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Author: Mariner, Carrie L.
Resulting in 4 citations.
1. Mariner, Carrie L.
Zaslow, Martha J.
Sugland, Barbara W.
Factor Structure and Predictive Validity of the HOME-Short Form for Three Racial/Ethnic Groups in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Methods Working Paper #98.2, Child Trends, Inc., Washington,DC, May 1998.
Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79
Publisher: Child Trends, Inc.
Keyword(s): Ethnic Differences; Family Structure; Home Observation for Measurement of Environment (HOME); Racial Differences

When examining the effectiveness of parenting measures, the degree to which the measure is valid across racial/ ethnic groups is a critical issue to consider. Although some investigators have expressed concerns with validity of the HOME- Short Form across racial/ ethnic groups, the issue has not been systematically analyzed.

The purpose of this working paper is to examine the comparability across three major racial/ethnic groups (European American, African American, and Mexican American) of the factor structure and predictive validity of three versions of the HOME-Short Form (infant/toddler, early childhood, and middle childhood versions) used in the 1988 wave of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth-Child Supplement. Factor analyses were carried out examining the factor structure in the full sample and for each racial/ethnic subgroup separately. In the early childhood and middle childhood versions of the HOME-Short Form, there is great similarity in the factor structures found for the three racial/ethnic groups and for the sample as a whole. This is not the case, however, for the infant/toddler version. Prediction to child outcomes in longitudinal analyses was comparable when scales were created based on full-sample factor analyses and on factor analyses for separate racial/ethnic groups. That is, use of race/ethnicity-specific scales did not improve prediction. It is noteworthy, however, that the particular subscales that served as significant predictors of the child behavioral and cognitive outcomes differed for the three racial/ethnic groups.

In general, the findings indicate that while the same underlying constructs appear to exist in parenting behavior and the home environment across racial/ethnic groups (except in very early development), these constructs do not relate to later developmental outcomes in the same way across groups. Rather, different aspects of parenting and the home environment serve as the strongest predictors of development for each group.

Bibliography Citation
Mariner, Carrie L., Martha J. Zaslow and Barbara W. Sugland. "Factor Structure and Predictive Validity of the HOME-Short Form for Three Racial/Ethnic Groups in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth." Methods Working Paper #98.2, Child Trends, Inc., Washington,DC, May 1998.
2. Moore, Kristin Anderson
Halle, Tamara G.
Vandivere, Sharon
Mariner, Carrie L.
Scaling Back Survey Scales: How Short is too Short?
Sociological Methods and Research 30,4 (May 2002): 530-567.
Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79
Publisher: Sage Publications
Keyword(s): Behavior Problems Index (BPI); Child Development; Data Quality/Consistency; Home Observation for Measurement of Environment (HOME); Parent-Child Relationship/Closeness; Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT- Reading); Scale Construction; Test Scores/Test theory/IRT

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

To understand children's development, one must examine an array of constructs. Yet the time and budget constraints of large-scale survey research create a dilemma: how to cut scales to the fewest possible items while still retaining their predictive properties. In this article, the authors compare the predictive validity of several shortened versions of the Behavior Problems Index and the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment--Short Form with their full scales within the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth--1979 cohort. They use the scales to predict delinquency, reading recognition scores, parent-child activities, and smoking behavior of 2,017 children at ages 13 or 14 from data gathered 2, 4, and 6 years prior. Analyses leave the authors cautiously optimistic that short scales, especially scales composed of items gathered at different time points and repeated regularly, may enjoy substantial predictive power. However, two-item scales may be too short, and psychometric study on additional scales is warranted. (PsycINFO Database Record Copyright: 2002 APA, all rights reserved)
Bibliography Citation
Moore, Kristin Anderson, Tamara G. Halle, Sharon Vandivere and Carrie L. Mariner. "Scaling Back Survey Scales: How Short is too Short?" Sociological Methods and Research 30,4 (May 2002): 530-567.
3. Moore, Kristin Anderson
Mariner, Carrie L.
Halle, Tamara G.
Scaling Back Survey Scales: How Short is too Short?
Presented: Ann Arbor, MI, Health and Retirement Study, Institute for Social Research, Conference on Data Quality Issues in Longitudinal Surveys, October 1998
Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79, NLSY79
Publisher: Institute for Social Research (ISR), University of Michigan
Keyword(s): Attrition; Behavior Problems Index (BPI); Child Development; Data Quality/Consistency; Family Environment; Genetics; Home Observation for Measurement of Environment (HOME); Longitudinal Data Sets; Longitudinal Surveys; Marital Conflict; Marital Instability; Parent-Child Relationship/Closeness; Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT- Reading); Peers/Peer influence/Peer relations; Research Methodology; Scale Construction; Test Scores/Test theory/IRT

