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Author: Pagan, Jose A.
Resulting in 4 citations.
1. Davila, Alberto
Pagan, Jose A.
Grau, Montserrat Viladrich
The Impact of IRCA on the Job Opportunities and Earnings of Mexican-American and Hispanic-American Workers. (Immigration Reform and Control Act)
International Migration Review 32,1 (Spring 1998): 79-95.
Cohort(s): NLSY79
Publisher: Center for Migration Studies
Keyword(s): Earnings; Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO); Hispanic Studies; Hispanics; Immigrants; Migration; Skilled Workers; Transfers, Skill; Wage Gap; Wage Levels

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This article studies the earnings gap between Mexican, Hispanic and non-Hispanic white male workers resulting from changes in both the wage structure and immigration laws that occurred during the 1980s. Our results suggest that Mexican and Hispanic workers were adversely affected by these two changes. Using data from the 1980 and 1990 One Percent Public Use Microdata Samples, we show that these "at-risk" workers minimized the negative impact of the increases in the returns to skill by gaining in the non-Hispanic white residual wage distribution. We conclude that at-risk workers increased their work effort to lessen the effects of Act-induced employment losses. Using 1983-1992 data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and EEOC data for this period, we provide support for this contention. COPYRIGHT 1998 Center for Migration Studies of New York Inc.
Bibliography Citation
Davila, Alberto, Jose A. Pagan and Montserrat Viladrich Grau. "The Impact of IRCA on the Job Opportunities and Earnings of Mexican-American and Hispanic-American Workers. (Immigration Reform and Control Act)." International Migration Review 32,1 (Spring 1998): 79-95.
2. Pagan, Jose A.
Cardenas, Gilberto
The Role of Occupational Attainment, Labor Market Structure, and Earnings Inequality on the Relative Earnings of Mexican Americans: 1986-1992
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 19,3 (August 1997): 243-267.
Cohort(s): NLSY79
Publisher: Sage Publications
Keyword(s): Hispanic Studies; Immigrants; Income Dynamics/Shocks; Occupational Attainment; Wage Gap; Wage Levels

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This article analyzes how the 1990-1991 recession and recent changes in U.S. immigration laws may have affected the employment and earnings of Mexican Americans. Using data from the 1986 and 1992 waves of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (n = 2,091), the authors attempt to explain the decline in real earnings experienced by Mexican Americans during this period. The relative earnings of Mexican American males (females) fell from 92.41% (7767%) in 1986 to 82.54% (74.71%) in 1992. Although Mexican Americans seem to be relatively concentrated in low-paying occupations, recent changes in the U.S. wage structure may have worked to offset the observed decrease in relative earnings.
Bibliography Citation
Pagan, Jose A. and Gilberto Cardenas. "The Role of Occupational Attainment, Labor Market Structure, and Earnings Inequality on the Relative Earnings of Mexican Americans: 1986-1992." Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 19,3 (August 1997): 243-267.
3. Pagan, Jose A.
Davila, Alberto
Obesity, Occupational Attainment, and Earnings
Social Science Quarterly 78,3 (September 1997): 756-770
Cohort(s): NLSY79
Publisher: University of Texas Press
Keyword(s): Benefits; Benefits, Fringe; Discrimination; Discrimination, Employer; Discrimination, Sex; Economics of Discrimination; Economics of Gender; Economics of Minorities; Obesity; Wage Differentials; Weight

Permission to reprint the abstract has been denied by the publisher.

Bibliography Citation
Pagan, Jose A. and Alberto Davila. "Obesity, Occupational Attainment, and Earnings." Social Science Quarterly 78,3 (September 1997): 756-770.
4. Pagan, Jose A.
Davila, Alberto
On-the-Job Training, Immigration Reform, and the True Wages of Native Male Workers
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 35,1 (January 1996): 45-58.
Cohort(s): NLSY79
Publisher: Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Berkeley
Keyword(s): Discrimination; Discrimination, Job; Immigrants; Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA); Training, On-the-Job; Unemployment Rate, Regional; Unions; Wages

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An attempt to assess the 1986 Immigration Reform & Control Act's (IRCA) impact on the "true" earnings of native workers, ie, observed wages & compensation received in the form of on-the-job training (OJT). Data from the 1983-1992 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth suggest that IRCA reduced the true wages of male natives most likely to be mistaken as unauthorized. Mexican Americans suffered the largest decline in post-IRCA OJT. It is concluded that antidiscrimination policies following recent immigration reform have not fully protected some US natives against unintended IRCA-related employment discrimination ... Adapted from the source document. (Copyright 1996, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.)
Bibliography Citation
Pagan, Jose A. and Alberto Davila. "On-the-Job Training, Immigration Reform, and the True Wages of Native Male Workers." Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 35,1 (January 1996): 45-58.