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National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY97)

Attitudes, Expectations, Non-Cognitive Tests, & Activities: An Introduction

Information has been gathered on NLSY97 respondents' attitudes, expectations of the future, non-cognitive tests, and activities such as weekly activities, political and community participation, and computer use. Table 1 summarizes the NLSY97 topics available in this section.

Table 1. Expectations, attitudes, behaviors, and time use topics and universe restrictions
NLSY97 User's Guide Topic Universe Restrictions
Attitudes Justice Systems Conjecture on events that might follow a hypothetical arrest All ages in rounds 1-4
Parents Respondent rates parents' behavior 12-14 year olds in rounds 1-4
Peers Estimates of peers' positive and negative activities and behaviors All ages in round 1 and round 8; "Best friend" questions in round 6
School Opinions about school environment, including teacher quality, discipline, and safety All ages in round 1 (for those enrolled in school)
Self Scale similar to Achenbach's Youth Self Report Ages 12-14 in round 1
Domains of Influence Who the respondent turns to for advice for a number of issues All ages in rounds 7 and 9
Mental Health Measures Respondent rates their mental health via Mental Health Inventory All ages in rounds 4-6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 17-18 (See Health section for description.)
Risk Assessment Respondent rates their willingness to take risks in various settings and scenarios All ages in round 14
Miscellaneous Attitude Questions Opinions about different topics; varies by round All ages in rounds 10 and up
Community Participation & Volunteerism
Any unpaid volunteer work; reason for participation
Rounds 9, 11, 15, and 16; all ages.

Computer & Internet Access

Respondent's computer and internet use; Questions vary by round

Rounds 7 and up, all ages.


Respondent's and parent's beliefs about what the respondent's future might be

Ages 15 and 16 in round 1; All ages in round 4-5. Age 16 in round 6.

Political Participation

Political interest and voting habits

All ages in rounds 8, 10, 12, 14
Religion: Preferences, Beliefs, & Practices All ages. Respondent's religious preferences in rounds 1, 9, 12, 15, and 18-20; Beliefs and practices in rounds 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18-20; worship/church attendance in rounds 4-15, 17-20; partner's religion in all rounds; parent's religion in round 1.

Speech Data

Audio data (converted into numerical data) collected to learn about the connection between a worker's speech and labor market success.

Round 15; African-American and Southern white respondents, as well as a sample of the rest of the survey cohort.

Time Use

Amount of time respondent spends on various activities

Round 1: Ages 12-14 (16--not enrolled or employed.) Rounds 2 and 3: >=15--not enrolled or employed. Rounds 6, 11-15, and 17-18: time spent on TV, computers, sleep.
Note: Age restrictions as of 12/31/1996 unless stated otherwise.