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Author: Jackson, Aurora P.
Resulting in 2 citations.
1. Jackson, Aurora P.
Preferences for Employment and Perceived Well-Being Among Black Single Employed Mothers of Preschool-Aged Children
Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University, 1990
Cohort(s): NLSY79
Publisher: UMI - University Microfilms, Bell and Howell Information and Learning
Keyword(s): Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC); Maternal Employment; Parents, Single; Preschool Children; Well-Being

This study examined the relationship of employment preferences to role strain, emotional well-being , and mothers' perceptions of their children in a sample of 111 employed black single mothers, each with a 3- or 4-year-old child. The mothers, former recipients of AFDC, completed a self-administered questionnaire.
Bibliography Citation
Jackson, Aurora P. Preferences for Employment and Perceived Well-Being Among Black Single Employed Mothers of Preschool-Aged Children. Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University, 1990.
2. Smith, Judith R.
Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne
Jackson, Aurora P.
Parental Employment and Children
In: Indicators of Children's Well-Being. R.M. Hauser, B. V. Brown, and W.R. Prosser, eds., New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1997: 279-308.
Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79, NLSY79
Publisher: Russell Sage Foundation
Keyword(s): Behavior Problems Index (BPI); Child Care; Child Self-Administered Supplement (CSAS); Current Population Survey (CPS) / CPS-Fertility Supplement; Family Resources; Home Observation for Measurement of Environment (HOME); Labor Force Participation; Maternal Employment; Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID); Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT)

Includes bibliographical references and index. Indicators of children's well-being : a review of current indicators based on data from the federal statistical system / Brett V. Brown -- Criteria for indicators of child well- being / Kristin A. Moore -- Population indicators of prenatal and infant health / Paula Lantz and Melissa Partin -- Health indicators for preschool children, ages one to four / Barbara L. Wolfe and James Sears -- Health indicators for preadolescent school-age children / Barbara Starfield -- Adolescent health indicators / Arthur B. Elster -- Indicators for school readiness, schooling, and child care in early to middle childhood / Deborah A. Phillips and John M. Love -- Indicators of high school completion and dropout / Robert M. Hauser -- Postsecondary and vocational education : keeping track of the college track / Thomas J. Kane -- Indicators of educational achievement / Daniel Koretz -- Indicators of children's economic well-being and parental employment / Susan E. Mayer -- Longitudinal indicators of children's poverty and dependence / Greg J. Duncan and Leslie Moscow -- Parental employment and children / Judith R. Smith, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and Aurora Jackson -- Demographic change and the population of children : race/ethnicity, immigration, and family size / Dennis P. Hogan and David J. Eggebeen -- Family structure, stability, and the well-being of children / Gary D. Sandefur and Jane Mosley -- The influence of neighborhoods on children's development : a theoretical perspective and a research agenda / Frank F. Furstenberg, Jr., and Mary Elizabeth Hughes -- Potential and problems in developing community-level indicators of children's well-being / Claudia J. Coulton -- Indicators of positive development in early childhood : improving concepts and measures / J. Lawrence Aber and Stephanie M. Jones -- Indicators of problem behavior and problems in early childhood / John M. Love -- Positive indicators of adolescent development : redressing the negative image of American adolescents / Ruby Takanishi, Allyn M. Mortimer, and Timothy J. McGourthy -- The status of adolescent problem behavior indicators / Bruce P. Kennedy and Deborah Prothrow-Stith -- Potential and problems in developing indicators on child well-being from administrative data / Robert M. Goerge -- Context and connection in social indicators : enhancing what we measure and monitor / Marc L. Miringoff and Marque-Luisa Miringoff -- Children in dire straits : how do we know whether we are progressing? / William R. Prosser and Matthew Stagner.
Bibliography Citation
Smith, Judith R., Jeanne Brooks-Gunn and Aurora P. Jackson. "Parental Employment and Children" In: Indicators of Children's Well-Being. R.M. Hauser, B. V. Brown, and W.R. Prosser, eds., New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1997: 279-308.