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Author: Nafziger, Dean H.
Resulting in 2 citations.
1. Nafziger, Dean H.
A Markov Chain Analysis of the Movement of Young Men Using the Holland Occupational Classification
Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology 3 (Winter 1973)
Cohort(s): Young Men
Publisher: American Psychological Association (APA)
Keyword(s): Career Patterns; Clare Jellick; Holland's Typology; Markov chain / Markov model; Occupational Segregation; Racial Differences; Work Experience

Results from the Holland occupational classification and Markov chain analysis used for describing and predicting career patterns show that a narrow range of occupational experience was most prevalent among younger men; however, for black men, the narrow range persisted in the older group. Compared to the other groups, white men held jobs in a wider variety of occupational categories in which case they tended to be more stable in their initial occupational categories.
Bibliography Citation
Nafziger, Dean H. "A Markov Chain Analysis of the Movement of Young Men Using the Holland Occupational Classification." Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology 3 (Winter 1973).
2. Nafziger, Dean H.
Holland, J. L.
Helms, S. T.
McPartland, James M.
Applying an Occupational Classification to the Work Histories of Young Men and Women
Journal of Vocational Behavior 5,3 (December 1974): 331-345.
Cohort(s): Young Men, Young Women
Publisher: Academic Press, Inc.
Keyword(s): Career Patterns; Clare Jellick; Holland's Typology; Occupational Aspirations; Work History

Holland's occupational classification is used to analyze work histories of young men and women ages 14 through 24. The analysis supports the usefulness of occupational classification for organizing work histories. The results indicate that for both sexes the classification reflected regular patterns for job changes. In addition, the category of a previous job is found to be a good predictor of subsequent jobs; likewise, the category of a current job forecasts the category of his/her vocational aspiration. Finally, consistency of an occupational code was related to job stability for whites.
Bibliography Citation
Nafziger, Dean H., J. L. Holland, S. T. Helms and James M. McPartland. "Applying an Occupational Classification to the Work Histories of Young Men and Women." Journal of Vocational Behavior 5,3 (December 1974): 331-345.