. */
momid=C0000200; /* Use same var name for mom ID in both files to be merged. */
label momid = "ID Code Of Mother Of Child";
label C0000100 = "ID Code Of Child";
label C1526000 = "Child Conditn Reqires Attention fr Dr 96";
label C1531500 = "Child Health Covered By Insurance 96";
label C1531600 = "Child Health Covered By Medicaid 96";
label kidflag = "Observation From Child Dataset"; run;
proc sort; by C0000100; run; /* Sort by child ID; mother ID is embedded in child ID */
proc format;
value yesnof 1 = 'Yes' 0 = 'No'; run;
proc contents;
title1 'NLSY79 Child: Sample Merge program-Mother vars from main Youth file';
title2 'Extract child-based child health insurance variables'; run;
proc means; run;
proc freq;
tables C1526000 C1531500 C1531600;
format C1526000 C1531500 C1531600 yesnof.; run;
data two(drop=R0000100);
infile momfile;
input @1 R0000100 5.
R0214800 2.
R5625500 2.
R5625600 2.
R5625601 2.
R5625602 2.
R5625603 2.
R5625604 2.
R5625605 2.
R5625606 2.;
momid=R0000100; /* Assign same ID name in both child & mother-based files */
label momid = "NLSY79 Identification Code (1-12686) 79";
label R0214800 = "Sex Of R 79";
label R5625500 = "Children Have any Health/Hospitl Plan 96";
label R5625600 = "Hlth Plan-Current Employer Policy 96";
label R5625601 = "Hlth Plan-Previous Employer Policy 96";
label R5625602 = "Hlth Plan-Spouse/Partnr Curr Employer 96";
label R5625603 = "Hlth Plan-Spouse/Partnr Prev Employer 96";
label R5625604 = "Hlth Plan-Direct Purchase frm Med Co. 96";
label R5625605 = "Hlth Plan-Medicaid/Pub Assist/Welfare 96";
label R5625606 = "Hlth Plan - Other Source 96";
if R0214800=2; /* Restrict main Youth file to females */ run;
proc sort; by momid; run;
proc contents;
title 'NLSY79 Females: Extract child health insurance vars'; run;
proc means; run;
data three;
merge one(in=kids) two(in=females); by momid;
if kids=1; /* Merge child-based and mother-based files: output as child-based file. */
proc means;
title 'Check final merge of NLSY79 Child & Mother files';
proc freq;
tables C1526000 C1531500 C1531600
R5625500 R5625600 R5625601 R5625602 R5625603 R5625604 R5625605 R5625606
C1531500*(C1526000 R5625500);
format R5625500 C1526000 C1531500 yesnof.;
proc print data=three(obs=20);