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Author: Golon, Jeff
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Hills, Stephen M.
D'Amico, Ronald
Ball, David E.
Golon, Jeff
Jackson, John L.
Latack, Janina C.
Lynch, Lisa M.
Mangum, Stephen L.
Shapiro, David
The Changing Market: A Longitudinal Study of Fifteen Years of Labor Market Experience of Young Men
Report, Columbus OH: Center for Human Resource Research, The Ohio State University, 1984
Cohort(s): Young Men
Publisher: Center for Human Resource Research
Keyword(s): Clare Jellick; Displaced Workers; Labor Market Demographics; Military Service; Unemployment

Chapter 1: The Changing Market
Chapter 2: The Displaced Worker
Chapter 3: Adujusting to Recession
Chapter 4: Adjusting to the Structure of Jobs
Chapter 5: The Household Costs of Unemployment
Chapter 6: Career Mobility
Chapter 7: Long Run Effects of Military Service
Chapter 8: Skill Transfer
Chapter 9: How Fluid is the U.S. Labor Market?
Bibliography Citation
Hills, Stephen M., Ronald D'Amico, David E. Ball, Jeff Golon, John L. Jackson, Janina C. Latack, Lisa M. Lynch, Stephen L. Mangum and David Shapiro. "The Changing Market: A Longitudinal Study of Fifteen Years of Labor Market Experience of Young Men." Report, Columbus OH: Center for Human Resource Research, The Ohio State University, 1984.