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

Evolving research and theory indicate that the factors that affect child development are varied, and arise from multiple domains, including the family, the neighborhood, the school, and the peer group, in addition to genetic and physiological factors (Bronfenbrenner, 1977, 1979, 1986, 1989; Bronfenbrenner & Ceci, 1994). Even within a single domain -- the family-numerous processes have been posited and suggested to affect children's development in very different ways, some positive and some negative. For example, Day, Gavazzi, and Acock (1997) recommend multiple measures of family process constructs for inclusion in surveys, ranging from the intensity and frequency of marital conflict, to the use and creation of rituals. Similarly, Thornton (1998), summarizing the work of the NICHD Family and Child Well-being Research Network, lists dozens of candidate constructs for inclusion in studies of children and families. Collecting information on the varied factors that might potentially affe ct children's development places extraordinary data collection demands on a study. The respondent burden can become quite high, as data collection efforts can take an hour or more or even several hours. Repeated visits may be necessary at a single data collection point. Moreover, given a general consensus that longitudinal data are necessary in order to begin to address causal processes, there is a need to engage in these lengthy data collection efforts year after year. Thus, in addition to concerns about respondent burden, concerns must be addressed about the cumulative implications of very lengthy data collection studies on attrition, break-offs and respondent cooperation.
Bibliography Citation
Moore, Kristin Anderson, Carrie L. Mariner and Tamara G. Halle. "Scaling Back Survey Scales: How Short is too Short?" Presented: Ann Arbor, MI, Health and Retirement Study, Institute for Social Research, Conference on Data Quality Issues in Longitudinal Surveys, October 1998.
4. Tout, Kathryn
Zaslow, Martha J.
Mariner, Carrie L.
Halle, Tamara G.
Interviewer Ratings of Mother-Child Interaction and the Home Environment in the Context of Survey Research: Contributions and Concerns
Methods Working Paper #98.5, Washington DC: Child Trends, Inc., 1998.
Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79
Publisher: Child Trends, Inc.
Keyword(s): Home Observation for Measurement of Environment (HOME); Interviewer Characteristics; Interviewing Method; Parenting Skills/Styles

The purpose of these analyses is to test the reliability and validity of interviewer ratings of maternal/child interactions and the home environment as used in the survey adaptation of the HOME inventory, the HOME-Short Form. Although the results indicate that interviewer ratings are internally consistent and contribute to the prediction of child outcomes (albeit only slightly, there are a number of warning signs which suggest that further attention needs to be directed at improving the quality of interviewer ratings before they become a standard component of survey design. In particular, across-time and across-interviewer agreement was quite low, not even approaching acceptable levels particularly of inter-rater reliability. In addition, we saw no significant correlations between the maternal report and interviewer rating components comprising particular HOME-SF subscales.
Bibliography Citation
Tout, Kathryn, Martha J. Zaslow, Carrie L. Mariner and Tamara G. Halle. "Interviewer Ratings of Mother-Child Interaction and the Home Environment in the Context of Survey Research: Contributions and Concerns." Methods Working Paper #98.5, Washington DC: Child Trends, Inc., 1998.