Work Experience

Work Experience

Created Variables

Variables created to provide work experience data vary according to the type of job the respondent has (employee versus self-employed). Table 1 has been created so that users can more easily find the appropriate variable to use. Work experience variables are created for each survey year.

Table 1. Work Experience Created Variables

Variable Description Employee-Type Job Self-Employed Job All Jobs
Weeks worked at each job, calendar year CV_WKSWK_JOB_YR.xx.xx
(rounds 1-8)
-- --
Weeks worked at each job, since last interview CV_WKSWK_JOB_DLI.xx -- --
Weeks worked at any job, calendar year CVC_WKSWK_YR_ET.xx CVC_WKSWK_YR_SE.xx CVC_WKSWK_YR_ALL.xx
Weeks worked at any job, since last interview


(round 19 and up)



(round 19 and up)

Total # of jobs held, calendar year CVC_TTL_JOB_YR_ET.xx CVC_TTL_JOB_YR_SE.xx CVC_TTL_JOB_YR_ALL.xx
Cumulative # of jobs held, since age 14 CVC_TTL_JOB_TEEN2 (age 14-19)
-- CVC_TTL_JOB_ADULT2.ALL (age 20+)
Total # of hours worked, calendar year CVC_HOURS_WK_YR_ET.xx CVC_HOURS_WK_YR_SE.xx CVC_HOURS_WK_YR_ALL.xx
Cumulative # of weeks worked as a teen (age 14-19)


-- --
Cumulative # of weeks worked as an adult (age 20 and up)





From the data collected on employee jobs and freelance jobs, researchers can construct a longitudinal record for the respondent's employment history from age 14 to the current interview date.

Survey staff provide created variables, which summarize different aspects of a respondent's labor force activity, for employee jobs held since the age of 14. The various sets of variables calculate weeks worked, hours worked, and the number of jobs held across difference time frames. 

In addition, a smaller set of variables is provided for self-employment since January of the year each respondent turned age 18 and for self-employment and employee jobs combined.

Comparison to Other NLS Surveys: Total number of weeks worked and total weeks of tenure variables have been constructed for each cohort; consult the appropriate cohort's User's Guide for more information on the precise survey years in which these variables are available.

Survey Instruments: The questions used to construct the created variables are found in the employment section (see questions that begin with YEMP) of the Youth Questionnaire.

Related User's Guide Sections Tenure
Employers & Jobs
Main Area of Interest Employment: Jobs & Employers