Research/Technical Reports
Research/Technical Reports
Child Assessments: Selected Tables
These descriptive assessments reports contain cross-tabulations that describe the assessments administered to NLSY79 Children who were interviewed in each survey year. Starting in 1994, these assessments have been administered only to children who have not attained their 15th birthday by the end of the survey calendar year. See the Assessments section of the Topical Guide for information about eligible ages for each assessment in each survey round.
- 1994 (PDF)
- 1996 (PDF)
- 1998 (PDF)
- 2000 (PDF)
- 2002 (PDF)
- 2004
- Temperament
- Behavior Problems
- Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC)
- Memory for Digit Span
- PIAT Mathematics
- PIAT Reading Recognition
- PIAT Reading Comprehension
- Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT)
- (Note that Motor & Social Development was not included in the Child Survey in 2004.)
- 2006
- Temperament
- Motor & Social Development
- Behavior Problems
- Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC)
- Memory for Digit Span
- PIAT Mathematics
- PIAT Reading Recognition
- PIAT Reading Comprehension
- Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT)
- 2008
- Temperament
- Motor & Social Development
- Behavior Problems
- Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC)
- Memory for Digit Span
- PIAT Mathematics
- PIAT Reading Recognition
- PIAT Reading Comprehension
- Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT)
- 2010
Child Survey Resources
- NLSY Child Handbook: A Guide & Resource for the NLSY 1986 Child Data (PDF; published June 1989): Part one (text), Part two (appendixes)
- Children of the NLSY: 1988 Tabulations and Summary Discussion (PDF; published March 1991)
- Maternal-Child Health Data from the NLSY (PDF; 1988 survey round, published 1991)
- 1990 Child Handbook: A Guide to the 1986-1990 NLSY Child Data (PDF; published October 1993)): Part one (text), Part two (tables/appendixes)
- The Ten-and-Over Years: Self Reports from the Children of the NLSY (PDF; 1990 survey round, published 1993)
- The NLSY Children, 1992: Description and Evaluation (PDF; published September 1995)
- School Survey User's Guide (PDF; revised 2002)
- Child Assessment Research Bibliograpy (PDF; 2010)
- Child Health Bibliography (PDF; 2010)
- Maternal Employment & Child Outcomes Bibliography (PDF; 2011)
Child Survey Research Reports
- Absent Fathers and Child Development: Emotional and Cognitive Effects at Ages Five to Nine (Mott, 1993, PDF)
- Child Home Environment as a Mediating Construct Between SES and Child Outcomes (Parcel/Menaghan, 1989, PDF)
- Following Children over Time: Child Development and Its Linkages with Family Social and Economic Transitions (Baker/Mott, 1992, PDF)
- Measuring Behavioral Problems in a Large Cross Sectional Survey: Reliability and Validity for Children of the NLS Youth (Parcel/Menaghan, 1988, PDF)
- Measuring Temperament in a Large Cross Sectional Survey: Reliability and Validity for Children of the NLS Youth (Parcel/Menaghan, 1988, PDF)
- Participation in Project Head Start: Determinants and Possible Intermediate-Term Consequences (Mott/Quinlan, 1991, PDF)
- Patterning of Child Assessment Completion Rates in the NLSY: 1986-1996 (Mott/Pierfelice, 1998, PDF)